View Full Version : Does Kahr have problems???

01-31-2014, 10:10 AM
I have a PM9 that is fantastic. I have followed the advice here and sanded the followers and my gun shoots literally anything with the 6 or 7 round mags.

Currently I am reading a lot on the internet about poor customer service, mag issues, broken parts, sights coming loose, etc. Some is pure BS Kahr bashing, but much if it is of concern. Kimber also went through a spate of this a few years ago.

I realize one persons posted problems can blossom, many are simple home fixes, and as with all small firearms, feeding, failure to lock back, and hot ammo will cause problems with any small gun. Much of the simple problems are user error


if even some of what I read is correct, Kahr seems to have fallen down with customer service big time, and fixing their perceived, or real, mag issues should have been done long before Kahr introduced any new models IMHO.

Am I alone in this?

01-31-2014, 10:33 AM
Firearm companies have to keep up with their competition, so, if they are having certain issues.............I don't think it would ever stop them from starting new lines. It's hard to separate the corn from the stalk. Some is due to the rash of new, inexperienced shooters........maybe a Kahr just isn't the right firearm for their first firearm. Some just do not follow instructions. It does seem that maybe they are having some internal problems. Hopefully, they are listening, and correct the issues that people seem to be having. I have not, like many, had any issues with mine. Customer service is a tough road. I am sure that they have had to listen to a certain amount of screaming, irate customers, who want their firearm back yesterday. It can change a whole workplace vibe and permeate a company. I, for one, hope this is not the case, and they earn the confidence back, from their loyal customers. I have to admit..........years and years ago, when I was first made aware of Kahr, it's the only firearm I heard people tell other people not to purchase, because of their issues. I have not followed Kahr for a long period, so I wouldn't necessarily see a long term pattern. Long time customers of Kahr, would probably have a better handle on long term issues?

Bill K
01-31-2014, 10:44 AM
Several years ago I had a few issues with my then new PM9. Between decent, at the time at least, Kahr service and help from folks here all was resolved in a reasonably short time frame. Just judging from the posts here on KT it does seem as if Kahr is going through a spate of issues. Good management should fix it and pretty quickly or competition will leave Kahr behind.

01-31-2014, 03:45 PM
Some of the problems are due to poor communication between the customer and Kahr. In all of the contacts that I've had with Kahr service representatives they have been prompt, courteous and professional. Of course Kahr has heard of my bad reputation which may have had some influence on their performance, but I doubt it. They are just a great bunch of people. Tell em Jocko sent ya and see where that gets you. :)