View Full Version : Bedside guns

02-05-2014, 08:19 PM
I just realized all you guys HAVE guns! No really I was just thinking the other day what do all you guys have for a night stand gun and do you have a weapon mounted light or flash light. I think Bawanna keeps a Thompson bedside but I’m not really sure. Myself I keep a 45 with light mounted

02-05-2014, 08:25 PM
Kahr MK9 on top of nightstand, Sig p220 sas with nightsights second shelf...............no lights.

02-05-2014, 08:33 PM
Glock 19 with a rail mounted light. With a 33-round "Happy Stick" magazine. :D

02-05-2014, 08:35 PM
CZ 75 with night sights and a light. Mrs has the Sp101 but with only 38sp. Then again my preferred defense is the door to the back deck.

02-05-2014, 08:47 PM
Pistol grip 870 with #4 buckshot on my side of the bed, Beretta .32 ACP on the wife's, German Shepard at the foot of the bed.

02-05-2014, 09:03 PM
PM45 under the pillow, Judge with 4x.40cal balls with between the matress rod type holder, Remington 870 with #4 shot leaning on the wall, 10" AR pistol in bed with me where the ol' lady would normally be (happiness is a warm gun), two Gerber Guardian knives with easy concealed access, vintage EK 12" knife between the headboard and wall. Bottle of bourbon handy, for medicinal pursposes.

02-05-2014, 09:08 PM
I drifted off there until you mentioned the bourbon.....

02-05-2014, 09:21 PM
That's for me to know and for anyone fool enough to enter my premises with out my permission to find out.

02-06-2014, 12:26 AM
S&W M&P 40 Pro 5" with spare mag on the floor under the bed. Kahr CW40 in the night stand. Cruiser 20 gauge shotgun in my closet. S&W Shield 9 in wife's closet. Kahr CW40 in office. Dog on bed, usually between me and the Mrs. No mounted lights, but have 250 lumin flashlights scattered around the house.

ohio lock
02-06-2014, 04:51 AM
Walther PPQ with the nicest trigger I have ever felt in a handgun. I have the original with the European mag release. I like being different.

02-06-2014, 05:15 AM
:59:cw45, bed side, then retreat to r1 enhanced, mossy 12 with slugs, once the house is clear of zombies, i`ll clear the yard with 30-30, 308, 30-06, 270 ( as i increase my range):4:

Bill K
02-06-2014, 05:53 AM
For a gun it is what I carried that day so it'd mostly be my PM9 and less frequently my P3AT or XDM compact .45 ACP. Plus spare mag for each.

Glad this is posted as my tactical light has walked off someplace and needs to be found or replaced. Humm, probably with my hunting gear...

02-06-2014, 09:04 AM
rem 870 with surefire light and #8 bird shot and a cell phone.
hear intruder ...lock door
call police
if BG comes through door...shoot

02-06-2014, 10:03 AM
hear intruder ...lock door
call police
if BG comes through door...shoot

I like that plan, and I hope to be able to have that be my plan too, someday.

For now, if I hear a BG bust in a door at night, I'm going to have to go out of the bedroom and engage him.

Oh sure, I'll have the wife call 911 before I go say hello to Mr. BG. But the thing is that I've got kids in two bedrooms separated from mine.

If a BG invades my home, I'm going to have to engage him to keep him from possibly assaulting/raping/killing my children. I would rather stay defensive, but I can't hunker down in my bedroom and just hope it turns out OK for the kids.

Comments, guys? I've given this some thought, but that's where I always end up.

02-06-2014, 10:08 AM
Hopefully, you have discussed this scenario with your children, and have a plan for their participation. My father always had me lock my door at night. He always had a firearm at the bedside...................

02-06-2014, 10:15 AM
I like that plan, and I hope to be able to have that be my plan too, someday.

For now, if I hear a BG bust in a door at night, I'm going to have to go out of the bedroom and engage him.

Oh sure, I'll have the wife call 911 before I go say hello to Mr. BG. But the thing is that I've got kids in two bedrooms separated from mine.

If a BG invades my home, I'm going to have to engage him to keep him from possibly assaulting/raping/killing my children. I would rather stay defensive, but I can't hunker down in my bedroom and just hope it turns out OK for the kids.

Comments, guys? I've given this some thought, but that's where I always end up.

First, how old are your kids?
Is your bedroom far from theirs?
Do you have a safe word? Before you go running through the house ready to kill, you should have a plan. It does require a safe word and maybe a whistle and possible a meeting place or safe room. Are the kids old enough to know what hitting the deck is? There is a lot of planning that can be done before you start running around with a loaded gun ready to pull. Have figured out the best shooting lanes for your house? Have you planned how you would clear your place---where to go and what order?Maybe we should start a thread just on this topic.

I don't have kids so my set up is very simple.

02-06-2014, 10:19 AM
My biggest fear is the BG getting caught in the cross fire. Boys on one end, me and the Mrs on the other. Could get ugly.

I use to work operational plans in my head but I don't think this stuff ever plays out according to plan.

My newest plan is
1. Be notified by Mrs. since I'm deaf.
2. Engage BG, go for face of course.
3. Verbal warning, freeze mo fo, something along that line, still working on something catchy.
4. Have wife call animal control, hopefully in winter time with open cages to haul the animal wherever they haul animals.
5. Clean weapons and reload. I always clean my weapons after every firing.

Might have the order messed up a bit, yeah I'd probably clean the gun before I call animal control although that don't matter too much, they usually take awhile anyhow.

02-06-2014, 10:24 AM
My biggest fear is the BG getting caught in the cross fire. Boys on one end, me and the Mrs on the other. Could get ugly.

I use to work operational plans in my head but I don't think this stuff ever plays out according to plan.

My newest plan is
1. Be notified by Mrs. since I'm deaf.
2. Engage BG, go for face of course.
3. Verbal warning, freeze mo fo, something along that line, still working on something catchy.
4. Have wife call animal control, hopefully in winter time with open cages to haul the animal wherever they haul animals.
5. Clean weapons and reload. I always clean my weapons after every firing.

Might have the order messed up a bit, yeah I'd probably clean the gun before I call animal control although that don't matter too much, they usually take awhile anyhow.
Unfortunately, they have rights, even in your homehttp://kahrtalk.com/images/icons/icon12.gif......but. hmmmmmm, where did that firearm come from, that's laying next to them?http://kahrtalk.com/images/icons/icon10.gif

02-06-2014, 10:29 AM
Nobody uninvited in my house has any rights. Lawyers never come near my house.
Armed, unarmed, tall, short, fat, skinny, in my house middle of the night your are an enemy combatant and will be treated as such.

You want to sell cookies, knock on the front door before dark.

02-06-2014, 11:05 AM
^^^Amen brother!!

I have a very young family, so if ANYONE comes in my house that I dont know, you better believe I am going to act first before BG has time to think. You will never know the situation or scenario, and can visually play them out 100 times, I just know that acting fast is going to be the key.

Edit: Oh and back on track, my HD gun is my S&W 915 as well as my CM9.

02-06-2014, 11:13 AM
Well since I lost all my guns when the motorhome sank last year I have decided to go with the Obamacare approach....If I hear a BG in the house, first thing to do is to find him and profusely appologize for being a middle class American with more stuff than he has...

Next I will negotiate with him on the matter of how many things of mine he needs since he is so underprivileged with a drug addicition that society should have already helped him with but has failed his every need and since he isn't as fortunate as I am and I have so much extra stuff I will give him everything he wants and can carry away....

If he needs help getting the loot home I will help him take my neighbors pickup truck since he is a business owner and probably makes too much money anyway and won't really miss it and having it would really help this fine misunderstood young man feel better about himself and give him a new sense of pride and help erase years of income inequality and bigotry that my Right Wing Christian Conservative values has caused him to suffer from...

See, Hope and Change does work!!!...:rolleyes:

02-06-2014, 11:20 AM
Let me know and I'll send my gas card. I'm sure he'll need gas for your neighbors truck so he can get to his drug deals and prime theft/rape/and general malicious mischief locations.
I'm sorry too and happy to help. Oh, maybe bad idea, I can't use the card either since it's maxed out. Tough being on the giving side, trying to afford Top Ramen and all.

02-06-2014, 12:04 PM
Our night time set up is as follows;
Husband has a mossberg 12 gauge shot gun with a light and either His H&K p30 or a 1911 on the bed stand
I have my XDm (5.25 barrel 13 + 1 45) with two extra mags., and a cell phone with 911
already punched in.

We have rehearsed our roles….it's good to have a plan (who goes where and what their responsibilities are).

Interestingly enough a few months ago at about 3 am our burglar alarm went OFF!!!!!!
Holy Sh---! Fortunately it was a false alarm. What happened was one of our motion detectors on our door wall slipped a little. We only mounted it temporarily because we were debating it's location. NOW it's securely attached.

I'm happy to say that when the alarm went off we instantly did exactly what we rehearsed. We couldn't have had a better dry run. So please, have a plan and work on it!
Of course that is not to say every plan will work for every situation.

02-06-2014, 12:29 PM
My plan is to have my wife talk the BG into submission. She can be very good at that. 46 years, I know.

02-06-2014, 03:15 PM
1911 in the nightstand.

02-06-2014, 03:54 PM
Hmmm, I was thinking about something different......never mind:D

Bob T
02-06-2014, 04:01 PM
Nervous, untrustful, 65lb English Coonhound sleeping on the end of the bed, (and our feet)...
Cell phone on the night stand....

Ah...and that's it.

Guns are locked up in one room, ammo in another.
Never been one to worry much....:hippie:

02-06-2014, 04:05 PM
For a while I had a HK P30 40 with a SureFire X300 light on the rail.
But I've gotten lazy.
And these days just place whatever I'm carrying that day on the nightstand.
Usually that's a HK P2000SK 357 or a HK USP Tactical 45.

02-06-2014, 04:14 PM
It's not at the bedside but it's well hidden and easily accessible in the bedroom. I had two pistols stolen from a nightstand. It's an HK USP 40 with two 14 round mags. I don't use lights, but it has excellent night sights.

02-06-2014, 04:36 PM
Ruger SR40 is my goto home defense weapon with a 150 lumen rail light. The PCC is in the youngest son's room. He's supposed to get it into action and/or go for help.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

02-06-2014, 05:09 PM
My red heeler sleeps in the kitchen, just outside my bedroom door, when he starts acting up in the night, something is up, usually a varmint on the back deck, but you never know. I keep a .44 special revolver under the pillow, and a 15+1 9mm with night sights and extra mag, and my 7+1 Boberg 9mm in the nightstand. And my 20 gauge youth model 870, and a "defense" rifle with 30 rd mags, within steps of my bed. I keep the flashlight separate on top of the nightstand, so I can grab any of the guns and have light. I keep the interior of my house dimly lit at night so I can see pretty well without it. I also have an alarm system that alerts me when any exterior door is opened, or to the sound of glass breaking. The plan is get 911 on the line, and have them listening to whatever goes down, if it's an intruder.

02-06-2014, 06:01 PM
G19 in the nightstand but my first line of defense is my alarm system which consists of my 100 lb Shepherd and 80 lb Lab in the bedroom. While this guy, my 120 lb Cane Corso named Clyde, guards the downstairs:

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/820/cbearcopy.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/mscbearcopyj)

02-06-2014, 06:04 PM
My PM9 is the last thing off @ nite, 'cept my britches, & the first thing on in the mornin'. It goes on the nite stand with my cell & Surefire. If my two 100 lbs. dog have left anything of the bad guy, I'm ready & yes, I live alone.

02-06-2014, 06:15 PM
Beyond my carry gun on the nightstand.
I do have some special party favors...

02-06-2014, 06:41 PM
G19 in the nightstand but my first line of defense is my alarm system which consists of my 100 lb Shepherd and 80 lb Lab in the bedroom. While this guy, my 120 lb Cane Corso named Clyde, guards the downstairs:

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/820/cbearcopy.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/mscbearcopyj)

That's one heck of a DOG! I used to have Bouvier's and I thought they looked pretty fierce, but holy smokes they don't compare to "Clyde"…but don't tell them that.
Sorry to say, after the fifth Bouv had to be put down I had to switch breeds,
and now I'm temporarily dog-less.

02-06-2014, 06:59 PM
G19 in the nightstand but my first line of defense is my alarm system which consists of my 100 lb Shepherd and 80 lb Lab in the bedroom. While this guy, my 120 lb Cane Corso named Clyde, guards the downstairs:

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/820/cbearcopy.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/mscbearcopyj)
Note to self. Never attempt to visit NMAC19. Period. Day or night! :)
I keep my g19 with my brand new streamlight tactical light on it beside at night and my yorkie sleeps in our bedroom on the floor. About as big as your dog's head but will definitely wake us up if anything is afoot. Dtrs off to college so no worries about trying to "rescue" anyone.

02-06-2014, 07:25 PM
That's one heck of a DOG! I used to have Bouvier's and I thought they looked pretty fierce, but holy smokes they don't compare to "Clyde"…but don't tell them that.
Sorry to say, after the fifth Bouv had to be put down I had to switch breeds,
and now I'm temporarily dog-less.

Just looked them up, Bouvier's look awesome! Promise this is the last pic, don't mean to hi-jack the thread but I do view them as an integral part of my home-defense. And thanks, but Clyde doesn't always look so serious, here he is with the rest of the pack. Funny how small he looks in the background, trick of the camera, he's the biggest and the boss of the crew:

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/560/o3bd.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/fko3bdj)

Note to self. Never attempt to visit NMAC19. Period. Day or night! :)
I keep my g19 with my brand new streamlight tactical light on it beside at night and my yorkie sleeps in our bedroom on the floor. About as big as your dog's head but will definitely wake us up if anything is afoot. Dtrs off to college so no worries about trying to "rescue" anyone.

Lol... we've had small dogs too, great watchdogs. Love all dogs but especially the big ones, but I tell 'ya what... I'll NEVER have 3 again, waaaaay too much money to feed and care for them.

02-06-2014, 07:32 PM
WMac19, great looking crew.
The food is one thing, it's the VET bills that are killer…..

02-06-2014, 08:46 PM
PM9 and my glasses, guns nfg w/o the glasses.

02-06-2014, 09:12 PM
I have been carrying a S&W 640 no dash but just picked up my first Kahr (P380) 2 days ago. After break-in I plan to switch to the Kahr. So, small and concealable for days but at night I want more rounds. Beretta Cougar 9mm with 17 shots on the night stand.
That said, all this talk about what is on the night stand is fun stuff but really just user choice. The most valuable bit I have read on this thread is the idea of having a dry run to rehearse what happens if the alarm goes off. Good thinking. Especially with multiple bedrooms to defend in the case of children or in-laws.

02-06-2014, 09:48 PM
45acp and separate 300lumens flashlight (set on strobe)

02-09-2014, 09:57 PM
CW-45 on the nightstand, Ruger mini-14 behind the door, Petey the pit bull, usually hogging the bed.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

02-09-2014, 10:09 PM
Springfield MC Operator and a Kahr K9. I have extra mags for both.

10-25-2015, 05:01 PM
G21 Gen 4/extra mag.
300 lumen palm fit light.

10-25-2015, 06:07 PM
Beretta PX4 .45 with mounted InForce 200 lumens light.


10-25-2015, 07:14 PM
That's for me to know and for anyone fool enough to enter my premises with out my permission to find out.


10-26-2015, 11:49 AM
Glock 23 to fight my way to my 12g Mossberg.

10-26-2015, 12:28 PM
I'm one of those crazy people who sleep with my EDC (MK9).

It just goes from my hip to under my pillow and repeats every day.

10-26-2015, 04:46 PM
My plan of action is to stay out of the line of fire between Itchy and the BG.
I may contribute to the excitement from a different angle.
Recently we've both got CW45s within arms reach.
In either case, the first thing the BG is gonna hear is a firing pin hitting a primer.

10-26-2015, 04:57 PM
Kahr CW9 under the pillow, Border Collie/Wolf on the comforter, and an H&B 33 behind the door.

10-26-2015, 05:32 PM
Good to see Im not the only one that sleeps with a gun under my pillow. Don't want it bedside cause the bad guy could get it before I could.

10-26-2015, 06:04 PM
Good to see Im not the only one that sleeps with a gun under my pillow. Don't want it bedside cause the bad guy could get it before I could.

i love the title of this thread, then your quote, then your signature.

10-27-2015, 11:12 AM
Good to see Im not the only one that sleeps with a gun under my pillow. Don't want it bedside cause the bad guy could get it before I could.

It's habit for me.

In the Army they would try and steal your weapons while you were sleeping, which meant it was either tied to you some way, or in a position that would wake you up if someone tried to take it. Preferably both.

10-29-2015, 08:35 AM
Then again my preferred defense is the door to the back deck.

I love it. I've heard "You draw your gun only when your pursuer has managed to come into range".