View Full Version : Update Range Report PM45, et al....

Michael W.
05-24-2010, 05:32 PM
Well I was able to get out to the range this morning to try out my
new PM45 recoil spring assembly from Kahr. Actually, it's my "hybrid" recoil spring
since its the old spring on the new assembly.

I put 100 rds (Fiocchi and Blazer aluminum) through the PM45
and checked the recoil spring flange after each string to make sure
it wasn't coming loose. Everything stayed in place.
I had 2 slide locked open with rounds in the mag again this time.
This is starting to trouble me, I know that its my thumb touching
the slide lock but I'm not sure how to avoid it with my standard
thumbs forward hold. More practice I guess! I also had on
user induced FTF. Again, I almost KNEW it was going to happen
just by the speed of the slide before it did. This puts me at about 375 rounds
on this gun. Accuracy of this gun continues to impress me. I was able to
keep 5 shot strings at 25 yds in a pie plate....which about as good as my skill
allows with shooting offhand. My one handed drills at 5 and 7 yards continue
to build my confidence with this gun but as much as I love this little thing, I
think I want to be more proficient with it before I start carrying it for real.
I need to stop nudging that freaking slide stop!

The CW series just feels so right in my hand. Shooting this immediately
after shooting the PM45 I can definitely say that the recoil impulse is
greater on the .45. However, the 40 has more muzzle blast and flip.
No surprise there given the high chamber pressures of the .40.

Once again, I shot low with this gun, as was the case the first time
I shot it. I'm still trying to figure out why but I suspect it's my shooting
rather than the sights. Maybe going from the short slide gun to a longer??
I didn't try any groups at rest, I have to remember to next time.

I had that weird thing with the trigger not wanting to completely reset
if I let it out under tension again in the first 50 rounds. In fact I packed it up
after 50 rounds deciding I was going to contact Kahr before running any more
ammo through it.

Man, I simply can't say enough great things about my PM9. It's just SO
sweet. Yah, it's a mousegun to Bawanna but this leetle mouse has a
ROAR!:) I shot 100 rds (WWB and Fiocchi) with no malfs.

Shots went where I wanted for the most part and, I have to say that I'm
having so much FUN shooting this gun even though I KNOW I'm not
supposed to because it's not a "range gun" and bleah bleah bleah.

In fact it was such a satisfying 100 rds that I decided to unpack the
CW40 and shoot the last box I had in my bag. And guess what.....the
freaking trigger worked just PERFECT. No reset issues at all on the second
box of 50. After cleaning the gun, I tried inducing the error with dry firing
and cocking the slide while holding the trigger down, couldn't do it.
So now I'm kind of stumped as to why this is happening intermittently.

I shot off an email to Ian and hopefully he might have some ideas.

Another great day at the range! (My hand is still tingling a bit after 300 rds
of pocket rocket shooting:)


05-24-2010, 05:50 PM
Well I was able to get out to the range this morning to try out my
new PM45 recoil spring assembly from Kahr. Actually, it's my "hybrid" recoil spring
since its the old spring on the new assembly.

I put 100 rds (Fiocchi and Blazer aluminum) through the PM45
and checked the recoil spring flange after each string to make sure
it wasn't coming loose. Everything stayed in place.
I had 2 slide locked open with rounds in the mag again this time.
This is starting to trouble me, I know that its my thumb touching
the slide lock but I'm not sure how to avoid it with my standard
thumbs forward hold. More practice I guess! I also had on
user induced FTF. Again, I almost KNEW it was going to happen
just by the speed of the slide before it did. This puts me at about 375 rounds
on this gun. Accuracy of this gun continues to impress me. I was able to
keep 5 shot strings at 25 yds in a pie plate....which about as good as my skill
allows with shooting offhand. My one handed drills at 5 and 7 yards continue
to build my confidence with this gun but as much as I love this little thing, I
think I want to be more proficient with it before I start carrying it for real.
I need to stop nudging that freaking slide stop!

The CW series just feels so right in my hand. Shooting this immediately
after shooting the PM45 I can definitely say that the recoil impulse is
greater on the .45. However, the 40 has more muzzle blast and flip.
No surprise there given the high chamber pressures of the .40.

Once again, I shot low with this gun, as was the case the first time
I shot it. I'm still trying to figure out why but I suspect it's my shooting
rather than the sights. Maybe going from the short slide gun to a longer??
I didn't try any groups at rest, I have to remember to next time.

I had that weird thing with the trigger not wanting to completely reset
if I let it out under tension again in the first 50 rounds. In fact I packed it up
after 50 rounds deciding I was going to contact Kahr before running any more
ammo through it.

Man, I simply can't say enough great things about my PM9. It's just SO
sweet. Yah, it's a mousegun to Bawanna but this leetle mouse has a
ROAR!:) I shot 100 rds (WWB and Fiocchi) with no malfs.

Shots went where I wanted for the most part and, I have to say that I'm
having so much FUN shooting this gun even though I KNOW I'm not
supposed to because it's not a "range gun" and bleah bleah bleah.

In fact it was such a satisfying 100 rds that I decided to unpack the
CW40 and shoot the last box I had in my bag. And guess what.....the
freaking trigger worked just PERFECT. No reset issues at all on the second
box of 50. After cleaning the gun, I tried inducing the error with dry firing
and cocking the slide while holding the trigger down, couldn't do it.
So now I'm kind of stumped as to why this is happening intermittently.

I shot off an email to Ian and hopefully he might have some ideas.

Another great day at the range! (My hand is still tingling a bit after 300 rds
of pocket rocket shooting:)


Don't believe a word that Bawanna character says. Last I heard someone asked what his IQ was and he's still out looking for it. Mousegun smouse gun it's all rock and roll to me. I have similar issues with my thumb and that take down lever, almost identical. I didn't try one hand shooting it as yet, my bad but I suspect it wouldn't be an issue with a one hand hold. I know it's totally me, my son had zero issues and I had no issues that concern me. Mine is strapped on and has been since cleaning after its first range trip and 325 rounds. Its my always there gun. I think your just playing up that PM9 trying to make me want one of those too. Good luck with that, actually its semi working in a tiny little way. Something just poked me in the ankle, oh it's Tiny! Down boy, I didn't mean it........
I suspect a little hosing on that trigger on the 40 with the brake cleaner or similar might help. Sounds like theres a big of varnish or such and after you shoot it some it breaks lose and plays nice. Let it set and it gums up again. WD 40 will do that sometimes. Sounds like you got the trio in good control and behaving nicely.