View Full Version : TP45 Size Compared to CW45

01-20-2014, 05:22 PM
Anybody out there own a CW45 and a TP45? I would just like to see a visual size comparo of the two. The upcoming CT45 has me quite interested!:D

01-21-2014, 12:38 PM
Not the 45 version but comparison will be the same in a side profile.
My cm9 , cw9 and tp40- The TPseries is also very much the size of a commander 1911 and fist many of the same holsters. I wear a tp40 in a 2:10 carry and works for sitting and driving and has become my favorite CC .
http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l444/hardluk1/th_107_4210_zps6a72ffe9.jpg (http://s331.photobucket.com/user/hardluk1/media/107_4210_zps6a72ffe9.jpg.html)

01-21-2014, 04:34 PM
Thanks hardluk! That's kinda what I was looking for. The slightly longer barrel and extra round would be really nice! My CW45 is a sweet shooter, so I would think the CT would be just as nice or better. I would like to own all 3 versions of the .45, but that's assuming I ever see a CM45... :-)

01-22-2014, 06:05 AM
Now its when will we ever see the ct anything as shops never stocked the tp's. I ordered mine sight unseen.