View Full Version : Americasnipers.org

01-15-2014, 10:16 AM
Here's another group of those rotten LEOs and retired rogue Cops who are helping our men in the military by providing our snipers and designated marksmen with the equipment that they need. Not one of these stinking badges are compensated in any way for what they are doing. I thought I'd post this link for those of you who might want to help out.


01-15-2014, 06:38 PM
I wasn't familiar with this initiative, muggsy. Thanks for posting.

01-16-2014, 04:52 PM
No problem, RRP. I just learned of the organization myself. I'd like to see our LEOs and Kahr Talk members who support our military to support this fine organization. They need all of the help that they can get. :Amflag2:

01-16-2014, 05:11 PM
Thanks for posting Muggs, Another group that is legit and really helps out our military with basic equipment that SHOULD be supplied by the Government but many times isn't is a group called "Troops Direct"....Heard about them from listening to a Shawn Hannity radio show and to hear about all the stuff our troops really need but can only get through groups like this is really sad....

Our Military personnel should be provided the very best equipment available but the reality is they sometimes need basic stuff like boots and eye protection and "Troops Direct" is a great way for the public to help them out...I give money to them and Wounded Warriors and know my money will be well spent rather than throw it away giving to rip off outfits like United Way

Check out Troops Direct: http://troopsdirect.org/:Amflag2:

01-16-2014, 06:16 PM
Thanks for posting Muggs, Another group that is legit and really helps out our military with basic equipment that SHOULD be supplied by the Government but many times isn't is a group called "Troops Direct"....Heard about them from listening to a Shawn Hannity radio show and to hear about all the stuff our troops really need but can only get through groups like this is really sad....

Our Military personnel should be provided the very best equipment available but the reality is they sometimes need basic stuff like boots and eye protection and "Troops Direct" is a great way for the public to help them out...I give money to them and Wounded Warriors and know my money will be well spent rather than throw it away giving to rip off outfits like United Way

Check out Troops Direct: http://troopsdirect.org/:Amflag2:

Nothing surprises me about the government or this administration. The freakin government just cut retirement benefits for our vets just after giving themselves a raise. We need to clean house on both sides of the aisle.