View Full Version : I dont see a problem here

01-16-2014, 11:19 AM

01-16-2014, 11:36 AM
I always laugh, we don't want to cause them stress or pain but they never seem to be concerned with the stress or pain they caused the victim he raped and stabbed to death.

I'm all for the rope myself.

Actually better yet would be 5 or 6 Jocko's with 380's at 25 yards. Keep shooting till he's dead. Could take days for the first hit and weeks to be fatal.
I kind of like that idea better than the rope.

01-16-2014, 12:50 PM
Only 15 minutes?

01-16-2014, 01:37 PM
He thinks he was going to heaven.....lol.

01-16-2014, 02:19 PM
I always laugh, we don't want to cause them stress or pain but they never seem to be concerned with the stress or pain they caused the victim he raped and stabbed to death.

I'm all for the rope myself.

Actually better yet would be 5 or 6 Jocko's with 380's at 25 yards. Keep shooting till he's dead. Could take days for the first hit and weeks to be fatal.
I kind of like that idea better than the rope.

could shoot um with a 45 and bruise them to death. Just sayin

I have no clue how this post even got on, as I have not been able to get on this damn forum all day and nutting has changed here. I do think the colonel is fokkin with ol jocko, can't be anything else:Amflag2: I get sgtressed out real fast at my age and then I take it out on my flock, which is not fair. The pressur e is gettin to me. It says I have no valid password so I tried to change it to a$$wipe and it doesn't recognize that word. I am at a loss.:Amflag2:

01-16-2014, 02:20 PM
Actually better yet would be 5 or 6 Jocko's with 380's at 25 yards. Keep shooting till he's dead. Could take days for the first hit and weeks to be fatal.
I kind of like that idea better than the rope.

better yet, give the Jockos a 45. This could take weeks or months. :rolleyes:

01-16-2014, 02:28 PM
could shoot um with a 45 and bruise them to death. Just sayin

I have no clue how this post even got on, as I have not been able to get on this damn forum all day and nutting has changed here. I do think the colonel is fokkin with ol jocko, can't be anything else:Amflag2: I get sgtressed out real fast at my age and then I take it out on my flock, which is not fair. The pressur e is gettin to me. It says I have no valid password so I tried to change it to a$$wipe and it doesn't recognize that word. I am at a loss.:Amflag2:


01-16-2014, 02:29 PM
My vet uses plain jane Demerol on everything up to cows and horses. Horse will be lights out in ten seconds and dead in a minute....whats the big deal with humans?

01-16-2014, 02:30 PM
I resemble tyhat Mr. O'Dell. Just sayin

01-16-2014, 02:31 PM
My vet uses plain jane Demerol on everything up to cows and horses. Horse will be lights out in ten seconds and dead in a minute....whats the big deal with humans?

test that stuff on some of those a$$wipes at Gitmo. No one will miss um, and if we keep our fokking mouths shut and keep the media away, WHO REALLY CARES if they linger 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 1 minute.

01-16-2014, 02:45 PM
I suppose I'm different as I am very conservative but I am against the death penalty for several reasons, It isn't used with any degree of fairness such as how can somebody like Charles Manson or even Brian Nichols who in cold blood shot and killed a Federal Judge, a Sheriff Deputy, a Court reporter and while on the run an ATF agent get life without parole and this guy get death?

Another reason is I'm sure there have been innocent people put to death either due to a vengeful jury or poor legal defense or they just flat out got the wrong guy and even if a guy is in prison 20 years and it is found out later that he is innocent you can always let him out but once dead, always dead, can't fix that one...

Doesn't make sense to me and I know if I were charged with a capital crime and I was given the choice of death by sleepy drops or life in a hell hole prison living every day with the gangs and knowing that every sunrise I ever saw again for the rest of my life would have bars in front of it then I would take death in a heartbeat....

If you really want to punish someone for their crimes then life without the possibility of parole is some serious punishment and worth the money IMHO...

Flame suit on....

01-16-2014, 03:44 PM
I like it better when they used "old sparky". You could smell the odor of fried chicken for miles. :)

01-16-2014, 03:47 PM
to expensive to give life todayt, alsoto expensive for a deatgh penalty to take 15+ years. Whether people ,like kMansion or look at OJ. he got off, u gotta blame that on the judicial system, not the crime itself. Mansion should have died. OJ should have died and not 15+ years later. That is the problem with our death penalty, we start to feel sorry for he fokker aftrer 15+ years of appeals etc and reviews etc. No doubt we might have hung an innocent man, Today tha tis less likelyt to hapen but again, if we get 99 out of 100 hun that deserve to be hung, then that is good enough for me. I am for the death penalty but not 15+ years later. Our system sucks IMO

01-16-2014, 03:47 PM
I believe that the criminal should die by the same means that they used to kill.

01-16-2014, 03:51 PM
I believe that the criminal should die by the same means that they used to kill.

but not sure u would find to many people who would want to knife a crimnal to death, as his sentence. Maybe a week after he killed the people with a knife, some would waqnt to do it but 15+ years later, I think it would be damn har dto find one to do that kind of penalty. I would not want to do it..:Amflag2:

01-16-2014, 04:02 PM
Hand me the knife. Just sayin. If thet're lookin for sympathy from old muggsy they'll find it in my dictionary in between sh!t and syphilis.

01-16-2014, 04:18 PM
but not sure u would find to many people who would want to knife a crimnal to death, as his sentence. Maybe a week after he killed the people with a knife, some would waqnt to do it but 15+ years later, I think it would be damn har dto find one to do that kind of penalty. I would not want to do it..:Amflag2:

You might be right, but relatives of the victim should get the right of first refusal.

01-16-2014, 04:46 PM
Todays Bingo goes to bob!

01-16-2014, 07:30 PM
I just read where some state rep in Wyoming wants to institute the firing squad as the back up to lethal injection due to this whole "cocktail shortage". Much cheaper and definitely quicker IMHO.

As to this "experiment", I deem it a success. The bastard died, didn't he?

01-16-2014, 07:46 PM
The subject of execution came up today at work, following my reading reports of the 15 minute squirm n gag fest that must have been delightful for the family of the young lady who was savagely murdered.

1. Guillotine. How good can it get? GOOD! I mean, c'mon, the A-rabs are still using the guillotine in pocket or belt wearable form. Works!

There is one caveat. The severed head has been reported, and actually tested (in France) as being living and aware for up to several minutes after its departure from the neck.

I have a work around: Instead of that basket that the head falls into, just have it fall into a wood chipper. No problem! Alternately, you can have the basket mounted on the arm of a miniature trebuchet. The added weight of the head will trip the release, and you can give the ol' bean one last thrill ride across the prison yard, dropping neatly into a tank of pirhana. Don't forget to take windage into account.

2. Firing squad. The Gilmore "Let's Do It!" way. Very easy, maybe, with the price of ammo, not as cheap as it once one, but hell... we can afford some reloads. The idea is to give half a dozen marksmen a rifle, one of which has a blank to give all of them an "out", thinking that it was their own rifle that fired the blank.
In reality, they hand out rifles each with a live round, and just tell 'em one's a blank. Hell, any rifle shooter can tell the difference between a 30-06 180grain hollowpoint and a blank when it comes to recoil.... The idea is not to have the guy who DID shoot the blank, tell the others he had it, thus inflicting additional moral discomfort on the other five shooters. Screw it. They get the right guys on the line, and they'll all want to rack another round into the chamber of those Remington bolt guns, just to be sure they got the job done.

01-16-2014, 07:54 PM
I suppose I'm different as I am very conservative but I am against the death penalty for several reasons, It isn't used with any degree of fairness such as how can somebody like Charles Manson or even Brian Nichols who in cold blood shot and killed a Federal Judge, a Sheriff Deputy, a Court reporter and while on the run an ATF agent get life without parole and this guy get death?

Another reason is I'm sure there have been innocent people put to death either due to a vengeful jury or poor legal defense or they just flat out got the wrong guy and even if a guy is in prison 20 years and it is found out later that he is innocent you can always let him out but once dead, always dead, can't fix that one...

Doesn't make sense to me and I know if I were charged with a capital crime and I was given the choice of death by sleepy drops or life in a hell hole prison living every day with the gangs and knowing that every sunrise I ever saw again for the rest of my life would have bars in front of it then I would take death in a heartbeat....

If you really want to punish someone for their crimes then life without the possibility of parole is some serious punishment and worth the money IMHO...

Flame suit on....

Dude has some points.

01-16-2014, 08:22 PM
I always said that for Saddam, they shouldn't have hanged him, but forced him to eat his own cooking instead.

01-16-2014, 08:22 PM
Better yet, forced him to eat my sisters cooking.......

01-16-2014, 09:32 PM
I suppose I'm different as I am very conservative but I am against the death penalty for several reasons, It isn't used with any degree of fairness such as how can somebody like Charles Manson or even Brian Nichols who in cold blood shot and killed a Federal Judge, a Sheriff Deputy, a Court reporter and while on the run an ATF agent get life without parole and this guy get death?

Another reason is I'm sure there have been innocent people put to death either due to a vengeful jury or poor legal defense or they just flat out got the wrong guy and even if a guy is in prison 20 years and it is found out later that he is innocent you can always let him out but once dead, always dead, can't fix that one...

Doesn't make sense to me and I know if I were charged with a capital crime and I was given the choice of death by sleepy drops or life in a hell hole prison living every day with the gangs and knowing that every sunrise I ever saw again for the rest of my life would have bars in front of it then I would take death in a heartbeat....

If you really want to punish someone for their crimes then life without the possibility of parole is some serious punishment and worth the money IMHO...

Flame suit on....

It's each state's choice whether or not to utilize the death penalty which explains some of the disparate fairness. So if you don't want the death penalty, you can commit your rapes and murders in states that won't allow it.

01-17-2014, 05:18 AM
Dude has some points.

Every one in prison is innocent of any wrong doing. Just ask them. When your DNA is found in the vaginal cavity and anal canal of a murder victim and your bloody finger print is found on the knife that cut her throat, I believe that we can say with reasonable certainty that you deserve the death penalty. Especially considering that the victim was in her eight month of pregnancy when murdered. How's that for points?

01-17-2014, 06:18 AM
For capitol crimes it takes 32 people to be convinced in Florida. Eighteen on the grand jury, the prosecutor, the 12 on the trial jury and the judge must confer with the capitol sentance. Add one more for the cop that made the arrest.

You have probable cause, indictment, prosecution, conviction and judicial review.

Add one more for the governor too.

Thats 34 folks. Any one of them says no....it dont happen.

01-17-2014, 06:20 AM
The more I ponder it, the more I like the guillotine trebuchet combination.....but lets replace the pirhana take with the wood chipper.

01-17-2014, 09:15 AM
You guys are a tough crowd!...I need to clarify what I said earlier, I fully support the death penalty IF it fits the crime and there is NO doubt what so ever about who did the crime...This guy in Ohio is obviously a turd bag johnson face who admitted to the family that he did it so he deserved what he got and I'm glad he's gone forever from the earth....

I do have a problem with cases such as the one I mentioned about Brian Nichols...He was in jail awaiting trial for rape before he killed the Judge, Sheriff Deputy, Court reporter and ATF agent with many eye witnesses to his shooting rampage and escape attempt....If anybody deserves to be worm food right now it's Brian Nichols but he is breathing today and will be until he dies in jail....Georgia has the death penalty and uses it fairly frequently so why he got off is a mystery to me and to the families who are living today without loved ones that Nichols took away from them...On the other hand there was the Georgia execution of Troy Davis that took 22 years to finally carry out due to all the appeals and motions for a 2nd trial because there was some pretty good evidence that Davis wasn't the trigger man but another guy in prison serving life no parole who admitted to the crime but they executed Davis anyway....

My problem with the death penalty is the willy nilly way it's carried out and if it was a cut and dry thing across the board even in the same state then I got no problem with it and would even volunteer to pull the switch, push the button or whatever to get it done but this deal where one guy who obviously deserves it gets life in prison and another guy that does the exact same crime and then gets death is just wrong to me...Another problem I have with it is all the media coverage, candlelight vigils and this on going crap about does this drug and that drug work quickly enough and whether or not the comdemned would suffer pain or anxiety before death and even the lethal injection process is stupid saying that looking for a vein in a junkie killers arm causes them stress...Give me a break...

Here is how they should do it and it's pain free and 100% instant and effective...You have the condemned sit in a stainless steel room with a drain in the center with a chair against a wall with a 6x6" hole in it so that the back of their head is against the hole behind which is mounted a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with a 000 Buck shell costing the tax payers less than a dollar....The shotgun is rigged with an electric trigger device wired to 5 different buttons of which 4 are duds and only 1 is live...At the count of 3 all 5 volunteers push their buttons and in a single pain free instant the Murderers head goes away, no pain, no strain and it's raining brains, the execution is over and all that's left to do is bag um, box um and hose down the room for the next guy....

I do like CJB's idea of using a guillotine and catapult into a wood chipper for the sport of it...Why not add a basketball goal in front of the chipper so that if the executioner is able to sink one he gets a free car wash coupon or something....Not bad but if he clangs one off the rim it might get ugly so I like my way better, quick, painless, easy clean up and it never ever fails to work but I'm still sticking with what I said in the earlier post and that's if you really want to punish somebody then you leave then to rot in prison doing hard labor for the rest of their miserable lives and I'm talking about living in a 8x10, no TV and the only exercise is busting rocks 12 hours a day everyday....Now thats punishment!!!

01-17-2014, 12:29 PM
The liberals are always saying that life without parole is a much harsher, but cheaper (to the taxpayer) sentence than the DP.

If that is true, why do nearly ALL the murderers on Death Row continually fight to keep from being executed?

Plus, the main reason for the excessive costs of DP cases are the endless appeals by lawyers. That needs to be limited & streamlined.

However, the legal system absolutely MUST improve the capital murder process to beyond ANY doubt a suspect is guilty. As has been proven numerous times here in Texas, the "reasonable" doubt requirement has been very faulty and open to terrible errors.

But I'd like to quote Sergeant Sam on the Austin morning talk radio for this, "Flip the switch and watch'em twitch".

01-17-2014, 01:19 PM
evidently that new drug they gave this guy in Ohio didn't do the job like they wanted as it took 30 minutes for him to die. I did like one ohio politician's statement. Not sure a death penalty is supposed to be painless. Sure makes fokking sense to me. Just sayibn

01-17-2014, 01:21 PM
actually how about one one side of the river is 100 alligators and the on who is about the die is on the other side and he is given the opportinity of taking a few pills and lingering 30 minuttes maybe or taking his chance of getting across the river to freedom. Now that would be a real hoot to watch..

01-17-2014, 01:33 PM
Mighty sporty, I'm down so long as he has to have several 3 week old stinky dead chickens tied around his neck to give the gators some extra incentive and we don't have to call the guy Jesus cause he's damn sure going to be doing some water walking!!!....

01-17-2014, 01:41 PM
. I did like one ohio politician's statement. Not sure a death penalty is supposed to be painless. Sure makes fokking sense to me. Just sayibn

here here! :Amflag2:

01-17-2014, 01:50 PM
Mighty sporty, I'm down so long as he has to have several 3 week old stinky dead chickens tied around his neck to give the gators some extra incentive and we don't have to call the guy Jesus cause he's damn sure going to be doing some water walking!!!....

hen they need to show this as a video to all klinds in high school. :Amflag2: I have zero sympthaty for conviced killers. Why should they get to die pain less. If these bleedng haart liberals want to see a guy die painless then lets just beat the fokk out of the liberals at the time this fella is sleeping away his life...Trouble is in this cuntry we really have no death penalty. course don't tell that to Texas, but I can sdee it coming for that state to. It will change.:Amflag2:

actually ol jocko is really a kind and gentle person. Just sayin

01-17-2014, 02:03 PM
Folks.... we're too flaccid in all respects.

Here is how you execute someone. No muss, no fuss. Bang. Next?


General Nguyen had the right idea. Done. Any questions?

01-17-2014, 04:58 PM
The Communist Chinese have an interesting variation on method of execution. Single bullet to the back of the head and send the perp's family a bill for the bullet.

01-17-2014, 05:21 PM
hmm, looks like a J frame bodyguard. I notice the little things in the photo.. Probably ruined a nice looking plaid shirt to. Just sayin. the General cold have dressed alittle nicer for the event, kinda takes away from the photo. He kinda looks like a hoodlum, course they are all hoodlums.

I hear our forum colonel dress like Nguyen alot. Might be hearsay to. Just sayin

01-17-2014, 06:49 PM
hmm, looks like a J frame bodyguard. I notice the little things in the photo.. Probably ruined a nice looking plaid shirt to. Just sayin. the General cold have dressed alittle nicer for the event, kinda takes away from the photo. He kinda looks like a hoodlum, course they are all hoodlums.

I hear our forum colonel dress like Nguyen alot. Might be hearsay to. Just sayin

....and it always has been. Where u been fer the las' 40 sum years, louis?

01-17-2014, 09:24 PM
A bit off the mark here, but there is one individual who was on death row that I have respect for. Not even close for the crime he committed but for how he handled his sentence.

He was convicted of his crime and sentenced to death. His lawyers promised appeal after appeal for many years. He basically told them I did it, they caught me and convicted me. I knew there would be consequences and I accept them.

His name was Timothy McVeigh and ended up saving tax payers untold amounts of monies and brought closure to many, many families.

01-17-2014, 10:06 PM
Gary Gilmore was the same way.... he "got" appeals against his own wishes, with lawyers from the ACLU somehow saying they represented him, when they didn't. Some ACLU legal maueuvering I'm sure.

At any rate, he was ready, and just said "lets do it".

01-18-2014, 08:53 AM
Bawanna, please lock this thread. I have seen enough and the catharsis it has provided for some has just about expired.