01-26-2014, 06:01 PM
Okay folks, got my CW380 last night, got it cleaned up and lubed for its first outing.
The recoil spring is extremely stiff, so I left it with the slide locked back overnight, no idea if that helped break it in at all, but thought it might be a good idea.
If you have long skinny fingers like me, I found it to be a tad difficult to keep the slide marks lined up when putting it back together under spring tension but after my first trip to the range with it I really don't care about that.
In one word : Excellent!!
100 rounds of Blazer Brass through it and one leftover round of Hornady Critical Defense through it with one malfunction. Not sure if I limp wristed or if it just failed to return to battery on its own, but the slide wasn't all the way forward after a shot. It did pick up the round fine.
If you're between the CW380 and LCP, get the CW380 and don't even think twice about the LCP. I am simply amazed and overjoyed with how softly the CW380 is to shoot.
For the money, this CW380 has to be the best bang for your pocket pistol buck out there.
It has sights (LCP doesn't really) and the trigger of the Kahr
A guy at the range asked if his girlfriend could try a couple shots with it and I said absolutely. Tried his CM9, trigger didn't feel quite as nice as the 380, 380 was smoother, but the CM9 was a great shooter too.
Don't have a target to show off with it as I'm still trying to work on accuracy. I noticed the rear sight is pushed in all the way to the right on the slide, might need to knock it over slightly and see what happens, but it did shoot low as I was really up and down with it because of its short barrel.. I noticed the balance of the CM9 was right where I liked it and had some really nice groups with that.
Practice makes perfect, but I already have a lot of faith in this little Kahr if I should need it.. Aside from that, I think it sold itself to at least three other shooters who wanted to hold it... Was walking out and a few people were asking if the shop could order a CW380.. One gal even took a cell phone pic to remember what it was
The recoil spring is extremely stiff, so I left it with the slide locked back overnight, no idea if that helped break it in at all, but thought it might be a good idea.
If you have long skinny fingers like me, I found it to be a tad difficult to keep the slide marks lined up when putting it back together under spring tension but after my first trip to the range with it I really don't care about that.
In one word : Excellent!!
100 rounds of Blazer Brass through it and one leftover round of Hornady Critical Defense through it with one malfunction. Not sure if I limp wristed or if it just failed to return to battery on its own, but the slide wasn't all the way forward after a shot. It did pick up the round fine.
If you're between the CW380 and LCP, get the CW380 and don't even think twice about the LCP. I am simply amazed and overjoyed with how softly the CW380 is to shoot.
For the money, this CW380 has to be the best bang for your pocket pistol buck out there.
It has sights (LCP doesn't really) and the trigger of the Kahr
A guy at the range asked if his girlfriend could try a couple shots with it and I said absolutely. Tried his CM9, trigger didn't feel quite as nice as the 380, 380 was smoother, but the CM9 was a great shooter too.
Don't have a target to show off with it as I'm still trying to work on accuracy. I noticed the rear sight is pushed in all the way to the right on the slide, might need to knock it over slightly and see what happens, but it did shoot low as I was really up and down with it because of its short barrel.. I noticed the balance of the CM9 was right where I liked it and had some really nice groups with that.
Practice makes perfect, but I already have a lot of faith in this little Kahr if I should need it.. Aside from that, I think it sold itself to at least three other shooters who wanted to hold it... Was walking out and a few people were asking if the shop could order a CW380.. One gal even took a cell phone pic to remember what it was