View Full Version : Don't call me Grandpa

01-21-2014, 06:49 PM
My daughter and her husband came by last night and announced my first grand baby. I was sworn to secrecy from everyone but family members for 3 more weeks. I figured you guys and gals are all family so it's ok to tell.

I just got back from a doctor appointment and he said there was a good chance I'd live to see it, a good thing, one less thing ya know?

Interesting point is I've been working on a theory of how and where babies come from. My pretty much verified theory was airport toilet seats. Not the ones on the airplane but the airport, I know my 3 were all caused by this. We'd pick up or drop off folks and 9 months later bam, another tax write off. Since then we drop off or pickup and wife says she needs to go tinkle, I say you just hold it, we'll stop at a gas station and no kids since. That's what they call data in the scientist business.

Well my daughter went to Charlotte NC exactly 9 weeks ago, her doctor said she's 9 weeks along. Truth or Myth? Awwwww.................................I should have been a scientist, I think I got this stuff figured out.

Daughter wanted to know why I wasn't more excited, I told her I was indeed excited but give me something to hold and I'll be really excited. Mom of course is way excited.

01-21-2014, 07:01 PM
First of all Congrats !!! How about some of these alternatives ?
Grandfather in Other Languages

Chinese: YeYe (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Chinese-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Filipino: Lolo (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Filipino-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Flemish: Bompa (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Flemish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
French: Grandpere (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/French-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
French Canadian: Pépé (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/French-Canadian-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
German: Opa (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/German-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Greek: Papu (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Greek-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Hawaiian: Tutu kane (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Hawaiian-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Hebrew: Saba (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Hebrew-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Italian: Nonno (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Italian-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Irish: Seanathair (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Irish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Japanese: Ojiisan (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Japanese-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Korean: Haraboji (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Korean-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Polish: Dziadek (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Polish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Portuguese: Avo (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Portuguese-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Russian: Dedushka (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Russian-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Spanish: Abuelo (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Spanish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Yiddish: Zayde (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Yiddish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)

Kind of like the Grandpere myself ;)

01-21-2014, 07:07 PM

Mrs b4uqzme is shy: doesn't like public toilets = no kids = no grandkids.

01-21-2014, 07:24 PM
Congratulations Bawanna, that's great news.

Dirt doc
01-21-2014, 07:24 PM

The best part about kids is grandkids!

01-21-2014, 07:27 PM
I live outside of Charlotte but I can not shed any light on your" where do babies come from?" theory. I can speak however, from being a Grampa for the first time. My first and only Grandson is 1 year and 3 months old. You will be unprepared for the overwhelming emotions you will be experiencing. Consider yourself to soon be in an exclusive club with other members being Grandparents. We will expect pictures of Granddad and Grandchild. Congratulations, I would also like to hear when you get your first tear in your eyes .

01-21-2014, 08:03 PM
I have a name for the baby.... BAWANNA!

It works for either a boy or girl.

01-21-2014, 08:06 PM
Omedetō ojīchan!

01-21-2014, 08:08 PM
Are you saying bawanna is kind of a girlyman name? Maybe I need to man up and change it. How bout Mad Dog bawanna.

01-21-2014, 08:12 PM
Are you saying bawanna is kind of a girlyman name? Maybe I need to man up and change it. How bout Mad Dog bawanna.

Not at all. Cool goes both ways.

And anybody named Bawanna has got to grow up liking firearms and pointy things too. It's a legacy and a heritage. :cool:

01-21-2014, 08:14 PM
Congrats. It's true, grandkids are way better than kids.

01-21-2014, 08:17 PM
Well ok. I didn't relish the idea of adding the Mad Dog part, seems to kind of over puff oneself up ya know.

I prefer small but wiry shock and awe.

I have a picture of #1 son on the day he came home with a 1911 in his lap, his grip sucked and he couldn't pick it up. Don't think he was much interested.

I'm sure I'll spoil the little bugger rotten, boy or girl. I'm good at that, I might even have found my forte, always wanted one.

01-21-2014, 08:38 PM
Congrats. Very exciting.

01-21-2014, 08:45 PM
right on grandpa!

01-21-2014, 08:48 PM
Bompa Bawanna!

01-21-2014, 08:48 PM
No problemo, gramps.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

01-21-2014, 08:56 PM
My only grandson is just over 1 year old. I am Pops to him. I must say everyone was right about grand kids. I could not imagine how great they are until now.

A few days ago he was doing something he wasn't supposed to and I picked him up to save him from a scolding from his mom. She said "your just letting him win by doing that", I said "Honey, he won about a year ago the first time he looked at me. "

Wish I could be there when you first lay eyes on your new grandchild !

01-21-2014, 08:59 PM
No grandkids, but 4 great nieces and a great nephew, who I spoil like they were my own. One called me "Unca Bacon" once and it stuck.

01-21-2014, 09:18 PM
Congrats to you and the family....

01-21-2014, 09:33 PM
Congrats, Bawanna! I got a great grandson 6 months ago. Bout all the new ones do is eat & poop tho. I'll give him a gun soon.:D

01-21-2014, 10:10 PM
Very cool....welcome to the club.

01-22-2014, 03:42 AM
Well, that makes perfect sense to me!
Congrats of the great news, and forget the fact she was having sex in an airport public bathroom!

01-22-2014, 03:49 AM
Congrats Pop-pop!!
I'm certain you'll spoil him/her rotten.

01-22-2014, 05:24 AM
Hey Mad Dog, I reckon that crazy smile is going to stay on your face for a while. Congratulations!

01-22-2014, 05:51 AM
I've been a grandfather for eight years with two grandchildren.
It was a shock initially to consider myself a grandfather.
My parents went when G-Dad at first but settled with great grandparents.

I thought G-dad was maybe better too.
But my grandson calls me grandpa and I've come to accept that - LOL!

Family is everything.
Enjoy every moment with them.

01-22-2014, 08:08 AM
Congrats!!! Now what firearm will you buy for the birth and give to the grand kid when they are old enough??

01-22-2014, 08:09 AM
Well, Gramps, first and foremost congradulations. During the first three years of my marriage, my wife and I, trying as eagerly and as aggressively as we could, produced no children. Looking for sage advice in this matter I went to the one man that I knew was good at it, my father. My father told me that I had the right idea, but that I simply needed to roll my wife over. Presto, instant grandson. :)

01-22-2014, 08:32 AM
Being a Granddad is great. You're going to love it. My granddaughter (26 months) calls me Pa. Sweet music to my ears.

Congratulations Pappywanna!

01-22-2014, 08:48 AM
Congrats. We have 5. Warning...the wife gets grandma brain. You have just moved down the list....way down. Get ready. Hopefully they live close to you. Ours live in FL and we are in NY. The wife flys down every other month and we spend 2 months in FL in our Class A. It's all good but the grandma brain stuff. That part is a little crazy.

01-22-2014, 08:53 AM
Happy grandpa day I know you will spoil your grand child that's what grandpa is for, congrats

01-22-2014, 08:55 AM
Congrats. It's true, grandkids are way better than kids.

+1 They also grow up MUCH faster. Don't blink, and don't miss a minute. Mine were just born last week and yesterday but they're already 6 and 9 respectively.

01-22-2014, 11:04 AM
Are you saying bawanna is kind of a girlyman name? Maybe I need to man up and change it. How bout Mad Dog bawanna.

Does this mean we can start calling you mad dog and you won't be upset?

01-22-2014, 11:24 AM
Maybe so, maybe so.

01-22-2014, 12:02 PM
Well well well, CONGRATULATIONS to you there Paw Pa.....Still waiting on ours and I have to watch my wife to be sure she doesn't steal somebodys kid when we go out....Garyb mentioned Grandma brain and I think it's a real condition that happens to women at a certain age....For you it's great, just fill um up with candy washed down with a bottle full of Red Bull right after you get back from Toys R Us with the loudest most obnoxious toy you can find then wait till they fill their Pampers with an overload of chocolate pudding then smile and hand um back to mom and dad while you head to Mad Dog's man cave....;).....Life is good!!!

sas PM9
01-22-2014, 04:19 PM
Congratulations Opa Bawanna!


01-22-2014, 05:29 PM
Congrats. It's true, grandkids are way better than kids.

No kidding!

Glad to see them come, glad to see them go! :D

Congratulations Bawanna, now you'll know what it's like to sleep with a grandma!

01-22-2014, 07:31 PM
I have a name for the baby.... BAWANNA!

It works for either a boy or girl.

That's not a name, that's the noise they make when they cry.

Congratulations, Colonel. You'll love them coming and going.

01-22-2014, 08:16 PM
Super! A continuing legacy of good judgement and common sense goes on for yet another generation! Enjoy and congratulations.

01-22-2014, 08:35 PM
Congrats! I've got four of the little darlings and let me give you some advice.

Do not, under any circumstances, agree to baby sit when it will be just you and the little darling until that little darling can walk, talk and wipe their own butt...


I've been snookered into that a couple of times before and it never ends well. I've since gained a bit of wisdom in that area.

01-22-2014, 08:51 PM
Congrats Bawanna, Enjoy!

My two Grandsons are the best. My namesake will be three in a couple of weeks. He is already the class clown...

Smile's are coming to you and the wife in ways you never imagined.

01-23-2014, 10:30 AM
Congratulations Papa Joe. Now you have another excuse to invest in more guns.

01-23-2014, 07:04 PM
Well there goes my shot at the motherload of a gun collection inheritance.

01-23-2014, 07:47 PM
You had better decide on what you want to be called, or you're liable to get stuck with whatever the baby says when he tries to pronounce Grandpa. I know a lot of Pa-pas, Ompas, Gumpas, and Meemaws, Namaws, Nanas, and such for Grandma. It's kind of cute when they are toddlers, but as the get older, it starts sounding a little funny. Like my buddies 11 year old grandson still calls his grandmother MeeMaw, and kind of sounds ridiculous by that age.

01-24-2014, 03:33 PM
[QUOTE=GROTMAN;283812]First of all Congrats !!! How about some of these alternatives ?
Grandfather in Other Languages

Chinese: YeYe (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Chinese-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Filipino: Lolo (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Filipino-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Flemish: Bompa (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Flemish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
French: Grandpere (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/French-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
French Canadian: Pépé (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/French-Canadian-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
German: Opa (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/German-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Greek: Papu (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Greek-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Hawaiian: Tutu kane (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Hawaiian-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Hebrew: Saba (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Hebrew-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Italian: Nonno (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Italian-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Irish: Seanathair (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Irish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Japanese: Ojiisan (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Japanese-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Korean: Haraboji (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Korean-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Polish: Dziadek (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Polish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Portuguese: Avo (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Portuguese-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Russian: Dedushka (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Russian-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Spanish: Abuelo (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Spanish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)
Yiddish: Zayde (http://grandparents.about.com/od/Grandparent-Names/g/Yiddish-Name-For-Grandfather.htm)

Down here in Georgia we're called Papaw. As to your theory, I have my own. It's the TV! Keep it fixed. Keep a spare or two. If it goes out what else is there to do? After the 5th one I had to have a talk with my son.:19:

01-24-2014, 03:51 PM
Interesting theory on the TV. I'll have to add that information to my data base. Sound logic for sure.

What else is there to do? Use airport restroom? I'm still a little confused but I'll do more research.

01-25-2014, 08:13 AM
congrats papawanna

01-25-2014, 04:00 PM
congrats papawanna
I like that one..sounds kind of appropriate somehow. ;)