View Full Version : prostate cancer

01-26-2014, 07:45 AM
Got recent labs back. Not so good. PSA 15.6 Free PSA 7%. Indicates 60% chance of having cancer based on the Free PSA numbers. Looks like I might be on a wild ride soon. Fukkn A

01-26-2014, 07:49 AM
condolences.... but cheer up, its very treatable.

01-26-2014, 08:53 AM
Got recent labs back. Not so good. PSA 15.6 Free PSA 7%. Indicates 60% chance of having cancer based on the Free PSA numbers. Looks like I might be on a wild ride soon. Fukkn A

Had the same thing happen to me about 5 yrs ago. We had plans to go to FL for 2 months to see the kids and grandkids. The Dr. wanted me to cancel my trip. I figured, I might as well see the kids anyway. Had a lot of trouble making the trip due to the frequency of stops to hit the head. However, when I returned, more tests were done and found to be a prostate infection and not CA. the PSA is not the end all tests. They will do more. Besides, it is a disease you can and will fight with success if you get it taken care of earlier rather than later. I suggest having a PET scan if CA is positive. That will rule out any chance of the CA having spread to other areas....unlikely, but worth getting the scan. I will keep you in my prayers for sure. Good luck with the tests, keep positive, stay active and fight like hell if you must. You WILL win the battle with a positive attitude and positive thoughts. Lie down for 15 or more minutes a day by yourself and concentrate totally on breathing in the goodness of God and breathing out any sickness. All good in and all bad out.
Prayers for the Best for you.

01-26-2014, 09:21 AM
Got recent labs back. Not so good. PSA 15.6 Free PSA 7%. Indicates 60% chance of having cancer based on the Free PSA numbers. Looks like I might be on a wild ride soon. Fukkn A

Do your research it has been proven that prostrate cancer is VERRRRRY slow growing and many people do nothing and continue to carry on with their lives. John Hopkins is highly renowned in treatments as well... Remember nothing is "Official" so far. Good luck . keep us posted.

01-26-2014, 09:26 AM
One of my brothers was diagnosed several years ago - the doc zapped the whole thing with a new-fangled ultrasound machine, so no cutting was required. He was bit uncomfortable for a few weeks afterwards, but nothing really bad.

Good thoughts coming your way.

This reminds me that I need to get up close with my doc's digit next visit.

01-26-2014, 10:08 AM
Do your research it has been proven that prostrate cancer is VERRRRRY slow growing and many people do nothing and continue to carry on with their lives. John Hopkins is highly renowned in treatments as well... Remember nothing is "Official" so far. Good luck . keep us posted.

01-26-2014, 10:21 AM
Got recent labs back. Not so good. PSA 15.6 Free PSA 7%. Indicates 60% chance of having cancer based on the Free PSA numbers. Looks like I might be on a wild ride soon. Fukkn A

but today u can beat this thing. ur free PSA is high no doubt, anything normally above 6 they are very concerned about. Definitely u need to do sumpin. I had PC back when I waqs 54, free PSA was under 6, so at that te the doctors felt it was within the prostrate kand not outside. Ba ck then robotic surgery was not around either. So I hav e the radical prostectomyt or what ever u want to call it. cut from belley button to crotch. At tat time the doctors told me and my wife tat wen they get inside and if they find any f the nodules outside the prostrate was positive, then they would sew me up and not take ou the prostrate as it was then out of the prostrat and in the system and who knows where. hey felt they got it all. I was hapy, some recoup time and I was back riding my Harley. I had zero continuance issues to, althought he j"*****" part was now dubject to cialis. anyway for over a year plus I tested less than o.1 which as u know with your prostrate out, u should show no Someinte in that midyear 1.5 year my PSA test came back with a elevation, so they felt that indeed the cancer was still there somewhgere, hopefu7lly in the prostrate bed, so off I went t6o a radiologists, and I had 7 weeks (5days a week) OF radiaton treatments. I am now 70 and I have tested less than 0.1 ever since the radiation.

I know peole say prostrate cancer is slow growing but think about it, do u want to do nuttin and just sit back . It will kill u if u under 60 and live a longer life. It is very treatable today and with the robotic surgery which I would bet u will have with the DaVnci robotic system, . the evasion is 4 cuts. they at that time will take sample around ur prostrate and the nodules and test them right there. If they are positve, they more than likley will do nothing kand off to radiaton u will go. There is no sense in taking out the prostrate if the cancer is outside of it. They will see that real quick with the robotic system and no big incision to just find that out and ew u back up.

My sugestion get right on top of this. practically all of ur major hosptial today have the Da Vinci robotic system. I would not let the cut u like they did back when I had it, had it been available and more than likely they won't

They can also give u a shot called Lupron (about $3500 a shot) kand kthat will help shrikn the cancer more even which helps before surgery. Its an option they can offer and mayb e u should at least ask them about it. I had 3 shots of it before I had my radiation to help shrink the area where the radiation was going to take place. Todays radiation to with what they call conformal beam radiation is much more accurate and much less tissue damage.

If ti was me and surgery was an option which they will tell you, I would go jfor it, as the radiation is a second stage of safety. U can
t have radiation and then have surgery. doesn't work that way, to uh tissue damage with the radiation.

My PSA was 7.1, so u can see urs is high but I am sure u have had the rectol biopsy, so the free score of "gleason score IS is what matters. I can remember when they did the rectal part, my doctor told me boeforew tha lab report even came back that iwas cancerous and they had it all on a tv screen ad he showed me the areas in the prostrate that indeed he knew was cancerous. This doctor had done onve 1000 radical prostecomy. Today he tells me practically all he does not is robotic, less invasive and according to him he see far more with the little camera inside ur b ody that he ever did with the open cuts, let alone hardly any loss of blood.

U have good options for ur cancer, take every one of them, trust ur doctor, if u go looking for a ositive report from a doctor u will find it and then WHAT?

I ain't gonna die from prostrate cancer, I might die going for a fokking milkshake on my bike, but tha tyis anutter story. Good lock and u can PM me anytime for questions. Do ur own research to..:amflag:

01-26-2014, 10:26 AM
Had the same thing happen to me about 5 yrs ago. We had plans to go to FL for 2 months to see the kids and grandkids. The Dr. wanted me to cancel my trip. I figured, I might as well see the kids anyway. Had a lot of trouble making the trip due to the frequency of stops to hit the head. However, when I returned, more tests were done and found to be a prostate infection and not CA. the PSA is not the end all tests. They will do more. Besides, it is a disease you can and will fight with success if you get it taken care of earlier rather than later. I suggest having a PET scan if CA is positive. That will rule out any chance of the CA having spread to other areas....unlikely, but worth getting the scan. I will keep you in my prayers for sure. Good luck with the tests, keep positive, stay active and fight like hell if you must. You WILL win the battle with a positive attitude and positive thoughts. Lie down for 15 or more minutes a day by yourself and concentrate totally on breathing in the goodness of God and breathing out any sickness. All good in and all bad out.
Prayers for the Best for you.

is no doubt tha tthey willdo the scans before ever cutting starts. If will tell them 95% of what they will need to know. Nuttin is for certain. U won't hear a doctor come out and say WE GOT IT ALL. They kow better.

It ain't over until it is over and what they have learned today form 15 years ago, is amazing.

01-26-2014, 11:17 AM
Are we all Happy, Happy, Happy now?

I agree, wanted to leave it, might help somebody else too.

This is much more than a gun forum, kind of a family network. We learn from one another about all sorts of things, cars, household appliances, sheep, we do it all.

I didn't see one word that sounded like a feel sorry for me thread although I'm concerned for ya without doubt.

mr surveyor
01-26-2014, 11:20 AM
My lab report from annual screening in late November weren't so good either, so I'm due to go back this coming Thursday for another look. I'm hoping the November stuff was a false positive.

One of my best friends dealt with it a couple of years ago and was successful. Surgical removal ... without damaging "the nerve" - he's still "active" :D (and very much alive)

01-26-2014, 11:26 AM
Thanks for being open and honest with the rest of us. It's a good reminder regarding our own health, and it reminds us to keep you in prayer. Keep us posted as you move forward with further testing, etc. God bless.

01-26-2014, 11:53 AM
Hang in there. As many have already said, it is very treatable today.
I have two neighbors, both older than I, who went thru this a couple of years ago. Both are alive and doing well right now.
One other guy is currently going thru treatment right now.
My last lab work was this past Nov. My PSA was 0.99, my doctor said all was well.
At my age and knowing so many guys close by with PC, I worry now and again.

01-26-2014, 11:56 AM
Are we all Happy, Happy, Happy now?

I agree, wanted to leave it, might help somebody else too.

This is much more than a gun forum, kind of a family network. We learn from one another about all sorts of things, cars, household appliances, sheep, we do it all.

I didn't see one word that sounded like a feel sorry for me thread although I'm concerned for ya without doubt.

Well said! ;) We are family here...kinda scary at times but true! :Amflag2:

Longitude Zero
01-26-2014, 12:24 PM

01-26-2014, 12:42 PM
Hopefully your physician will take time to explain every question,so far it looks like he (or she) did. I would recommend going to the John Hopkins web- site and buy their white paper on Prostate. Answers and advises every question before and after the process. Good to refer to late at night when that nagging question arises or you just need to be reassured. Also a good source for 2nd opinions. Keep us updated.

01-26-2014, 01:02 PM
Best to you, knkali. It's treatable and the odds are with you.

I really don't want to boor the group, so skip on it you want. My PSA has fluctuated up and down between 2 and 8 for the last 15 years (I'm 63). The doc told me to eat essentially a heart healthy diet (lots of veggies, fruit, low fat meats, eat seafood, limit junk food, etc.). The food that really seems to impact the PSA is broccoli. After eating it over several weeks at the rate of 5 times a week or so, my PSA has always gone down from the last reading. It's worth a shot if it slows/maybe evens stops any growth and certainly does no harm. There are peer reviewed medical (not homeopathic) studies that something in broccoli does inhibit prostate cancer. Here's one summary as an example:

01-26-2014, 01:15 PM
Thanks guys. At 52 yo, I am a bit worried because of my young tender age and because dad has it. Killed it once and it came back.

01-26-2014, 01:16 PM
Best to you, knkali. It's treatable and the odds are with you.

I really don't want to boor the group, so skip on it you want. My PSA has fluctuated up and down between 2 and 8 for the last 15 years (I'm 63). The doc told me to eat essentially a heart healthy diet (lots of veggies, fruit, low fat meats, eat seafood, limit junk food, etc.). The food that really seems to impact the PSA is broccoli. After eating it over several weeks at the rate of 5 times a week or so, my PSA has always gone down from the last reading. It's worth a shot if it slows/maybe evens stops any growth and certainly does no harm. There are peer reviewed medical (not homeopathic) studies that something in broccoli does inhibit prostate cancer. Here's one summary as an example:

I love broccoli no problem eating that.

01-26-2014, 01:29 PM
Good luck with it. My family and I have dealt with lots of different cancer treatments. Still breathing and doing fine with but some scars to show for it. Lots of good advice already and the treatments just keep improving.

01-26-2014, 01:33 PM
DO NOT delay treatment! Last July I found out that I had prostate cancer, doc thinks I have had it for at least 20 years.

I had a date with knife happy robot! They weren't able to cut it out:mad: Ya don't cut out bone:(

Point is there are some new treatments that have come to use in the last 2 years. My psa is down to .6 from 22 and still go'n down. At age 66 something else will get me before pc does. I have overcome worse than this:D

Manage your diet, care for your general health, understand your treatment(s), don't stop living your life to worry!

Enjoy your life, stay positive, you are added to my list of prayers.:):)


Bill K
01-26-2014, 02:24 PM
Sorry to hear it.

Had robotic surgery done about two and half years ago. Seems like even more treatments are available today so you've probably got a lot of research to do unless you opt for active surveillance (or whatever their calling watching and waiting these days).

01-26-2014, 02:28 PM
Put me down on the list of concerned but optimistic. It's very treatable. Thanks for sharing and you will be in our prayers.

01-26-2014, 02:43 PM
Best to you, knkali. It's treatable and the odds are with you.

I really don't want to boor the group, so skip on it you want. My PSA has fluctuated up and down between 2 and 8 for the last 15 years (I'm 63). The doc told me to eat essentially a heart healthy diet (lots of veggies, fruit, low fat meats, eat seafood, limit junk food, etc.). The food that really seems to impact the PSA is broccoli. After eating it over several weeks at the rate of 5 times a week or so, my PSA has always gone down from the last reading. It's worth a shot if it slows/maybe evens stops any growth and certainly does no harm. There are peer reviewed medical (not homeopathic) studies that something in broccoli does inhibit prostate cancer. Here's one summary as an example:

According to Dr Ozz, having sex 4 times a week is preventative therapy. Keep that in mind if you are in that 40% odds that you don't have it. Maybe you can make up for the times missed? I'll never forget the audience of mostly women gasped and none cheared. A few had big smiles though.

01-26-2014, 03:59 PM
Put me down on the list of concerned but optimistic. It's very treatable. Thanks for sharing and you will be in our prayers.
Me too!!

I don't post much but thought I'd get in on this. There is a good chance (>40%) that it is not "C". There are several other conditions that can cause an increase in PSA. Small kidney stones, a long festering case of some type infection, a false + blood test, etc. IF it is, and depending on your age and how aggressive the particular type is, you most likely will die from other causes first. I've know several men where this was the case.

I would get at least two opinions before I had any surgery and from two different Urologist's groups. Having worked in medicine for over 30 years, I've found you want unbiased opinions on serious matters. This doesn't mean dilly-dally, just be an informed patient.

Bill K
01-26-2014, 04:08 PM
There is a simple test that can be done to determine whether or not a biopsy is in order. I unfortunately forget what the test is called. Biopsy will pretty much tell the story. Maybe have biopsy read by two different labs.

01-26-2014, 04:11 PM
Knkali.. sounds like a lot of good advice given here and I won't try to add to it. BUT I can add my prayers and well wishes. Good luck and keep your chin up!

01-26-2014, 04:13 PM
Normally a high PSA just brings about further testing, i DON'T KNOW OF ANY PROSTARTE SURGERY DONE MERELY ON psa COUNT. a PROSTRATE BIOPSY TAKEN IN ABOUT 14 DIFFERENT LOCATIONS within the prostrte. WILL GIVE MORE POSITIVE RESULTS OF CANCER. Guys who have had this sugery know what Iam talking about

For sure if one has doubts, get a second opinion and maybe even a third, for it fhe first nd second opiion differ, THEN FOKKING WHT??? If u look long enough u might find the answer YOU are wanting.

I would have a hard time if my doctor said well u have prostrate cancer but it is normally slow growing so I think u will out live it, What the fokk does that mean? Outlive it in pain and morphine patches all over ur body???? I would want it outta there PERIOD. Todays tecnology is far far better than even 5 years ago, new drugs, new techniques and indeed u can live out a normal life. Prostrate cancer is nutting to sneeze about, don't delay IMO...

01-26-2014, 04:24 PM
Let's all snap a glove on, bend over, and do a buddy check. I need to get mine checked too.

01-26-2014, 04:40 PM
I haven't said anything about it, but I'm in a similar situation, although my PSA only rose to the high sevens. My doctor gave me antibiotics for a month to check for an infection, but that didn't help. He has referred me to an urologist, but because of other issues, I haven't gone yet - probably in about two weeks.

01-26-2014, 05:02 PM
Got recent labs back. Not so good. PSA 15.6 Free PSA 7%. Indicates 60% chance of having cancer based on the Free PSA numbers. Looks like I might be on a wild ride soon. Fukkn A

Take comfort from prostate cancer being highly survivable. My prayers be with you.

01-26-2014, 05:04 PM
I haven't said anything about it, but I'm in a similar situation, although my PSA only rose to the high sevens. My doctor gave me antibiotics for a month to check for an infection, but that didn't help. He has referred me to an urologist, but because of other issues, I haven't gone yet - probably in about two weeks.

.....what I just wrote to kinkali.

01-26-2014, 05:53 PM
Our prayer are with you and your family!
Keep us posted!
Technology has come a LONG way!!

01-26-2014, 07:55 PM
Praying here

01-26-2014, 08:03 PM
The first thing I'd do is have a second PSA test done. PSAs quite often give false positive results.


01-26-2014, 08:22 PM
One more thing. Before you let some saw bones operate on you make sure that you tell him about that new knife sharpener of yours. :)

01-26-2014, 09:29 PM
I read this article a little while ago and its a real eye opener.

"National Cancer Institute report admits millions have been falsely treated for 'cancer'."

http://www.naturalnews.com/042789_National_Cancer_Institute_false_treatments_ misdiagnosis_epidemic.html

ABC also reported about misdiagnoses: http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=131047 (http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=131047)

01-26-2014, 09:58 PM
My uncle who was in his 80's at the time, was treated by them packing some radioactive pellets, about the size of a grain of rice, around his prostate. I was halfway surprised they even treated it. They say it grows so slow, that by that age you are more likely to die from something else, than the cancer. But the treatment worked, and didn't have too many bad side effects. Not like Chemo or normal radiation anyways.

01-27-2014, 10:05 AM
I'm told there are different varieties. Some are very slow and something else will get you first. Others are more aggressive and you need to deal with it.

My dad was told his was very slow and not to worry. He died withing a few years of cancer of everything else.

I'm dealing with it too. We should start a club I guess. I'm still very early in the diagnosis stage so not sure if I have cause to worry or not. I'm opting to not so far, don't seem to do any good. Not real fond of doctors anyhow but unlike lawyers we really need them when we need them, that's for sure.

01-27-2014, 10:08 AM
Good luck kinkali, got you on the prayer list...I need to get a physical myself, hate Doctors but this isn't something to mess with....Keep us informed guy!

01-27-2014, 10:20 AM
Good luck kinkali, got you on the prayer list...I need to get a physical myself, hate Doctors but this isn't something to mess with....Keep us informed guy!

Roger that. Urologist apptmt this Friday for a meet and greet. Probably will schedule biopsy at that appointment.

01-27-2014, 12:06 PM
Many Urologists have a way to detect for cancer in your urine right after a procto exam.
If that urine test is positive, they will do a biopsy which is uncomfortable but not really that big of a deal. Been through both a couple of times. Stay calm.

01-27-2014, 12:31 PM
makes a guy think seriously about how some 21 year old nice looking lad is gonna feel when he goes to prison and meets up with BUBBA though,, would u say 340pd.

01-27-2014, 01:02 PM
Many Urologists have a way to detect for cancer in your urine right after a procto exam.
If that urine test is positive, they will do a biopsy which is uncomfortable but not really that big of a deal. Been through both a couple of times. Stay calm.

I don't think that will be my case. Needles all the way baby. The last uro wanted to biopsy a few years ago when my PSA was in the "normal" range of 0-4 and it was 3.4

01-27-2014, 02:32 PM
HINDSITE IS 20-20, someone should have listented to their lat uro. Good luck friend and I do mean that. I try to shoot straight with you and not over inflate u with sh!t either.It is what it is, u have it and they can take care of it, now is the time to trust ur urologists. The needles will tell all, tha tis for sure.

Keep me posted knkali

01-27-2014, 03:14 PM
I understand Jocko. Labs then only showed a 10% chance of me having cancer for the last few years though. So not sure if I made a bad call based on the info presented to me at the time. With a 60% chance now, it is a no brainer. Open up and say Ahhhh. Trying to keep some sense of humor. Hard to do but trying.

01-27-2014, 03:45 PM

I wish you the best outcome possible. We all like to put off the unpleasant and try to ignore this stuff. I am as guilty as anyone. I get a yearly psa, but with a family history I know it's nearly inevitable something may come up one of these years.

Trust your instincts and do what you know needs to get done. Thank God we're living in 2014 and not 1959. Very positive outcomes these days. You almost never hear of anyone going out with Prostate Cancer anymore unless they've ignored everything.

God Bless and prayers for you. You'll make it through.

01-27-2014, 04:41 PM
I understand Jocko. Labs then only showed a 10% chance of me having cancer for the last few years though. So not sure if I made a bad call based on the info presented to me at the time. With a 60% chance now, it is a no brainer. Open up and say Ahhhh. Trying to keep some sense of humor. Hard to do but trying.

u can go sit i the corner kand say "whoa is me or u can do what ur doing" talking about it. as u can see ur not alone, many have walked in the shoes ur gonna walk in and are here to talk about it. To much technology today with prostate cancer to not live a normal life Ur age was about when ihad mine ad I thoought the worse for a long time, got very depressed over it thinkng all the wor4se until I meet people far worse tan I with difference illnesses, 15 yersa gao mayb eu could have kissed ur ass good buy but today no way, just to much technology and things they can do to take care of prostrate cancer. The fact that they have monitored it te last few years and now feel like they need to do a biopsy tells me they and u have been o top of it all along Be interesting to see what your gleason score is from the biopsy to. OM me with it if u will when all is done. ASK QUESTIONS its ur body..:israel::israel:

01-27-2014, 05:33 PM
thanks guys. Love you all!!!!!

01-27-2014, 05:50 PM
knkali, Thanks for posting about this, it should help raise awareness on something we need to be concerned about. I hope everything goes well for you.

01-27-2014, 06:06 PM
knkali, Thanks for posting about this, it should help raise awareness on something we need to be concerned about. I hope everything goes well for you.
The thanks goes to Downtown, Jocko, Armybrat and Bawanna. I wanted to delete the thread. They kicked my ass and kept it going. They were right to do so too.

01-27-2014, 09:48 PM

01-28-2014, 03:36 PM
My Dad and 3 Uncles have had prostate cancer and only one died from it. He was diagnosed at age 78 and had a bad heart so they didn't operate (it was a slow grower).
At age 87 he had cancer everywhere. But that was back in the 90's.
My Dad and other 2 Uncles all had treatment right away and never had another issue.
Be careful!

01-28-2014, 03:52 PM
My Dad and 3 Uncles have had prostate cancer and only one died from it. He was diagnosed at age 78 and had a bad heart so they didn't operate (it was a slow grower).
At age 87 he had cancer everywhere. But that was back in the 90's.
My Dad and other 2 Uncles all had treatment right away and never had another issue.
Be careful!

That's sad but at the same time 78 is a good run for any man, I'd be thrilled to make 78 and to be diagnosed and live to 87 well that's a gift right there.

Funny thing about life, nobody gets out alive. Make the most of it.

01-28-2014, 05:31 PM
The thanks goes to Downtown, Jocko, Armybrat and Bawanna. I wanted to delete the thread. They kicked my ass and kept it going. They were right to do so too.

Reminds me that my Doc is on my ass to get a camera up mine...
Guess I should bite the bullet and make an appointment.

God bless Knkali and best of luck with the process. We will keep you and yours in our prayers.

01-28-2014, 05:37 PM
Not a big deal. The prep of course sucks but the actual procedure is nothing. They gave me what they call the I don't care drug, I was awake but don't remember a thing. I tried to talk them into getting me some for work, I could show up in the morning take it and next thing I know the days over. Sweet.

Doc was a real clown though. Last thing I remember him saying was "We're all behind you". Sick basturd!

01-28-2014, 05:43 PM
Colonoscopy isn't nearly as bad as everyone imagines. Like Colonel said the prep part is a beast but the actual procedure is a piece of cake. They call that propofol Milk of Amnesia. A little bit and you're waking up on the other side.

01-28-2014, 07:20 PM
So can you get me some of that propofol stuff. I want to get to the other side.

01-28-2014, 07:28 PM
Michael Jackson had too much of Propofol from a quack Dr., and never returned. Great stuff when used correctly.

01-28-2014, 08:26 PM
That was the same stuff? Scratch my request. Don't wnat no more of that.

01-29-2014, 06:50 PM
Yes same stuff but was used incorrectly. Dr. Quack left Jackson all alone in his house, not a hospital, while he was on an IV drip of propofol=100% malpractice. This would not happen to us normal-( yes even including Jocko)- people. We would be carefully monitored and under watchful eye. Jackson hired his own private physician to administer him drugs to help him sleep. Propofol is an anesthetic not a sleep aid nor a "chill pill" type of med. Like guns, meds will have serious consequences if used incorrectly. Does not mean we should be afraid or not use them. This Dr. had his finger on the trigger, pointed the barrel in the wrong direction, fired multiple times, and declared it was not his fault. This was not an accident, not even negligence, but a blatant disregard for the person he was treating using a drug 100% inappropriate for that use. I am not a Michael Jackson fan, but nobody deserves to be to be treated like that. My intent was not to cause worry about anesthetic procedures, I just went on a mini-rant. Propofol is one of the safest anesthetics with fewest side effects out there, that is why it is used so often.

01-29-2014, 09:15 PM
Current medical science resulting in a successful resolution is more in your favor than ever before. The wisdom and caring here is priceless. My prayers and best wishes for you and your family are extended.

01-30-2014, 07:19 AM
Best wishes to you for what I hope proves to be a very treatable issue. I know the word cancer very well from personal loss. It can be terrifying to hear it come from the doctor's mouth. Dad beat it when he had colon cancer years back with no problems since. They have some amazing techniques for fighting cancer now. When I was a kid, they just shook their heads and said they were sorry. Not so nowadays with places like the prostate.

01-30-2014, 09:22 AM

I am hoping for the best outcome for you. I remember reading something a few years ago in a medical journal, and the gist of the article was that if you are a man and you live long enough, you will eventually develop prostate cancer--every one of us. However, for most elderly men, prostate cancer will develop so late in life and will be so slow to develop and grow, the majority of the male population will pass away of natural/other causes before the prostate cancer has grown enough to have a detectable affect on their health. And if it is detected earlier in life, it is very treatable these days, as others have said.

All my best to you,

01-30-2014, 06:08 PM
Positive thoughts here and best wishes. Sorry you have to go through this but you have plenty of people here pulling for you to get through it just fine. All the best to you and yours.

02-03-2014, 05:37 PM
biopsy scheduled next Monday......................

02-03-2014, 05:40 PM
Good Luck to you knkali, were all praying for you.

02-03-2014, 10:45 PM
Good luck mate. Sending positive thoughts your way.


02-04-2014, 07:20 PM
thinking of you

03-20-2014, 12:56 PM
I just got back from a visit to the second specialist. I don't remember all the numbers like knkali did but my PSA was 5.9 but he said my free PSA's and other stuff they use to figure stuff out put me at only 18% chance of cancer so he doesn't think I have anything to worry about YET. He said my prostrate was small and no other issues so pretty much ok.

It was a tremendous relief especially after the rear assault. Only the second time in my life I had that done.
This guy was top notch, older guy but took the time to explain it all and what he wanted to do and what he was gonna do, made it nice.

The first guy I didn't care much for at all. Very uninterested and short, not concerned. I think it was a Hatfield and McCoy thing his grandpa I'm sure was flying a Zero when my grandpa was making pancakes on the Arizona. Some just can't let the past go ya know?

So it looks like I'm good for at least a little while longer. Kind of a nice feeling.

03-20-2014, 01:04 PM
Last year they said at Mayo I had a Tumor in my chest that was 90% sure it was stage 4 lung cancer. I went home and started to juice 3 times a day with a recipe of 3 apples and 4 carrots with 3 drops of Apricot Extract in it. The following week I did the biopsy and it was not cancer. Two weeks later the tumor mass was gone. Last month they did a follow up CT and the tumor is still gone. Not saying it is a cure but I think it helped a bunch. Good luck and God Bless you!!

03-20-2014, 01:06 PM
Good news boss, Happy sailing forthwith and tight bung holes to ya there kamasutra ahh chemosabe ahh El Colon ahh Colonel......Whatever...:p

03-20-2014, 01:27 PM
That's good news, Colonel. All the best.

03-20-2014, 03:02 PM
biopsy scheduled next Monday......................

Good Luck, prayers are coming your way!

03-20-2014, 03:06 PM
I just got back from a visit to the second specialist. I don't remember all the numbers like knkali did but my PSA was 5.9 but he said my free PSA's and other stuff they use to figure stuff out put me at only 18% chance of cancer so he doesn't think I have anything to worry about YET. He said my prostrate was small and no other issues so pretty much ok.

It was a tremendous relief especially after the rear assault. Only the second time in my life I had that done.
This guy was top notch, older guy but took the time to explain it all and what he wanted to do and what he was gonna do, made it nice.

The first guy I didn't care much for at all. Very uninterested and short, not concerned. I think it was a Hatfield and McCoy thing his grandpa I'm sure was flying a Zero when my grandpa was making pancakes on the Arizona. Some just can't let the past go ya know?

So it looks like I'm good for at least a little while longer. Kind of a nice feeling.

As one of your cyber wives I'm extremely happy WE got good news!!

One piece of advice to you and the guys…..
When your having that SPECIAL exam make sure the doctor doesn't have both
hands on your shoulders!!

03-20-2014, 03:21 PM
Such thoughts from a proper lady! I'm appalled I tell you. Appalled!

03-20-2014, 04:03 PM
Last year they said at Mayo I had a Tumor in my chest that was 90% sure it was stage 4 lung cancer. I went home and started to juice 3 times a day with a recipe of 3 apples and 4 carrots with 3 drops of Apricot Extract in it. The following week I did the biopsy and it was not cancer. Two weeks later the tumor mass was gone. Last month they did a follow up CT and the tumor is still gone. Not saying it is a cure but I think it helped a bunch. Good luck and God Bless you!!

Dang -- good for you! You oughta change your cyber name to "Miracle" :yo:

Best wishes Colonel. Thanks for the good news!

03-20-2014, 04:44 PM
Such thoughts from a proper lady! I'm appalled I tell you. Appalled!

her ceasar. we don't need that kind of trash on this forum. Actually that two hands on the shoulders things is old news. Sheepherders have used this method for over 200 years. Never heard a bad BAA from any sheep ever.

Still ban her:D:D:D

03-20-2014, 09:11 PM
Glad we have you kicking around for the forseeable future. Or, is that having you to kick around for the future. Whatever.

03-21-2014, 02:40 PM
Such thoughts from a proper lady! I'm appalled I tell you. Appalled!

Can't a married Lady have a little fun……!

Seriously, a few laughs make an uncomfortable situation a little more tolerable!

03-21-2014, 03:17 PM
Well I don't think married necessarily always equals proper.

I lean towards giving AIRret a pass on this one. Anybody want to second?

We don't have many ladies (perhaps women) would be a better word since her proper lady like actions are in question.
And I need all the cyber brides I can get. I received my first rejection just a week or so ago.
Probably best I think that one was psycho anyhow, and I surely don't need to deal with that ya know?

03-22-2014, 06:29 AM
Bawanna, Thanks for having my back!