View Full Version : CW9, K40, & CW45 Slides

01-24-2014, 05:30 PM
Cleaning up after a range session I noticed that each of the slides had different markings. I'm referring to the dimple that the factory stamps on the underside of the slide.

Left is a CW45, center is a K40, and right is a CW9.


I curious what the significance of the dimples is & why the CW45 doesn't have any.

01-24-2014, 06:10 PM
The only dimple (or lack of one) that has special significance to the end user is the one between the striker block and the rear of CW9 slide.
That it's there on the CW9 means that slide has the "new style" sight dovetail cut into it.
That it's missing on the K40 slide means that slide has the "old style" dovetail.
Kahr pistols in .45ACP all have the "new style" dovetail.

01-24-2014, 06:22 PM
Thanks, Greg. I thought I had read somewhere about the differences in sight dovetail but the absence of one in the 45 threw me off.

Do you happen to know what the measurements are for both the old and new style dovetails? I think I'll mill a dovetail on the front of both the CW pistols.

01-24-2014, 06:57 PM
Thanks, Greg. I thought I had read somewhere about the differences in sight dovetail but the absence of one in the 45 threw me off.

Do you happen to know what the measurements are for both the old and new style dovetails? I think I'll mill a dovetail on the front of both the CW pistols.

I know you know this, but check the slide to see if there is enough material there to cut a dovetail.

01-24-2014, 07:13 PM
i WAS also under the impression that ALL cw series kahrs had the new style dovetail. I think the two differene sizes were more related to back when the K9 was kahrs bread and butter gun. I will stand corrected but I think the PM series kahrs all have the new stule dovetail also. I know it sounds confusing but my et is a fewyears from now we won't see that tell tale dimple on the bottom of the slides even. Just my 21 cents on that. Just sayin

any slide that kahr makes that has the pinned from site there is enough aterial there to dovetail it. as the dovetail slides and the pined slides are the same. One is less costly to do the site stuff. I sure in hell would let a professional company do that though, like a site company.:19:

01-24-2014, 08:50 PM
That CW9 slide reminds me of my old GF Donna, who had two of the cutest dimples you could ever imagine......

01-26-2014, 07:13 AM
This might be of interest to you:

01-26-2014, 08:29 AM
Thanks, Greg. Finding that 76.5 degree dovetail is going to be a challenge.

I'm going to talk with XS and see if they have a standard cut dovetail sight (60°) that will be the correct height for the CW9.

01-27-2014, 12:34 PM
I spoke with Monty at XS sights and got the information I need to cut the dovetail in my CW9. The dovetail dimensions are: .330 wide x 65° .075 deep. The part # for the correct Big Dot front sight is: 10-2028B-285-3. Soon as I can order the cutter & cut the slot I'll post some pics.