View Full Version : Tell me about trade in K9s..

01-26-2014, 07:30 PM
Local shop has a K9 that's supposedly an NYPD trade, feed ramp looks new, little holster wear and grip wear, but not much other than that.

Asking $450, really like the look at feel of it. After the recent addition of a CW380 to my carry rotation, was thinking a 9mm Kahr would be a nice addition, and I'm a sucker for all metal guns..

No way of knowing if this thing is actually an NYPD trade in, no markings or engraving on it. Trigger felt like typical Kahr, not sure what a "NY" trigger feels like on a Kahr..lol

01-26-2014, 07:33 PM
Most people will have a hard time telling the difference between the NY trigger and the Elite. Not bad at all and certainly not as bad as some talk it up to be.
I would venture to say that most of the NY tradeins were carried a lot and shot very little.
So it it looks decent cosmetically your probably good to go.

Some here have bought them that were kind of pigs, but they cleaned up well and turned out to be darn nice with a little TLC.

01-26-2014, 07:59 PM
A while back I was shopping on Gunbroker, etc. for a K9. In the end I bought an E9 which had a Duo Tone scheme I like. Anyway, from my shopping experience, I can say that $450 is a decent price, especially since it's sitting in front of you & you don't have to worry about shipping & a FFL transfer fee.

01-26-2014, 08:28 PM
IMHO, the K9 is Kahr's finest model. Also, IMHO, $450 is a decent price for a K9 in reasonably good condition.

VN Vet
01-27-2014, 02:49 PM
I agree, any LE Agency Trade-ins will like be shot very little. I think they are a good buy. I too think the $450.00 is a decent price for a well maintained pre-owned K9.

01-27-2014, 05:43 PM
Get it. You won't regret it.

01-27-2014, 06:17 PM
I agree with everyone else. I bought an NYPD K9 turn-in a couple of years ago. It was a little rough around the edges but basically pristine inside. A little TLC, some new springs and some flitz and it's my EDC.

I own a CM9 but would rather carry the K9. It's just a completely sweet shooter.
Buy it! At $450 it's a good price. Throw some bucks at new springs and you're good to go.

01-27-2014, 06:17 PM
I agree, any LE Agency Trade-ins will like be shot very little. I think they are a good buy. I too think the $450.00 is a decent price for a well maintained pre-owned K9.

$600 about 4 years ago for my used LEO nypd K9. worth every dollar I spent to. This price of $450 is hard to believe.:amflag:

Nice thing about a used leo K series is tha thtey are all stainless so anywear is really not notceable, unlike a blued K9 that could be just as unused but holster wear will show whether shot or not..

01-27-2014, 06:44 PM
My NY K9 was $475 three years ago, with three mags. Sounds like a steal.

01-27-2014, 08:32 PM
I could have sworn NYPD K9s were going for around $299 a couple of years ago.

01-27-2014, 09:43 PM
I could have sworn NYPD K9s were going for around $299 a couple of years ago.

Yes Sir, CDNN sports had them by the basket load...

Many, many moons ago.

I paid $320-ish for mine at a local gunshow. The dealer had 13 to pick from on that day.
I thought it such a great deal that I took $400 bucks to the next gunshow a month (ok, 5 weeks) later. But alas, the dealer had only two left and he wanted $450 apiece for them.
I kind of bought my NYPD trade in as a fixer-upper, with plans to polish and preen it for fun. My mistake has been in carrying it in a Bullard holster and letting my friends shoot it. It carries fantastic and is everyone's favorite to shoot on range days. I currently holding my plans to rework the K9 (again) as a female coworker wants to try shooting many different types of guns, to get an ideal of what type of firearm would be right for her first. She'll have to try the K9, or so the wife tells me...
Mine was boxed in a plain brown wrapper, came with one mag (an extended) and was quite the dust-bunny habitat. We pulled it from the box, Sprayed it with a 1/4 can of gun scrubber and promptly shot 200 flawless rounds through it.
It's been eating ammo by the box ever since. $450 is a good price for an NYPD K9 these days. Jump on it while you can!

02-02-2014, 04:03 PM
man, if I ever see any kind of good condition k9 for around 400 bucks, I'm all over it...

02-02-2014, 07:32 PM
I just picked up 2007 K9 for 450.00 with box and papers and two mags.. once I got it home I took it apart and can't even see where it has been fired. its as clean as a newbie!!!

03-25-2014, 08:19 PM
I got one of the cheap NY K9's from CDNN once. The only problem I had was that by the time I called back to get another, they were long gone. I should have bought 2 that day.

The only blemishes are some corrosion marks on the inside of the slide serrations. I tried like all get out to get the corrosion out, but I can't find anything fine enough to get into the small space. The rubber grips were worn down a bit, no longer showing the Kahr badge or the little bumps anymore. They may be smooth, but are still quite grippy.

As for shooting, it is just as smooth as my E9, and already broken in without any major mechanical wear to show for it.

03-25-2014, 08:57 PM
Love my K9
Like all the pros on this
forum say, "the more you shoot it, the sweeter it gets"
So true, in my experience.

03-25-2014, 09:06 PM

The only blemishes are some corrosion marks on the inside of the slide serrations. I tried like all get out to get the corrosion out, but I can't find anything fine enough to get into the small space. [QUOTE]

Did you try folding a piece of sandpaper?

03-26-2014, 03:20 AM
I got lucky I knew My NYPD Officer/owner.
Chopper pilot on the Job. $500 with multiple mags, holsters & OEM Case etc.
A Member on the forum engraved it, as a 9/11 tribute Gun Borne on Date September 2001!
Jon at Highfiguregrips.com refinished my wood grips (Wicked Grips) added Williams- red/green tru-glow sites. and it's a fire breathing' Dragon.

03-26-2014, 05:57 PM
Did you try folding a piece of sandpaper?

I don't want to touch the sides of the serrations, just down the middle of the groove. I thought about sanding film, wet paper and grit, but I don't want to botch it up. I figure at some future date, I will take it over to a friend's shop while he has the glass bead media in the sand blasting cabinet. That would take care of the problem pretty quick.

03-26-2014, 06:28 PM
I just picked up 2007 K9 for 450.00 with box and papers and two mags.. once I got it home I took it apart and can't even see where it has been fired. its as clean as a newbie!!!

that I have fired over 32K + rounds through it nd trust me, u cannot tell it has been fired. Not a wear mark anywhere. Good guns don't show wear, Ur K9 is no different. It could have 50K round sout of it and look perfect, so just shoot it like u stole it. The K9 is kahrs flagship semi, always was and always will be.:Amflag2: