View Full Version : P380 "Slide Back" Protruding from the Slide

05-23-2010, 01:40 PM
:confused:I just purchased a new P380 and was making a comparison with my PM9 and PM45. I noticed that the "slide back" part is not even with the back of the slide; it does not fit flush as the others do. With the slide off, it appears that the "slide back" is flush on the inside, but protrudes on the outside.

Anybody else notice this situation on their P380? Is this something unique to the P380? I have owned several other Kahrs and don't ever recall seeing this situation before.

I hope I'm not off to a bad start with this Kahr. I went through a lot of aggrevation with a P45 and a cracked frame; it took months to straighten out that mess.


05-23-2010, 03:56 PM
:confused:I just purchased a new P380 and was making a comparison with my PM9 and PM45. I noticed that the "slide back" part is not even with the back of the slide; it does not fit flush as the others do. With the slide off, it appears that the "slide back" is flush on the inside, but protrudes on the outside.

Anybody else notice this situation on their P380? Is this something unique to the P380? I have owned several other Kahrs and don't ever recall seeing this situation before.

I hope I'm not off to a bad start with this Kahr. I went through a lot of aggrevation with a P45 and a cracked frame; it took months to straighten out that mess.


to Part #4 slide back. I think it should fit flush, MY p380 fits flush, sure would be nice to see a photo or something. Why not take that slide back off and check to see if possable anything is holdingit back. Once that slide back gets in the slides groove, I can't see how it would not be flush, Again with no photos and not seeing how much it sticks up the back, kinda hard to tell.

U can call kahr and ask for IAN and run that buy him, He might want to see it and u can just send the slide in, regular mail for about $5. probalby get it back within a week also.

Unless kahr has made an in house change to that area. IAN will set you straight.

But mine is flush, but also mine is one of the first 250 made, so I know kahr has made some small design reliability changes since then to..

05-25-2010, 11:59 AM
I noticed this today on mine too. It's the slide cover plate that's extending back and not the entire slide itself. After looking how the cover plate fits, it appears to be normal.

05-26-2010, 06:15 PM
My does as well. Kahr told me it is normal. The excuse I got was that it is easier for them to assemble them that way.

05-26-2010, 06:20 PM
how about some photos so we can all see what is going on here. My P380 is flush, I am kinda having a hard time visualizing this even..


05-27-2010, 02:13 PM
Per my telephone conversation, today, with "Tom" of Customer Service with Kahr, the protruding "slide back" part #4 (004P38) is made to protrude because of the tight tolerances and makes removal easier without damaging the slide. Wonder why it's not the same for all of the other Kahr models? :confused:

05-27-2010, 02:23 PM
Google Image Result for http://www.impactguns.com/store/media/kahr/kahr_p380_vs_pm9.jpg (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.impactguns.com/store/media/kahr/kahr_p380_vs_pm9.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.impactguns.com/store/KP3833N.html&usg=__kWrBUwqzJXTW_oHISLH2Z2QxdRE=&h=370&w=600&sz=42&hl=en&start=3&itbs=1&tbnid=Nrzu5cia3zbO9M:&tbnh=83&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkahr%2Bp380%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs %3Disch:1)

I found this pictures and they sure all look like they are flush. Does yours look different. The back cover is sticking out beyond flush? I'm with Jocko we need to see a picture of your gun.

05-28-2010, 03:45 PM
Google Image Result for http://www.impactguns.com/store/media/kahr/kahr_p380_vs_pm9.jpg (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.impactguns.com/store/media/kahr/kahr_p380_vs_pm9.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.impactguns.com/store/KP3833N.html&usg=__kWrBUwqzJXTW_oHISLH2Z2QxdRE=&h=370&w=600&sz=42&hl=en&start=3&itbs=1&tbnid=Nrzu5cia3zbO9M:&tbnh=83&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkahr%2Bp380%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs %3Disch:1)

I found this pictures and they sure all look like they are flush. Does yours look different. The back cover is sticking out beyond flush? I'm with Jocko we need to see a picture of your gun.

Yes, mine does look different. I went over to GunBroker.com and checked out all of the P380's for bid. I found more than just a few that had the same protruding "slide back".

I spoke with the Kahr Service Department again today. The Service Rep had to put me on hold to check with someone else. When he came back, he informed me that they were designed that way. I asked him if there had been a design change; he informed me that no changes had been made since production had started over a year ago. I asked why some of the "slide backs" fit flush and some didn't? No answer. I told him my PM9 and PM45 fit flush. I suggested that there must have been some change; he said perhaps they had made a change.

As a current owner of three Kahrs and in excess of a dozen over the last several years, my first one is when they only made a K9, I think to continue pursuing this matter is like beating a dead horse, and getting a straight answer is not going to be happening.

I went through a similar situation with a cracked frame on a P45 a couple of years ago; Kahr finally straighted it out after several months, and a redesign of the P45, and they sent me a replacement.

Thanks to all who have tried to understand my inquiry. :confused:

05-28-2010, 05:25 PM
:confused:I previously attempted to post a reply, but it evidently got lost somewhere. I will try to summarize: 1. No, mine does not look like your picture. I looked at all of the pictures of the P380s shown on GunBroker.Com and many had a protruding "slide back". 2. I talked to Kahr Customer Service again, and I was informed that it was designed to protrude. When I asked why some fit flush and others didn't, I didn't get a answer. I suggested there must be a design change, and was told no changes had been made since production started over a year ago. I asked why all of the other Kahrs that I currently own and have owned did not have a protruding "slide back"; no anwser.:rolleyes: The first Kahr I owned was a K9 and the only one Kahr produced at that time.

I think to pursue this matter is like beating a dead horse. I ran into a similar situation with a cracked P45 frame a few years ago, and was finally resolved after several months of back and forth; they redesigned the frame and sent me a P45 replacement.

Thanks to all who inquired and shared info.

05-28-2010, 05:42 PM
KAHR P380 NEW IN BOX : Semi-auto at GunBroker.com (http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=171038306)

Sure enough, I found this one that clearly shows the rear slide plate sticking out a bit. Seems so not right to me but guess since you don't have the only one and if everything works we gotta live with it. I'm not buying into the it makes it easier to remove without damaging the slide story but I'm sure they don't much care what I think anyhow.
I don't see it on any other model but the 380?
Another one of lifes true mysteries.

05-28-2010, 06:00 PM
sure does. Mine is flush as it should be, I THINK!!

and ur also right, they probably could care less what you or I think.

05-28-2010, 06:42 PM
Odd, it is. Kahr's web site shows it protruding on the P380, but not the PM9.