View Full Version : Good IWB holster for CM9?
Unsure what to get, must be available on Amazon. Right now I have a Galco pocket holster in my cart, but looking for a IWB holster too.
Just picked up a CM9 today and will start carrying it after I get it broke in. Figured I'd go ahead and get some holsters for it for both pocket and IWB carry.
What do you recommend? :)
02-01-2014, 09:04 PM
I like N82 pro, pronounced Nate squared. It covers every part of the gun that could come in contact with your body and conceals great. I've tried other IWB holsters and for me nothing compares with them for comfort.
02-01-2014, 09:17 PM
Plus one on the N82. Comfortable beyond belief.
Got one of the cheaper ones. They look nice. Hope it's as good as you say. :)
Total number of purchased items: 1.
ID Description Qty Price Item Total
50 Original MicroCompact
Hand Right Hand: O-MC
1 $39.95
(w/ tax: $39.95) $39.95
(w/ tax: $39.95)
02-02-2014, 06:36 AM
I think u can get a foxx on amazon. They r decent, not quite the crossbreed I got for my cm9 but I have carried my xds in one.
02-02-2014, 06:49 AM
Probably depends more on where on your body you hope to carry than brand. You can bet they all work for some but a holster with a forward can't is worthless if you want to carry somewhere on the front side. Not all holster are that adjustable.
If you like breed buy another one or one of the sooo many made like it as with old faithfulls kit you bolt together or comp-tacs newest low cost version -merch at 40 bucks.
02-02-2014, 08:15 PM
I love my crossbreed and I also have a Shepard Leather IWB holster which is a lot like the crossbreed but I paid $35 for it.
02-02-2014, 09:11 PM
My buddy has a Conceal-Micro he bought off Amazon and loves it. BUT... he trimmed a lot of the leather to suit his tastes.
02-04-2014, 10:26 PM
Mitch Rosen CLP Clipper
02-05-2014, 07:26 AM
For the money, I don't think you can beat the Stays Put. It's great for pocket carry, and I've even found that it works great AIWB as well.
02-05-2014, 08:06 AM
PJ's. Quickest on and off, lightest holster I have ever used. Amazon maybe not.
02-05-2014, 10:24 AM
I have one of these cant be beat for the price i have had mine for a few months now and love it i didnt want to wait anymore then a week or two for a holster this seemed to be the best option
02-05-2014, 01:44 PM
Really like my Ozark Holster for the MK9.
Waiting for my N82 to come in. UPS says it's in the next state over, but hasn't been updated since 8PM last night. Hoping I get it on my door tomorrow!.
My Galco pocket holster came in yesterday or the day before... It's alright. I don't think I'll pocket carry much. I wear loose pants but not baggy, having this in my front pocket looks like I'm happy to see someone or would have me stopped at the store as a clerk would likely think I stole something and put it in my pocket... But I can place it in my back pocket and draw with relative ease.
02-05-2014, 07:38 PM
I just picked up this Blackhawk Tuckable (size 6) at my LGS, it was in the clearance bin at half price ($20). I wasn't real impressed at first but happened to find one made for the Kahr CW9/CW40/P9/P40 & other as stated on the package. I figured I could use it if ever had to dress up (tuck my shirt in, lol). So, I tried it on and really liked the way it rides a bit high in the waistband, great for driving. I think the CW's maybe a bit large for it, but it mostly covers the trigger guard and stays snugly in place. It prints a little more than the one I've been using, witch is a "Barsony" I bought on ebay (below). I like it too, good for deeper concealment. BTW, I really like that N82, might have to look at one of those.
ohio lock
02-05-2014, 07:48 PM
I carry my cm9 in a simple Don Hume leather holster, not too big or small. You can get a nice grip on the little pistol. I carry it in the 4-5 o'clock position and it works for me.
Look what finally came in today:
American made holster for my American made gun. So far, pretty comfy. I sit at a desk all day and it's not uncomfortable to sit. Granted that may be the fact I am carrying a much smaller gun now than before. I like having one clip on the holster too... my IWB holster for a S&W 4566 I have has two clips and is rather large. This N82 Tacitcal holster feels good so far.
02-09-2014, 07:35 AM
For SD conceal IWB carry, the kydex are too noisy (in situations where you must draw quiet). I recommend you stick with leather or sticky holsters....lots of good holsters out there to choose from. If you don't look at the are missing out on an inexpensive, versatile, quiet, comfortable and effective holster for your money. You will use it. You can pay more $$$ for a good leather holster, but you won't get a better conceal carry SD holster for your money than the Remora. They do the job WELL. JMO.
02-09-2014, 10:51 AM
I see you already picked out a holster but for future readers another option to consider is a $35 leather IWB pro carry HD from
This IWB holster stays open which makes it possible to holster single handed. I stopped using the super comfortable neoprene style holsters like the N82 products years ago because I either have to use two hands or need to look at the holster to help when trying to re holster a gun, either that or it would take way too long in time due to multiple attempts to holster because the pocket collapses.
I have custom holsters from overland gun leather, rafter gun leather, milt sparks and a few others, nice quality, high price and super long wait times but for the price and readily availability of holsters from the holster store they are hard to beat especially if on a budget.
02-09-2014, 11:50 AM
I use a remora leather lined holster and a pj holster. No need to buy anything else for this gun. Extremely happy with both and both have a purpose.
02-10-2014, 11:31 PM
I like N82 pro, pronounced Nate squared. It covers every part of the gun that could come in contact with your body and conceals great. I've tried other IWB holsters and for me nothing compares with them for comfort.
Looks like a holster I'll be interested in also for my CM9 carry.
02-14-2014, 10:53 AM
Look what finally came in today:
American made holster for my American made gun. So far, pretty comfy. I sit at a desk all day and it's not uncomfortable to sit. Granted that may be the fact I am carrying a much smaller gun now than before. I like having one clip on the holster too... my IWB holster for a S&W 4566 I have has two clips and is rather large. This N82 Tacitcal holster feels good so far.
Thanks for that picture!
So I'm going to take a Defensive Handgun class, but I'm unsure as to whether this sort of holster will be permissible.
It says: "Belt holster (rigid) with sturdy belt."
Bear in mind I have a Crimson Trace on my PM9. Not sure what to do!
Bleh! Just ordered a SHTF ACE-2 holster. We'll see how that works out. :D
02-14-2014, 11:24 AM
WilliamG - You would not like that holster for a gun class. The multiple repetitions of draw, fire, after action drills and reholster will make it a frustrating day at class. You will spend more time dealing with your gear than you will practicing what your being taught. You would prefer to have a rigid holster so you can safely reholster without looking at it or dealing with a collapsed opening and trying to get the muzzle in the pocket. I am not saying the N82 is a bad holster at all, but that style will keep you from progressing as far as you could in a gun class. Good for you that you will be taking a gun class, they are lots of fun.
02-14-2014, 11:34 AM
WilliamG - You would not like that holster for a gun class. The multiple repetitions of draw, fire, after action drills and reholster will make it a frustrating day at class. You will spend more time dealing with your gear than you will practicing what your being taught. You would prefer to have a rigid holster so you can safely reholster without looking at it or dealing with a collapsed opening and trying to get the muzzle in the pocket. I am not saying the N82 is a bad holster at all, but that style will keep you from progressing as far as you could in a gun class. Good for you that you will be taking a gun class, they are lots of fun.
Thank you. I figured as much. I just ordered the SHTF ACE-2 Kydex IWB holster. Seems to get good reviews. Depending on how I feel, I may also get an N82 for post-training, but yes - you're right - for a multiple draw/holstering class, it will be a nuisance for sure.
Thanks again.
02-14-2014, 11:53 AM
Gotta jump in and +1 the couple of Remora suggestions already made here. They are absolutely awesome. And if you plan to do much 'training' w/ your Kahr, consider picking up both a RFT model and a standard model. RFT will allow you to re-holster easily, but the standard model will compress more and will be a bit more comfortable for your regular day-to-day carry. The RFT is plenty comfortable, just a tiny bit thicker and doesn't if $ is an issue, just go w/ the RFT version if you want easy re-holstering.
At my first IDPA match last fall, I ran my TP9 in a Remora 3C RFT. Not a problem whatsoever. Worked great for re-holstering all day long.
02-14-2014, 11:56 AM
I have a Sticky pocket holster, a alien gear IWB holster, and I just purchased a full kydex holster on eBay from kydexworksholsters. $32 for the new one.
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02-14-2014, 02:29 PM
Thank you. I figured as much. I just ordered the SHTF ACE-2 Kydex IWB holster. Seems to get good reviews. Depending on how I feel, I may also get an N82 for post-training, but yes - you're right - for a multiple draw/holstering class, it will be a nuisance for sure.
Thanks again.
I carry a Glock 27 in a SHTF ACE-! and it just disappears. These are some really good quality holsters and they ship em fast to boot.
02-14-2014, 10:18 PM
I carry a Glock 27 in a SHTF ACE-! and it just disappears. These are some really good quality holsters and they ship em fast to boot.
Awesome, thanks. I'm pretty excited to get it. I have the CT Laser Grip on my PM9, so I'll post some pictures when I get my CT-compatible ACE-2 holster. :)
02-15-2014, 04:02 PM
I own a PJ IWB for my PM9, but more recently I've come to liking my IWB from Cooks give them a try, lead times are very reasonable along with the (
02-16-2014, 04:49 PM
Cooks and PJ's are practically the same thing. Both are quality though, can't go wrong either way. I love my PJ holster.
02-17-2014, 12:58 PM
This is a pretty good thread. The dreaded decision on the perfect IWB holster. I just bought my CM9 a couple months ago and have been using the PJ holster. I wanted simplicity and effectiveness. This is a great holster!! Easy on and off. But after wearing holster for a couple hours, my love handles start getting irritated and the holster get uncomfortable. I'm 43 years old and I'm pretty sure i will do everything in my power to keep my weight down about 10 lbs. But then reality....My goal is to always carry, not sometimes. Whats the point? Honestly I could care less about re-holstering unless I'm in a training school. So the N82 picture above looks great. My only concern there is the trigger cover. How has that issue been for you? For the professional model that wont be an issue, but the little added bulkiness might make it a no-deal for me. For the guys who have either model a picture with a t-shirt would be great. Any thoughts or comments about this please.
02-17-2014, 05:33 PM
I vote for the Remora. Have several holsters for PM9 and I like it the best. Stays put, comfortable and you can put it at any depth or any angle. I don't factor in one handed reholstering. Not a concern for me. I'm not putting the gun away till the fight or situation is over. Have carried concealed since I was 22 during a 41 year career in Law Enforcement. For me it's about using the gun to fight, not as a range queen.
02-17-2014, 06:19 PM
My favorite holster for my PM 9 is a blade tech eclipse. True it's OWB but the gun so small that an untuck T-shirt hides it. It's comfortable and Faaaaaaaast on the draw.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone!
I really wanted to love my N82 Tacical holster I bought... It's not bad, and it is pretty comfy when sitting down. But I just can't get it comfortable when standing/walking. I feel like it doesn't hug my firearm as close to my body as it could. It's the first 'single clip on' holster I've had, as my Kingtuck, for example (for other carry piece) has two clip on spots.
I'll probably try another holster or two and decide, then sell the others. I definitely want something with a level of kydex so the opening doesn't close or change shape when drawing the firearm.
02-17-2014, 10:36 PM
I definitely want something with a level of kydex so the opening doesn't close or change shape when drawing the firearm.
If you are set on kydex, gonna be hard to beat a PJ for comfort. But I just wanted to reiterate that an RFT (reinforced top) Remora will not loose it shape or deform once the pistol is drawn, reholstering works fine, the holster never collapses. There is a kydex band in the top 1/3 of the holster that keeps it open. Not trying to sell you on it, just clarifying that it won't close up on you while its IWB w/ no pistol in it.
Jules Winnfield
02-18-2014, 11:12 AM
Love my PJHolsters
*PJ Glock 26 IWB Tuckable on the way
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02-18-2014, 01:38 PM
I may place an order with N82tactical for the "original", to carry my CM9 (comfortably).
02-18-2014, 07:41 PM
I've been off the forum for a little while but noticed this thread and thought I'd give my experience. Here is a post from about a year ago - and over that time, I've come to love the Kusiak even more. Feels like it's not even there.
I've been carrying my CM9 in a Blackhawk IWB holster for about 6 months. It had terrible retention (my gun fell out on the floor of the restroom at church and I was sure that everyone in the sanctuary across the hall heard it). Since I carry with one in the pipe, I wanted something more secure. I considered a PJ holster since the reviews are so good but I really wanted leather. I bought a Galco and was unhappy because it hung up on the slide release. Then I saw a leather Kusiak holster on a forum for the S&W Bodyguard 380. The quality looked good and they listed on for the PM9 so I took the plunge. Minutes after ordering, my bride said, "I want one for my gun too!" so I called Pepi Kusiak and he included it in the same box with no additional shipping. I placed the order on Tuesday and received the holsters on the next Monday. He makes the holsters himself and guarantees satisfaction. Price is just $35 or $45 with a built-in mag holder. Here is a link to their site: Kusiak Leather ( Pictures follow. The last one shows my CM9 with my bride's Bodyguard 380.
02-18-2014, 07:47 PM
Just in case some are wondering, the grip on my CM9 is the Lone Wolf Kwik Grip. It is listed as a fit for the Glock 26. Above are a couple of pictures of the grip with my Kusiak holster. The grip feels better to my hand than the Hogue and the cost is about the same (about $10).
02-19-2014, 08:02 AM
Very nice pics, and it looks as though the Kusiak holster fits your pistols like a glove.
I do prefer a holster that had firm gun support, but yet not too stiff against the body.
Yours look very form-fitting to the firearm, and also covers the trigger just enough .. :cool:
02-19-2014, 08:25 AM
I'm a Foxx Trapp fan. I have one for every CC gun I own. I have owned PJs also. The Foxx has adjustable cant (strong side, AIWB or between), complete trigger coverage, ships quickly and is less expensive.
02-19-2014, 09:00 AM
Thanks root .... :D
I have one of these on the way, to help carry my CM9 comfortably during the summer months... ;) (
02-19-2014, 09:03 PM
My Shepherd Leather micro IWB holster
02-20-2014, 11:03 AM
Thanks root .... :D
I have one of these on the way, to help carry my CM9 comfortably during the summer months... ;) (
Would love feedback on this holster. I currently use the PJ, but its just not comfortable in the 4oclock position with my body type. Wondering if the n82 original Vs Pro model. How much more bulk is the pro? Any one have this?
02-20-2014, 12:07 PM
Thanks root .... :D
I have one of these on the way, to help carry my CM9 comfortably during the summer months... ;) (
Me too, as of Monday.
02-20-2014, 12:11 PM
My Shepherd Leather micro IWB holster
Good price, and you can get J clips for $5 extra.
Mr.Timmy, how is the comfort? Does yours have the optional horsehide or suede back?
02-20-2014, 01:40 PM
Just got this on eBay from Kydexworks Holsters. He has a Facebook page as well.
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02-21-2014, 08:17 AM
Good price, and you can get J clips for $5 extra.
Mr.Timmy, how is the comfort? Does yours have the optional horsehide or suede back?
I did not get the optional backing as far as comfort its great i dont care for the one clip holsters like the N82 as i find the 2 clip iwb holster distribute the weight of the pistol evenly i can hardley tell its there
02-21-2014, 09:06 AM
I have the N82 original and, honestly, I can't imagine a more comfortable holster. Not sure on the pro model (bulk, etc) as I don't know anyone who has the pro.
The two Nates have done a great job in researching and developing this holster. I can wear it all day and absolutely anywhere without noticing a thing.
02-24-2014, 07:37 PM
I got my SHTF for PM9 + Crimson Trace today! I looooove it :D
And then for pocket carry I love my DeSantis...
Alright, just an update guys.
I like the N82 Tactical, but not nearly as much as I hoped I would. It's comfortable when I put it in the right spot, but the right spot for comfort isn't the right spot for concealment on me.
At the 2 o'clock position, it sits tight to the body and conceals with ease. But I can't sit down comfortably. At the 3-4 position, I can sit down with comfort and ease but it's not sitting up against my body as best as it could or should, thus bulges a bit. At the 5 o'clock position it's comfortable, but I don't like having my gun behind my back.
It'd be perfect if it had two clips instead of one, and was widened to accommodate that. That way I can play at my 3o'clock position and be fine.
Will order an alternative and see how that goes.
02-25-2014, 12:48 AM
Hey all,
As an update to my PM9 with Crimson Trace SHTF ACE-2 IWB holster, I really like it.
HOWEVER, I do wonder about my PM9's fitment in the holster. What do you guys think about this? The gun fits in pretty tight in the holster, even if the holster is twisted the OTHER way (as in, the opposite of the contours of your body). It works fine, but... I do wonder.... To me it looks like the curve around the top of the slide is occurring a little too early. :( Or, maybe this is normal and it has to be this way to hold the PM9 in at all? :D
Any thoughts about this?
02-25-2014, 06:10 AM
It definitely looks like it's off on that curve. I would send a pic to SHTF.
02-25-2014, 06:57 AM
I got my SHTF for PM9 + Crimson Trace today! I looooove it :D
And then for pocket carry I love my DeSantis...
I have a SHTF holster for my Glock 27 and love it. As an added bonus my Glock 30S also fits it as well. I have been considering getting a SHTF for my CM9 but I'm concerned it may be a little too much holster for a pistol the size of a CM9. Would you mind taking a few measurements for me? Maybe the total length and height of the leather?
I bet if you send a pic to SHTF they will get back with you. They seem to be a stand up company.
02-25-2014, 11:57 AM
I have a SHTF holster for my Glock 27 and love it. As an added bonus my Glock 30S also fits it as well. I have been considering getting a SHTF for my CM9 but I'm concerned it may be a little too much holster for a pistol the size of a CM9. Would you mind taking a few measurements for me? Maybe the total length and height of the leather?
I bet if you send a pic to SHTF they will get back with you. They seem to be a stand up company.
I would love to help you but I can't. :( I already sent it back!
I emailed SHTF last night at 11:15pm PST. 8 minutes later, Clay at SHTF wrote back. We had a back and forth in basically real-time via email late into the night. He got a couple of pictures from me last night. He then called me first thing this morning, sent me out a return label within minutes, and he's going to have a new holster made up for me once they figure out what happened here.
I have never, EVER experienced such amazing customer service. Quite honestly, the fact that this happens only gives me more faith in the company. Really excellent.
I don't know if my holster is a unique issue or if all the PM9+CT holsters are like this, but either way, I feel confident SHTF will take care of it. I really like the holster a lot otherwise, so I'll be glad to get one with that 100% fit.
In terms of size it's really not very big on me at all. Bear in mind I'm 6'5", and these things are always quite subjective, but the holster feels "right" for how small the PM9 is. It's certainly a quality product (my issue notwithstanding, of course!). The Kydex is VERY smooth around those front/rear edges, showing good care was put into it.
You should get a rough idea of size by comparison to the PM9 itself in the holster in my pictures, or when I get a new holster back from SHTF I'll post up the measurements...
02-25-2014, 06:13 PM
I would love to help you but I can't. :( I already sent it back!
I emailed SHTF last night at 11:15pm PST. 8 minutes later, Clay at SHTF wrote back. We had a back and forth in basically real-time via email late into the night. He got a couple of pictures from me last night. He then called me first thing this morning, sent me out a return label within minutes, and he's going to have a new holster made up for me once they figure out what happened here.
I have never, EVER experienced such amazing customer service. Quite honestly, the fact that this happens only gives me more faith in the company. Really excellent.
I don't know if my holster is a unique issue or if all the PM9+CT holsters are like this, but either way, I feel confident SHTF will take care of it. I really like the holster a lot otherwise, so I'll be glad to get one with that 100% fit.
In terms of size it's really not very big on me at all. Bear in mind I'm 6'5", and these things are always quite subjective, but the holster feels "right" for how small the PM9 is. It's certainly a quality product (my issue notwithstanding, of course!). The Kydex is VERY smooth around those front/rear edges, showing good care was put into it.
You should get a rough idea of size by comparison to the PM9 itself in the holster in my pictures, or when I get a new holster back from SHTF I'll post up the measurements...
That is great customer service. I really like mine and may very well order one for the CM9.
I posted a thread on another forum a couple weeks back stating how surprised I was at learning my G30s would fit in my G27 SHTF holster. However, I was concerned the 30S might stretch the holster too much since it was designed for the 27. Clay responded that I shouldn't be too concerned about it stretching. He said it might loosen it just a bit but once I tightened my belt the retention would be fine.
02-26-2014, 12:55 AM
That is great customer service. I really like mine and may very well order one for the CM9.
I posted a thread on another forum a couple weeks back stating how surprised I was at learning my G30s would fit in my G27 SHTF holster. However, I was concerned the 30S might stretch the holster too much since it was designed for the 27. Clay responded that I shouldn't be too concerned about it stretching. He said it might loosen it just a bit but once I tightened my belt the retention would be fine.
Clay has been super helpful and super nice throughout my whole ordeal, and no doubt he knows his stuff. Honestly, any company can sell you something. The differentiator between the good companies and bad companies is how they treat you after the fact. Despite having an unfortunately borked holster, so far I completely recommend SHTF based on my experience with them after the purchase.
The holster for the CM9/PM9 really is pretty diminutive, all things considered. When I get my replacement, I'll throw up some actual measurements for you.
02-28-2014, 09:43 AM
OK so Clay messaged me again several times yesterday. His molds match the case. Has anything changed with the Crimson Trace design over the last few years at all? I hadn't thought it had... I know the PM9 got a tad longer in the slide but that was it. Just trying to help him/myself as much as possible, because this is just weird. :)
Is it possible just nobody has noticed this issue till now?
03-01-2014, 11:04 PM
Seeing pictures of the Remora holster, since it has no clips does the IWB model just slip in between your body and pants and stays there without any attachments? Also, in the summer with no undershirt how does it feel riding right against your body? I need something very comfortable for my CM9 to wear IWB in the 4-5 o'clock area.
03-02-2014, 07:10 PM
My N82 professional model came in yesterday. It took a couple tries to find the right position, which ended up right about about 4 o'clock. With a standard 6 round mag the CM9 conceals very nicely and rides comfortably when I sit down.
I tried 5 o'clock but that was too far back, 3 o'clock was not as comfortable as 4 o'clock. With my Wrangler jeans, the 4 o'clock position puts the clip right on top of a belt loop so it's easy to remember where to set the holster.
03-03-2014, 07:24 AM
Seeing pictures of the Remora holster, since it has no clips does the IWB model just slip in between your body and pants and stays there without any attachments? Also, in the summer with no undershirt how does it feel riding right against your body? I need something very comfortable for my CM9 to wear IWB in the 4-5 o'clock area.
I have a Sticky holster which is similar to the Remora. The little CM9 just disappears with the Sticky holster on. I can wear a hybrid holster without an undershirt but find the Sticky holster even less irritating to my skin. With the CM9, I sometimes find myself reaching back to make sure the pistol is still there it is so comfortable. My wife has a Remora for her Ruger LC9 and it is a quality holster as well. It is just a tad bit thicker than the Sticky holster and IMO would be better for a thicker pistol.
Bob T
03-03-2014, 04:58 PM
My N82 professional model came in yesterday. It took a couple tries to find the right position, which ended up right about about 4 o'clock. With a standard 6 round mag the CM9 conceals very nicely and rides comfortably when I sit down.
I tried 5 o'clock but that was too far back, 3 o'clock was not as comfortable as 4 o'clock. With my Wrangler jeans, the 4 o'clock position puts the clip right on top of a belt loop so it's easy to remember where to set the holster.
What do you think of the draw on the professional, the "twist" they call it?
I am looking at one for my K40, and was wondering if that was something that would hang you up if you were in a tense situation.
03-03-2014, 06:36 PM
What do you think of the draw on the professional, the "twist" they call it?
I am looking at one for my K40, and was wondering if that was something that would hang you up if you were in a tense situation.
It's not much of a twist. Just the action of grabbing the grip of the pistol and slightly pushing it in towards my back releases the gun enough to draw smoothly. The biggest thing I like about the professional model is being able to reholster easily. I haven't tried one of the original N82 models, but I would believe trying to get the pistol back in the soft elastic holster would be difficult.
Bob T
03-03-2014, 06:57 PM
It's not much of a twist. Just the action of grabbing the grip of the pistol and slightly pushing it in towards my back releases the gun enough to draw smoothly. The biggest thing I like about the professional model is being able to reholster easily. I haven't tried one of the original N82 models, but I would believe trying to get the pistol back in the soft elastic holster would be difficult.
Thanks! Sounds like it is worth a try...:)
03-05-2014, 11:12 AM
My N82 professional model came in yesterday. It took a couple tries to find the right position, which ended up right about about 4 o'clock. With a standard 6 round mag the CM9 conceals very nicely and rides comfortably when I sit down.
I tried 5 o'clock but that was too far back, 3 o'clock was not as comfortable as 4 o'clock. With my Wrangler jeans, the 4 o'clock position puts the clip right on top of a belt loop so it's easy to remember where to set the holster.
Glad the holster is working out for you. If you get a chance, can you post a couple pics wearing the holster? I know its a pain, but I would sure like to see a good pic of its look with a T-shirt, and button down. Just cant seem to find a good pic online.
03-05-2014, 12:54 PM
Just picked up a custom Cooks Holster, Kydex, tuckable, for my PM9, awesome, to me the only way to go, very light and versatile.
03-05-2014, 01:03 PM
^^Pics of that cooks holster would be nice, just want to see how this compares to the PJ Holster.
03-05-2014, 06:50 PM
Just picked up a custom Cooks Holster, Kydex, tuckable, for my PM9, awesome, to me the only way to go, very light and versatile.
Got a Cooks holster for my Glock 27. Is your's the one with the belt clip that screws on or the one with the belt clip and holster all one piece?
Jules Winnfield
03-05-2014, 09:09 PM
PJHolster IWB Tuckable in Graveyard Camo for Glock 26 has arrived:
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03-06-2014, 11:21 AM
Foxx Trapp...adjustable cant, tuckable, ships quickly, and less expensive.
03-09-2014, 07:15 PM
PJHolster IWB Tuckable in Graveyard Camo for Glock 26 has arrived:
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What angle of can't did you order? How do you like it.?
Jules Winnfield
03-09-2014, 09:16 PM
It's a 15 degree FBI cant. I have yet to carry it as my XDS 45 & Kahr PM9 have seen the most CC duty as of late. I do love the quality of workmanship & the retention & ease of draw, as I do with all of my PJs.
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Got my Shepherd Conceal Micro holster today.... Wow! Very nice!
The N82 Tactical I bought was very comfortable, but only in a position that didn't conceal as well. It concealed very well in a position that wasn't as comfortable. Couldn't find a decent middleground. I like IWB holsters with two clips instead of one.
The Shepherd one is what I've been looking for. A lot of adjustability, (3 different position options for each clip), tuckable (so I can dress nice and have a shirt tucked in), and keeps the firearm close to the body. I can go from sitting to standing without having to move it. Nice. The retention is great, I've got no concern that the firearm will fall out... ever.
03-12-2014, 04:03 PM
Right now my G26 is in a Don Hume simple IWB, it's bulky and doesn't stay open all the way after draw, which is abit of a pain when holstering, and not 100% safe in my book. I have a CM on order and went with it for the small size and weight. Last thing I want to do is add a big bulky holster to the platform. It's also import that it is secure on the belt and holding the gun yet quick on the draw. For me, I'm going to make my own holster since I make knives and kydex sheaths. But it will be very similar to the PJ type. Last thing I want during summer is a huge piece of plastic or leather butted up against my skin or wearing 2 shirts all the time. Minimal is what I'm looking for.. and if I couldn't make one, I'd by a PJ. Nice simple design.
03-13-2014, 09:47 AM
Right now my G26 is in a Don Hume simple IWB, it's bulky and doesn't stay open all the way after draw, which is abit of a pain when holstering, and not 100% safe in my book. I have a CM on order and went with it for the small size and weight. Last thing I want to do is add a big bulky holster to the platform. It's also import that it is secure on the belt and holding the gun yet quick on the draw. For me, I'm going to make my own holster since I make knives and kydex sheaths. But it will be very similar to the PJ type. Last thing I want during summer is a huge piece of plastic or leather butted up against my skin or wearing 2 shirts all the time. Minimal is what I'm looking for.. and if I couldn't make one, I'd by a PJ. Nice simple design.
Well said. My thoughts on the subject exactly.
03-21-2014, 12:29 PM
Hey all...
So, I'm having to (very disappointed) send back my SHTF ACE holster. SHTF have been nothing but helpful, to which they're owed a huge amount of credit (Clay has been amazing). However, for whatever reason - my PM9 + Crimson Trace won't work - it's too tight a fit.
So, I'm trying to find a holster that looks/functions EXACTLY like the SHTF holster, because gosh darnit I love the thing. Just wish it fit my PM9 + CT better! :( :( :(
Anyone got any ideas for something that mirrors this picture? THANKS!
Tired of waiting (so impatient these days!) so decided to go with the masses. Crossbreed Minituck for PM + CT laser. Done.
03-22-2014, 10:00 AM
Foxx makes a number of hybrid holsters for the Kahr CM9 and the CT Laserguard is an option. I have no personal experience with Foxx Holsters, but have heard generally good comments. My son had a Foxx Trapp holster for his shield, which turned out to be his favorite holster.
Foxx Hybrids for Kahr (
Cook's Holsters (!online-store/copg/!/~/product/category=8429015&id=32020495)has a variety of holsters for the CM9 with laserguard. They don't make hybrids though. Just bought the one below, about a week ago. Still waiting, they have a 4 week delivery time.
If your in the North Georgia area Blackpoint Tactical ( makes hybrid holsters similar to the SHTF holster. They don't offer one for the CM9 with Laserguard, but will make a hybrid holster for any pistol, by appointment. They're a bit more expensive than Foxx, but I think the quality is a step up. Blackpoint Tactical Holsters also have the advantage of serving multiple weapons. The leather part is a standard configuration and you can have the Kydec part made for a dozen different pistols to bolt to the standard leather base. They also have a variety of clips available.
03-22-2014, 12:48 PM
Thanks for all the info. :) Very helpful!
04-24-2014, 01:33 PM
I received my Crossbreed Minituck for the PM9 + CT grips, and while the gun fits perfectly into the Kydex, it's so completely uncomfortable to wear at any position on my body. It feels like (even if it's not true!) Crossbreed took no love or care in making the leather piece, unlike SHTF which clearly put a lot of love/attention into the shape and forming of their leather. The Crossbreed leather is thick, too big, unwieldy, and just plain uncomfortable.
It also annoyed me that Crossbreed wrote my last name in big hand-written letters on the back-side. So there goes gifting it to anyone else.... (even aside from the ugly clips - annoying for some of us that... you know... aren't Christians?).
So, I'm sending the Crossbreed holster back, and am going to probably go with the Garrett Industries Fusion IWB when they get them back in stock.. *sigh...*
Here are a few pics of the Crossbreed.
Here's the SHTF ACE holster again, for comparison. You can see the huge (unnecessary) size difference between them. It's that huge left side (right side when worn) that leads to the Crossbreed just being so painful to wear. It digs right into me.
04-29-2014, 02:28 AM
I have a Garrett Industries Silent Thunder Fusion on the way to me (hopefully soon!).
Will update again when I receive it...
04-29-2014, 10:12 AM
I am a new member here, but have spent a lot of time over the past couple years on the XDtalk forum.
Over there many, many people sing the praises of If you don't find any other option to take care of your problem, I think there would be a good chance that Gavin could get you what you are looking for.
Good luck in your search!
Rob K
05-02-2014, 06:16 PM
Bought a Cook's Holsters, out of Georgia recently. It is extremely thin and adds no "print" to the CM9. I got the IWB set up for appendix carry. It is Kydex and custom made for your particular gun with a number of customizations available. Most important to me is comfort and RETENTION. I can sit in my car without the pistol squeezing my "boys".When I'm active, the gun stays put ! I would have liked a narrower belt clip, but, can live with this one because of the other benefits. Around $55, they're fast and professional. Just an idea 4U
Visit the Cook's Holsters website. Let me know if you have any questions.
05-02-2014, 06:38 PM
I carry at 4 o'clock and love my Nate Squared. Plus it's easy to remove on a long drive or when going into my "posted" workplace.
05-10-2014, 02:33 PM
And an update to my holster saga. I received my Garrett Industries Fusion IWB holster, and it's the worst holster I've ever seen. It doesn't take a genius to tell from the picture what's wrong with it.
It's clear that no care was put into the design of this holster. As you can see from the picture, for any normal-sized fingers, they're not getting between that belt clip and the grip of the pistol. Was this holster ever tested with an actual gun inside it? And why are there adjustment points for that grip side of the holster, despite the obvious fact that the clip would be TOUCHING the grip of the PM9 if it were any higher? Also, note how the rear of the gun doesn't even sit against the leather properly due to it not being aligned correctly.. Ugh.
And, again, compared to the SHTF holster.. look at the difference..
Ugh. I give up on holsters for now.
05-10-2014, 03:45 PM
Here's something a little different for you to consider. It's labeled as a OWB holster, but can be just as easily be used as a IWB holster. I have no experience with this holster, but thought it looked interesting. I do have experience with Cook's Holsters. They are well designed and nicely made. They also carry a 100% satisfaction guarantee. (!online-store/copg/!/~/product/category=8888359&id=34796397
05-10-2014, 03:50 PM
Garret Industries has a return policy. Have you contacted them? Based on those pics, it is unusable.
05-10-2014, 07:19 PM
Garret Industries has a return policy. Have you contacted them? Based on those pics, it is unusable.
I sent Garrett a VERY displeased-sounding email. It annoys me because paying shipping both ways for a CLEARLY defectively-designed product is just... completely lame.
Anyway, I'll follow up with them on Monday. It's amazing that I can't get a decent IWB holster..
05-10-2014, 07:43 PM
I got their Slim for AIWB and really like it. In fact wearing it now, and have all day except when I went out to shoot my FsN today.
05-10-2014, 08:39 PM
I got their Slim for AIWB and really like it. In fact wearing it now, and have all day except when I went out to shoot my FsN today.
How do you feel about the comfort of it? I believe it's not leather backed where it rests against your body? Just curious if it's uncomfortable in any way, as I'm really aiming for something to be comfortable AND solid.
I wasn't super impressed by the way the PM9 is held in. It's certainly possible for the pistol to "fall out" if nudged the wrong way. I suppose this is a limitation of the Garrett holsters and their leather-lined interior...
Would you mind taking a picture of the side that rests against your body?
05-11-2014, 06:33 AM
Initially I didn't like it. First I had to change the clip to a lower position because with the clip sitting where it was supposed to, it interfered with accessing the grip, plus the pistol sat to close to my belt. After determining it was good for my uses, I cut off the access of the belt clip, as it dug into my body when sitting.
As far as comfort, understand I got this specifically for AIWB carry. Wearing it at 1 o'clock is comfy, sometimes move it to 1:30 or 2 due to belt loops, and if I sit, it can dig into my pelvis area a little. I tried some moleskin, but didn't like it. A lot of this has to do with how tight my pants are, say jeans or my cargos, how tight my belt is, and if I am driving and have a seat belt on. If things are loose, it is not a problem. Not sure if this makes sense...but the setup needs to have room to move to allow comfort. I wear it for 12-15 hours a day, and it works good for me.
As far as retention, it has pretty good retention, my pistol is not going anywhere, unless I pull it out. And it is quiet when I do. Here is a pic you requested.
05-11-2014, 06:45 AM
Based on your previous posts, looks like you want to carry strong side 3-5 o'clock. I would consider their Silent Thunder Solo… OR an MTAC (I love my MTAC for my Glocks) Seeing you have the Crimson Trace Laser setup, that is where I don't know without researching, who makes setups for the PM9 w/ CT… ETA: Just checked and COMP-TAC does not do a PM9 shell w/ CT :32:
05-11-2014, 08:49 AM
You get what you pay for! I like quality and comfort. ( (
05-11-2014, 03:58 PM
Thank you for the info/update and picture. I'm not sure how I see that being a comfortable holster for me, and given Garrett Industries' willingness to ship me out a clearly faulty holster, I'm thinking I'd rather not give them any more of my time and money.
05-11-2014, 04:00 PM
Cheers for the info and pictures, all. I really feel kinda stuck. I'm still really disappointed that SHTF's mold for the PM9 + Crimson Trace was off enough to make it so difficult to get the gun in/out. Aside from that issue, the SHTF was clearly the best. Super comfortable, and a lot of attention paid to the design. I really loved it (fit of gun in it aside, lol).
I'm a sad panda.
05-11-2014, 05:00 PM
First, I would call Garret Industries, they are known to take care of their customers... consider their solo. If not, I would look into a high noon holster. I want to get their Public Secret for either my Pm9 or G26. I can't get any more guns right now, but plenty of room in the holster box.
05-12-2014, 11:15 AM
First, I would call Garret Industries, they are known to take care of their customers... consider their solo. If not, I would look into a high noon holster. I want to get their Public Secret for either my Pm9 or G26. I can't get any more guns right now, but plenty of room in the holster box.
Garrett Industries is indeed taking care of this. I had a chat with Ron and was SUPER impressed. I will say, while I haven't found a working holster yet, I really do admire the way some of these holster businesses really step up to the plate to try and fix things.
05-12-2014, 11:33 AM
I am not surprised. Ron and his wife run a great shop. Looking fwd to how it works out!
05-12-2014, 02:30 PM
Zorn Holsters ( have there Their skinny rig IWB holster (tuckable) for the PM/Cm9 in stock. Runs about 50 bucks. Extremely comfortable and conceals very well and is very low profile. I have several holsters for my CM9 and since receiving the skinny rig, it has become my go to IWB holster. The full sweat shield is a plus now that summer is back in Texas. Note: when searching the site click on the "in stock" button to find the stock holster for the PM/CM9 As well as the for the CW9
Rob K
05-12-2014, 04:04 PM
Check out Cook's Holsters in Georgia. They are Kydex, ultra thin, and custom made when you order. Got mine in 10 days, around $50. Mine is super flat and adds nothing to the print with my appendix carry. I can sit, crouch, and be active with no discomfort or worry about secure retention. I have always been a fan of leather holsters but decided to give this a try.My CM9, which is already FLAT does not print with my shirt tucked in or out.It stays put all day. I carry the CM9 daily and forget I'm carrying. Check out Cook's for another option.
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