View Full Version : Kahr CM40 feed issues...& questionable customer service

02-05-2014, 02:36 PM
Hey there-

Yes, I'm new to the forum and new to Kahr; I'd been eyeing the CM40 for quite a while, it looked to be a good CCW in a more formidable caliber than the typical .380 (NOTHING wrong with .380-no offense meant). So I bought one. After cleaning it and thoroughly reading the instructions, I gave a try at getting the pistol to chamber a round, which it really won't do without some serious machinations. Mainly it just jams in the breech. Decent ammo, too, Fiocci, PMC, Magtech, all brass & fresh. Nothing weird. Finally I got it to chamber a round-once, using the clip with just one cartridge in it. I thought that maybe I should clean it again, but then I couldn't get the slide release pin out. So I called customer service.

Finally I got someone to pick up that led me through the process of getting the pin out while the slide was almost all the way retracted-kinda painful, but I did it. Then the guy (whose name I can't remember, and unfortunately didn't write down) asked me if the spring behind the slide release was in a certain position. It was hard for me to tell; the photos in the manual are pretty lame, and I've never had a Kahr before, so I asked if I should take a picture and send it. He said that would be the best idea. So I got a reasonably good pic and sent it, within five minutes of the call, with an email with my name, serial #, etc. That was eleven days ago. Haven't heard a friggin' word, either by telephone or email, I've subsequently emailed, called, left messages to no avail. Great customer service, eh? Has anyone had similar issues with the CM40 feed? I'm afraid to fire the darn thing. Makes me wish I'd bought a 27. Thanks in advance for any feedback you all can give me.

02-05-2014, 03:18 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk GoMan...Sorry you are having trouble with the new CW40 pistol...I will agree the manuals leave something to be desired but it is still a good source of info....It sounds like you got the slide stop pin installed in front of the kidney shaped lug under the barrel but now that you got it back out I would suggest you read the entire sticky in this same section titled "Proper Prep of a New Kahr"...Lots and lots of good stuff in there about how to break in and lube your new pistol and how to prevent problems....

Read all the stickies before you ever fire the pistol...there are many pictures and instructions on how the slide stop spring should look and if you bent it how to bend it back into the proper shape, not hard, it should be straight with the top of the slide when viewed from the side and from the top looking down...

There are many good folks here to help you but try posting any problems in the CW forum and more folks will be looking there to try and help...You have a fine pistol and once you get the hang of it and get to shooting it you will forget all about wanting a "Block"....again welcome aboard and if you have any questions just ask away down in the CW pistol forum....

02-05-2014, 03:49 PM
In your trying to chamber a round were you locking the slide back and using the slide release lever.

Sling shotting or trying to ease a round in usually doesn't work well especially at first. After break it and more rounds a proper sling shot usually works fine.

It needs the full force of the recoil spring and slide to chamber.