View Full Version : CW45 Manual Slide Operation Question
02-01-2014, 05:48 PM
Hi All,
My name is Michael and I am 26. I have a Kahr Arms CW45 which has fired without a single hitch or hiccup for the first 42. I clean and oil after each time I go shooting. Today I was feeding and extracting rounds after I finished oiling her back up and I noticed that the slide, when slowly released to feed a round in to the chamber, hangs just before returning to its normal resting position. I can push with a little force and it will return to rest. Now this does not happen at all whatsoever when the slide is pulled back and released under the full power of it's spring. I noticed also that when the slide has stopped at this hanging position I can release the clip and the slide moves to it's resting position.
I guess my question is; has anyone else noticed this behavior?
Also, does anyone have any ideas for what could be shaved down on the magazines to allow free movement of the slide even when slowly released?
Thank you all!
02-01-2014, 06:26 PM
Per the Kahr instruction booklet, use the slide lock release to chamber the first round. After your Kahr is broken in (200-500 rounds) it will loosen up and allow hand racking. But I would never ride the slide slowly to chamber a round as it seems you want to do.
02-01-2014, 07:51 PM
Hi All,
My name is Michael and I am 26. I have a Khar Arms CW45 which has fired without a single hitch or hiccup for the first 42. I clean and oil after each time I go shooting. Today I was feeding and extracting rounds after I finished oiling her back up and I noticed that the slide, when slowly released to feed a round in to the chamber, hangs just before returning to its normal resting position. I can push with a little force and it will return to rest. Now this does not happen at all whatsoever when the slide is pulled back and released under the full power of it's spring. I noticed also that when the slide has stopped at this hanging position I can release the clip and the slide moves to it's resting position.
I guess my question is; has anyone else noticed this behavior?
Also, does anyone have any ideas for what could be shaved down on the magazines to allow free movement of the slide even when slowly released?
Thank you all!
Michael :mad:
02-02-2014, 01:32 AM
Hi Michael,
Welcome to the forum. I have the same CW45 and love it. Kahr's like a full spring power slide release to chamber a round. That said, I completely dissembled and polished to almost a mirror finish all metal to metal and metal to brass contact points on mine and I can slow feed mine most of the time. Not that it and it was required, but it worked for me. The more you shoot the CW45 the better it gets. Welcome to the forum and just enjoy your pistol.
02-02-2014, 01:48 AM
IMO any semi auto should be slingshotted or have the slide released from the slide stop to insure that the round is clambered completely. To make sure the extractor claw has a full grasp on the case & that the round is all the way in the chamber securely. Both my mk9 & mk40 feed riding the slide without any forward pushung of the slide but I have only done that as a test.
02-02-2014, 05:18 AM
Thank you guys for the responses. I only found this non issue because I was tinkering around visualizing the feed and extraction mechanisms.
I get the feeling that what I am talking about isn't kosher for some...
Okay a legit reason for slow racking is in a situation where you need to get the weapon ready to fire without giving up your position.
Thanks again,
Edit: I just saw that I misspelled Kahr in my 1st post... Sorry bout that!
02-02-2014, 11:14 PM
Not need to rack (even quietly) if you have a round already chambered. Keep your trigger finger above the trigger guard on the frame and your Kahr will not fire.
One in the chamber. Pistol in holster and finger off trigger until ready to fire.
02-05-2014, 10:50 PM
Nah that's not for me. I am well aware that the weapon isn't going to fire unless I pull the trigger but I plan to use a "below the belt line" holster which is going to make accidental trigger pull more likely. I like what god blessed me with :)
Gringo Pistolero
02-06-2014, 05:55 AM
Nah that's not for me. I am well aware that the weapon isn't going to fire unless I pull the trigger but I plan to use a "below the belt line" holster which is going to make accidental trigger pull more likely. I like what god blessed me with :)
As you make your decisions about different carry modes you have to do what you are comfortable with. For me, an unloaded pistol carried in a position that doesn't allow a decent draw stroke is not very comforting.
02-06-2014, 10:14 AM
An unchambered gun is a hammer............................................ ...
02-06-2014, 10:25 AM
Well for me I would always take the most passive of positions allowing the assailant the illusion of control until the time presents itself to displace his thinking matter. In fact unless bodily harm to myself or those accompanying me is in the equation I would never draw my weapon. The purpose of my weapon is life and death and I can live without possessions. I think robbery greatly outweighs unavoidable murderous crimes.
Even still having this weapon not ready to fire does present a problem should a situation come about. I have some thinking to do. It really doesn't make any sense to CCW if the weapon isn't 100% ready to go once it has been exposed...
Good stuff here. I'm new to all of this and have much learning to do.
02-06-2014, 12:24 PM
Thank you guys for the responses. I only found this non issue because I was tinkering around visualizing the feed and extraction mechanisms.
I get the feeling that what I am talking about isn't kosher for some...
Okay a legit reason for slow racking is in a situation where you need to get the weapon ready to fire without giving up your position.
Thanks again,
Edit: I just saw that I misspelled Kahr in my 1st post... Sorry bout that!
Michael You shouldn't have to make your gun ready. It should be at the ready at all times. A fully loaded magazine and a round in the chamber. It is a completely safe way to carry your Kahr Pistol.
02-06-2014, 12:37 PM
Well for me I would always take the most passive of positions allowing the assailant the illusion of control until the time presents itself to displace his thinking matter. In fact unless bodily harm to myself or those accompanying me is in the equation I would never draw my weapon. The purpose of my weapon is life and death and I can live without possessions. I think robbery greatly outweighs unavoidable murderous crimes.
Even still having this weapon not ready to fire does present a problem should a situation come about. I have some thinking to do. It really doesn't make any sense to CCW if the weapon isn't 100% ready to go once it has been exposed...
Good stuff here. I'm new to all of this and have much learning to do.
Being new to all of this, you certainly started out large;)
02-06-2014, 05:46 PM
Being new to all of this, you certainly started out large;)
02-06-2014, 06:06 PM
Well for me I would always take the most passive of positions allowing the assailant the illusion of control until the time presents itself to displace his thinking matter. In fact unless bodily harm to myself or those accompanying me is in the equation I would never draw my weapon. The purpose of my weapon is life and death and I can live without possessions. I think robbery greatly outweighs unavoidable murderous crimes.
Even still having this weapon not ready to fire does present a problem should a situation come about. I have some thinking to do. It really doesn't make any sense to CCW if the weapon isn't 100% ready to go once it has been exposed...
Good stuff here. I'm new to all of this and have much learning to do.
is a dumb question on this forum. Most all guys address questions tha tthey have heard on here time and time again with respect and dignity. So please don't post anymore of your ignorant sh!t on here again:Amflag2:
aw now that I got tha tout of the way welcome to the forum. U made some nice points to. If a robber has a gun the game changes for me. He is fair game and legal game if u can produce ur weapon and fire before he can. Normally they get the drop on u first, so u have to decide then to give him ur timex watch and let it go at that. I was armed robbed in my business by two a$$wipes right at closing. One had a shotgun and one had a wheel gun. My only weapon was in the drawer, so I was fokked. they wanted money, I gave them money, all went well. considering. The cleaners would not dry clean my cloths:D:D:D:D There was no way I could have gotten to my weapon with two guns pointed at me so I did what I thought at the time was correct. Wife really wanted me home for supper if u get my point. A dead here is still dead. I live to tell this story. They were never caught either. That was almost 40 years ago and I can still recall about every second of it to. Just think about this, had i been Dirty harryt back then I wuld be dead kand you guys would ave never got to know ol jocko. There has to be a moral to this story???? Just sayin
Please Muggs, Tinmnn, Dowtown, Getsome, Ripley, colonel, keep ur comments to yourself:32:
02-06-2014, 06:16 PM
Michael - as long as you have the firearm in a decent holster that covers the trigger and you always adhere to the safe practice of not having your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire, you will not have any problems carrying with one in the pipe. It may look cool on TV and the movies to rack one in when you pull your gun, but that's not the way to carry in my (and probably 90% of the people on this forum's) opinion. BE SAFE and enjoy!
02-06-2014, 07:04 PM
is a dumb question on this forum. Most all guys address questions tha tthey have heard on here time and time again with respect and dignity. So please don't post anymore of your ignorant sh!t on here again:Amflag2:
aw now that I got tha tout of the way welcome to the forum. U made some nice points to. If a robber has a gun the game changes for me. He is fair game and legal game if u can produce ur weapon and fire before he can. Normally they get the drop on u first, so u have to decide then to give him ur timex watch and let it go at that. I was armed robbed in my business by two a$$wipes right at closing. One had a shotgun and one had a wheel gun. My only weapon was in the drawer, so I was fokked. they wanted money, I gave them money, all went well. considering. The cleaners would not dry clean my cloths:D:D:D:D There was no way I could have gotten to my weapon with two guns pointed at me so I did what I thought at the time was correct. Wife really wanted me home for supper if u get my point. A dead here is still dead. I live to tell this story. They were never caught either. That was almost 40 years ago and I can still recall about every second of it to. Just think about this, had i been Dirty harryt back then I wuld be dead kand you guys would ave never got to know ol jocko. There has to be a moral to this story???? Just sayin
Please Muggs, Tinmnn, Dowtown, Getsome, Ripley, colonel, keep ur comments to yourself:32:
Well your experience exemplifies my stance. I know myself well, being the hothead that I am, I know if I don't reserve my weapon for absolute impending destruction I will be waving it at every person who pulls out in front of me. Hah!
Michael - as long as you have the firearm in a decent holster that covers the trigger and you always adhere to the safe practice of not having your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire, you will not have any problems carrying with one in the pipe. It may look cool on TV and the movies to rack one in when you pull your gun, but that's not the way to carry in my (and probably 90% of the people on this forum's) opinion. BE SAFE and enjoy!
Well I'll be honest... I did, when shooting alone, try to look cool like in the movies racking the gun and pinched the hell out of my finger. In reality though I am not concerned with looking cool when it comes to the purpose of the weapon.
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