View Full Version : Young guns 20/20 ABC

01-31-2014, 08:17 PM
Hey guys I'm sitting here watching 20/20 on ABC. It's called Young guns and is about kids and guns. Just letting you know it might be worth watching - got to figure it's gonna have an "anti" spin.

01-31-2014, 08:41 PM
Yeah, anything Diane Sawyer says/shows/talks about guns will be spun anti.
Saw about 30 seconds of it in passing and it was cherry picking the saddest case you'll ever hear about...
Doubt we'll see any story about kids who saved themselves or their families because they had access to a firearm, on ABC tonight.

01-31-2014, 10:57 PM
Hey guys I'm sitting here watching 20/20 on ABC. It's called Young guns and is about kids and guns. Just letting you know it might be worth watching - got to figure it's gonna have an "anti" spin.

Thanks for the heads up to NOT watch ABC tonight.

01-31-2014, 11:46 PM
Didn't see it, but from the web teaser it strongly seemed to be a hit piece, ref: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/01/kids-and-guns-by-the-numbers/

You can tell it appears to be biased based on two quick examples:
1) they trot out the same tired statistics about the number of "children" injured by firearms when it has been well documented those statistics contain gang bangers fighting over drug turf in the inner cities up through 18 & 19 - yeah like those are "kids"; those numbers also include intentional suicides; and
2) they use information provided by the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence - a well-known anti-2A biased group.

02-01-2014, 07:16 AM
is not so common.
this was a decent show. showed a young girl save her self with her moms 40 cal.
showed responsible gun owners.
showed gun owners not so responsible.
showed some small children get killed playing with loaded firearms and that is on their parents.
very interesting how stupid people can be.
I was surprised how the show played out as it seemed to actually try to teach stupid people that they are stupid. (maybe ignorant?)
most gun people should know kids don't always listen and to take precautions but most people that buy firearms are not gun people.
that's my take.

02-01-2014, 07:32 AM
is not so common.
this was a decent show. showed a young girl save her self with her moms 40 cal.
showed responsible gun owners.
showed gun owners not so responsible.
showed some small children get killed playing with loaded firearms and that is on their parents.
very interesting how stupid people can be.
I was surprised how the show played out as it seemed to actually try to teach stupid people that they are stupid. (maybe ignorant?)
most gun people should know kids don't always listen and to take precautions but most people that buy firearms are not gun people.
that's my take.

You actually watched the show like I did, thanks for your input. I really agree with what you said. It's easy to say the show was anti-gun but some of what they showed was really interesting and actually frightening as a new parent and gun owner. I have no intention of getting rid of my guns but I will be making sure they are secure and that my children are introduced when they are responsible

02-01-2014, 07:34 AM
I thought it was a rather informative piece and reinforced my personal principle regarding weapons and children. My weapon is either on me or in the safe. I am perfectly willing to hold parents that leave loaded weapons laying around responsible for their negligence.

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02-01-2014, 08:38 AM
I agree. We can prevent some of the negativity about guns if we simply lock them up. I'm glad to hear the show wasn't a complete anti-gun rant.

02-01-2014, 09:57 AM
is not so common.
this was a decent show. showed a young girl save her self with her moms 40 cal.
showed responsible gun owners.
showed gun owners not so responsible.
showed some small children get killed playing with loaded firearms and that is on their parents.
very interesting how stupid people can be.
I was surprised how the show played out as it seemed to actually try to teach stupid people that they are stupid. (maybe ignorant?)
most gun people should know kids don't always listen and to take precautions but most people that buy firearms are not gun people.
that's my take.

DVR'ed it as we were out last night. Guess I'll see it later, but agree that it would be nice if it was not just a hit piece. Thanks for the review.

02-01-2014, 10:31 AM
Knowledge is power boys and girls. Guns are just like cigarettes and alcohol. If you keep it all locked up and secret and a novelty the kids are going to go to great efforts to get at it.

I wish I had video coverage of when my kids were little. I took them shooting (just to watch at first) and let them shoot the minute they wanted to. But the main thing I did was inbred in their tiny little heads the penalty for improper handling. I didn't just leave guns laying around as a rule but I didn't worry if I did.
We had friends over several times that were not gun people, not anti of course but not really pro either. Wouldn't break their heart to ban them as they just were'nt into them YET.

They didn't have kids at the time so as a little test I left a couple guns laying in kid reach. One on a coffee table and another on a chair by the kids toy box.

The saw them immediately of course and expressed their concerns. I told them to just watch them and assured them that my kids wouldn't touch them without asking. We're talking 2 and 3 year olds here.

They were in and out of the toy box all evening and never gave that gun a 2nd glance. I even asked them to bring it to me, my daughter the youngest at the time said no, she didn't know how. The boy said he would bring it and he did so in a perfectly safe fashion.
We even all left the room and left the kids unattended but we were peaking of course and no change.

The beauty of this plan as opposed to locked up secret novelty is when your kid goes to his buddies house and comes up with the master plan to check out his dad's guns. My kids will encourage them not to do so or they will leave poste haste.
I don't want to see them create a law required 14 pad locks, and a safe if you have children younger than 37 because of idiots who don't condition their kids or lock em up ya know.

02-01-2014, 12:58 PM
I guess I advocate both the "Bawanna Plan" and keeping them locked up. Teach your children well.

02-01-2014, 04:57 PM
I guess I advocate both the "Bawanna Plan" and keeping them locked up. Teach your children well.
+1 on this. While growing up my dad had shotguns and rifles that were always "accessible" if I ever was inclined to to mess with them, but also at a very young age he taught me about gun safety, handling etc. I was never tempted to touch one of them unless he was with me until I was considered safe enough to handle them appropriately. I even remember the first few times hunting he made me carry an empty shotgun to see how I handled it. That being said while my dtr was growing up all handguns were locked up in gun safe when not under my supervision. My dtr has now learned gun safety,loves to shoot with me at the range and plans to get her permit when she turns 21. Life is good !!

02-03-2014, 01:30 PM
Glad to hear the show exceeded my expectations. Refreshing. And Bawanna I liked your approach immensely.

I am however reminded of the old black & white TV shows from the 60s-ish era, e.g. Andy Griffith, Lassie, etc. It was common to see a rifle or shotgun propped up against a door frame, with kids running around, etc. No trigger locks, no up high where no one can reach it. No one gave it a second thought. It was just another household tool. Clearly, in that era, kids were taught differently. And yes, I know those were just TV props, but the props used to "decorate" homes reflected the realities of the day. Can you imagine a Hollywood show today that, even as a prop, stuck a gun up against the door molding leading to the outside?

sas PM9
02-03-2014, 03:28 PM
I grew up in the era of The Lone Ranger, Hop along Cassady, Vancy Derringer and other TV westerns; so I was exposed early and often. I had the full get up of Hop along Cassady with the shirt, vest, pants, hat and dual toy six guns in a western tie down rig.
My Dad taught me very early about proper gun handling and how not to point it at anything not a designated target. With the guns put up forever (it seemed) when not handled properly. So I was very careful and respectful long before I ever handled a true firearm.

I was very careful to expose my children at a young age to the proper handling of firearms and to eddie eagle's teaching of stop, stay away and tell an adult if you come across a firearm at someone else's house. My firearms were locked up or on my person.

As they grew I took them both shooting at indoor and outdoor ranges with both revolvers, pistols and rifles.
I do not ever remember a gun "incident" ever occurring with them.

They are both in their 30's now so I suppose the experience was favorable.


02-03-2014, 03:40 PM
Glad to hear the show exceeded my expectations. Refreshing. And Bawanna I liked your approach immensely.

I am however reminded of the old black & white TV shows from the 60s-ish era, e.g. Andy Griffith, Lassie, etc. It was common to see a rifle or shotgun propped up against a door frame, with kids running around, etc. No trigger locks, no up high where no one can reach it. No one gave it a second thought. It was just another household tool. Clearly, in that era, kids were taught differently. And yes, I know those were just TV props, but the props used to "decorate" homes reflected the realities of the day. Can you imagine a Hollywood show today that, even as a prop, stuck a gun up against the door molding leading to the outside?

Those shows did mimic real life very much though. I clearly remember a side by side shotgun by the back door of my grandpa's farm house. Not for burglars or bad guys although it would work for that. They didn't have bad guys in Missouri back in those days. My uncle also had a 22 and a shotgun in easy reach. Kids were subjected to them and the novelty was taken away. It was like hanging a hammer or a tool there.
Take away the big magical secret, show them what a gun is capable of doing, educate and you'll never have a child / gun accident.

Course not all kids are created equally too, so keeping them locked up is still wise, just need to make sure you have the kids enjoy them with you from time to time. Same with whiskey etc. One little taste and they usually have had enough of that time until they lose a bunch of common sense at the High School or College level.

02-04-2014, 02:46 AM
Scary Gunz R Scary!

February 4, 2014 by Ben Crystal

Scary Gunz R Scary!
Witness the sad decline of ABC News’ aging newsmagazine 20/20. While it never achieved the notability of 60 Minutes, it likewise never dove headfirst into the deep end of the crazed activism of its neighbors like Dateline NBC. But then last week, 20/20 served up “Young Guns.”
“Young Guns” included the usual worn-out pseudo-facts which turn up in every anti-Bill of Rights phlegm the left coughs up. Co-host Diane Sawyer put on her very best Emmy™-nominee voice to claim “7,391 children rushed to the hospital every year with those gun injuries.” Many of those “children” are 18-20 years of age; and nearly 4,600 of them are the victims of violent and gang-affiliated crime in “gun-free” paradises like Chicago and Washington, D.C. And the appearance of a hackneyed phrase like “gun injuries” betrays the already obvious intent of “Young Guns.” Much like “gun murders,” “gun crime” or the ubiquitous “gun violence,” “gun injuries” is literally designed solely to add a sinister tone to firearms; as if being shot represents a crueler fate than being thrown off a cliff, or bored to death by an endless loop of Attorney General Eric Holder trying to explain the Constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s rule-by-fiat.
“Young Guns” does make a passing mention of the NRA’s “Eddie the Eagle” gun safety program; although merely to dismiss its efficacy. In fact, the so-called experiments designed to expose Eddie’s limitations were as academically worthless as Al Gore teaching the Common Core syllabus. ABC producers left firearms in classrooms; where they stand out like Michael Moore at the salad bar. They even hid them among toys and candy.
In order to demonstrate the dangers of leaving firearms in weird places to which kids have access, ABC hid guns in some weird places to which kids had access; and HOLY CRAP! The kids noticed the guns! See! Proof! Guns ARE like, SUPER-BAD, OMG!” At least the NRA attempts to educate children about gun safety; a far sight better than ABC’ ignorant fear mongering. Ultimately, “Young Guns” sets out to prove “guns + kids = bad” (or whatever); but ends up proving unsupervised liberals + kids = potential disaster.
But 20/20’s self-debasement pales in comparison to the low-rent sideshow antics of State Senator Kevin DeLeon (D-Calif.). During a press conference to introduce Senate Bill 808, DeLeon held up a firearm and whined “This..’ghost gun’ has the ability with a .30 caliber clip to disperse, um, 30 bullets within half a second. 30 magazine clips in half a second.” If DeLeon thinks the “Ghost gun” is bad, wait until he gets a load of the “Phantasmo-Gun” with the optional IR-double-unicorn-magnetoscopic-sight-O-matic in Eleventy-four caliber with a the 17 Gajigaquillion clip-zine!
Time after time, the left attempts to subvert a God-given right deemed so important by the Framers that they listed it secondonly to the right to free expression. Time after time, their shocking ignorance shoots their own logic to pieces. Time after time, not only do their efforts rebound off the bulwarks of truth and liberty, their supposed gun-free utopias report murder and violent crime statistics comparable to one of those third world cities where they burn American flags while wearing Chicago Bulls jerseys.
“Young guns” might as well have been entitled “Scary Gunz R Scary.” ABC News might as well be retitled “TV time at Kevin DeLeon’s office.” And Diane Sawyer might as well retire.:puke: