View Full Version : Cleaning

01-30-2014, 09:34 PM
What are y'all using to clean the gun to keep it lolking like new inside and out?

01-30-2014, 09:39 PM
I was working on something witty, but it has been a long day!

01-30-2014, 09:52 PM
Haha I hear ya man!

01-30-2014, 10:00 PM

Nothing witty from me either --- everything I came up with was more smart@ss than witty. :blushing:

01-30-2014, 10:29 PM
Depending on the level of polishing it varies from just CLP, to Hoppes #9, to mag polish for a real shine.

I've polished the internals really shiny on my 2 so cleaning them doesn't take much more than an oily patch most of the time.

01-30-2014, 11:05 PM
I use Eezox. I wear gloves and work under a powerful exhaust hood. Otherwise, it makes ya have three-headed babies. ;) Despite their marketing, it does NOT spell like a freshly mowed wheat field. :)


01-30-2014, 11:09 PM
CLP all the way. All I use. Been thinking off switching to the Frog lube stuff cuz it smells purdy on me. But that's another story.

01-31-2014, 06:51 AM
I generally use Hoppes Elite in the barrel and Eezox on the rest. I also have several others I use in particular situations, but those two do the majority of my cleaning.

01-31-2014, 08:27 AM
Had been using Militec 1.
But after viewing a cleaning video by Hickok45 I have switched to Ballistol.
It has a pungent smell.
But it's non toxic and easy on finishes like my Bulgarian AK Suchka.

01-31-2014, 09:47 AM
She's real fine, my Hoppes #9...................

01-31-2014, 12:28 PM
Had been using Militec 1.
But after viewing a cleaning video by Hickok45 I have switched to Ballistol.
It has a pungent smell.
But it's non toxic and easy on finishes like my Bulgarian AK Suchka.

Years ago, Heckler Koch included a sample Ballistol in the case with a new pistol. That's how I first discovered it.

I recently used some Ballistol to wipe down the stocks of an old rifle we found in my dad's house after he passed away. Made the wood look great.

01-31-2014, 06:25 PM
I use Hoppes Elite. Works good and no smell. Don't want anything to interfere with my therapy. Aromatherapy that is..

01-31-2014, 08:57 PM
I don't bother cleaning mine. When they get dirty I just by another one. :)

01-31-2014, 08:57 PM
I was wondering if there was anything special that needed to be aplied to the slide and frame of the gun to keep the outside looking new. Thanks for all of the replies.

01-31-2014, 09:16 PM
I don't bother cleaning mine. When they get dirty I just by another one. :)

Similar for me with pickup trucks...I trade them in when the ashtray gets full (old joke I know) :rolleyes:

Good thread Kyle. Best answer: just keep it clean.

01-31-2014, 11:26 PM
Kyle, you can use pretty much any gun cleaner you want. Some don't even do that and use non-fluorinated brake cleaner and Mobil 1 or other oil. Almost everyone uses what they like or is convenient. Kahr's don't need anything special that you can't use on any other metal and plastic gun.

09-14-2014, 10:50 PM
Gunzilla or Balistrol ......