View Full Version : Don't Talk to the Police

02-08-2014, 05:06 PM
Even if you're innocent.


02-08-2014, 05:46 PM
Damn....I talk to agents and cops all the time. At retirement is a bad time to learn I been doing all wrong for the last 50 some years.

I love this guy.....speech has been posted before.

02-09-2014, 07:23 AM
It's a different world today than 50 years ago. 50 years ago they would laugh you or your family out of court for bringing suit for being shot or killed while you were invading a home. 50 years ago the police were not militarized extensions of the federal govt on the take for funding. 50 years ago owning a gun, defending yourself, and being innocent until proven guilty was how things were. 50 years ago you were tried by a jury instead of the media. 50 years ago you didn't need govt permission to own and carry a firearm in most places. 50 years ago politicians didn't try to sensationalize every time a citizen farted to turn said citizen into an evildoer. If you have the same trust in the police, your local govt, your state govt, your federal govt that you had 50 years ago...well...nothing we can do for you.

Longitude Zero
02-09-2014, 09:24 AM
It's a different world today than 50 years ago. 50 years ago they would laugh you or your family out of court for bringing suit for being shot or killed while you were invading a home. 50 years ago the police were not militarized extensions of the federal govt on the take for funding. 50 years ago owning a gun, defending yourself, and being innocent until proven guilty was how things were. 50 years ago you were tried by a jury instead of the media. 50 years ago you didn't need govt permission to own and carry a firearm in most places. 50 years ago politicians didn't try to sensationalize every time a citizen farted to turn said citizen into an evildoer. If you have the same trust in the police, your local govt, your state govt, your federal govt that you had 50 years ago...well...nothing we can do for you.

A bit over dramatized of course but not surprised.

02-09-2014, 10:25 AM
Did you happen to watch the video titled something like The Scariest Police Stops? It's on the same page as the video you linked too.
The first 5 minutes is pretty scary for the officer. He barely made it out alive. After being shot in the face.
Some of the others are pretty wild too, others not quite so bad. There are a some cops lucky to be alive out there.

You should never consent to a search of your car either. A passenger could have dropped a prescription pill in your car and not noticed, and if the police find it, it's in your possession and if it's a controlled substance off to jail you go. I doubt at our age they are going to want to search our vehicles, but you never know. I've found if I hand over my CC permit with my license, the cops mellow out some. I never thought to do that until I was getting my license out and the Officer saw my CC and asked about it so I gave that to him too. Now they just ask if I'm packing, where it's at, and not to go reaching into that area. I usually carry my pistol in the center console, and my registration and insurance card are in my glove box, and I don't get those out until asked and the officer is watching.

They publish pictures of the Counties most wanted criminals in our paper, and I was surprised at the number of older people wanted for possession of narcotics. So I suppose being asked to consent to a vehicle search could happen to older folks like ourselves. Probably more likely if they smell alcohol on you. I don't drink, except for communion, so I don't have the problem of smelling like booze.

02-09-2014, 11:17 AM
Did you happen to watch the video titled something like The Scariest Police Stops? It's on the same page as the video you linked too.
The first 5 minutes is pretty scary for the officer. He barely made it out alive. After being shot in the face.
Some of the others are pretty wild too, others not quite so bad. There are a some cops lucky to be alive out there.

You should never consent to a search of your car either. A passenger could have dropped a prescription pill in your car and not noticed, and if the police find it, it's in your possession and if it's a controlled substance off to jail you go. I doubt at our age they are going to want to search our vehicles, but you never know. I've found if I hand over my CC permit with my license, the cops mellow out some. I never thought to do that until I was getting my license out and the Officer saw my CC and asked about it so I gave that to him too. Now they just ask if I'm packing, where it's at, and not to go reaching into that area. I usually carry my pistol in the center console, and my registration and insurance card are in my glove box, and I don't get those out until asked and the officer is watching.

They publish pictures of the Counties most wanted criminals in our paper, and I was surprised at the number of older people wanted for possession of narcotics. So I suppose being asked to consent to a vehicle search could happen to older folks like ourselves. Probably more likely if they smell alcohol on you. I don't drink, except for communion, so I don't have the problem of smelling like booze.
I agree with what you said, but after watching the video, I felt greatful that there are such brave, dedicated souls out there protecting us 24/7. My other thought was regarding the eternal argument over caliber. I'm referring to the officer who shot the offender at point blank range and it didn't seem to phase the offender at all.

02-09-2014, 03:16 PM
A bit over dramatized of course but not surprised.

Do explain. How so?

Longitude Zero
02-09-2014, 03:35 PM
It's a different world today than 50 years ago. 50 years ago they would laugh you or your family out of court for bringing suit for being shot or killed while you were invading a home. 50 years ago the police were not militarized extensions of the federal govt on the take for funding. 50 years ago owning a gun, defending yourself, and being innocent until proven guilty was how things were. 50 years ago you were tried by a jury instead of the media. 50 years ago you didn't need govt permission to own and carry a firearm in most places. 50 years ago politicians didn't try to sensationalize every time a citizen farted to turn said citizen into an evildoer. If you have the same trust in the police, your local govt, your state govt, your federal govt that you had 50 years ago...well...nothing we can do for you.

Most PD's are not as militarized as you incorrectly posit. While the equipment is obviously upgraded the training of the vast majority of small depts. is no different that it was decades ago due to cost. Perhaps you have not noticed but the bad guys of today are far better armed than 50 years ago duh. the good guys have upgraded their weaponry as a response to the potential threats not the other way around

On the take infers illegal/nefarious actions. You have NO proof of this at all.

50 years ago CCW was almost unheard of, so to say you did not need permission is not true as back then virtually nobody wanted to carry or did carry. And those that did were for the most part violating the standards in place at that time.

Politicians act the way they do because of the media frenzy. If you are willing to go back and give up your 24 hour tv, internet and slow information systems we had back then.

Innocent until proven guilty is STILL they way it is. I see the courts system more in one month than every non-LEO on this board sees in a lifetime. chrish you are putting your faith in the media to educate about the legal system. when was the last time you sat on a jury or bothered to attend a trial??? Like it or not 99.9% of the time the SYSTEM WORKS AS IT SHOULD. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT HAPPENS WORK TO CHANGE IT BUT DO NOT COMPLAIN UNLESS YOU ARE WORKING TO CHANGE IT POSITIVELY.

I don't hold ANYTHING OR ANYBODY in the esteem I did decades ago. times have changed. I suggest that if you think 50 years ago was better then go guy a cabin in the woods and give u all the technology and convenience than the last 50 years has provided. Then tell me how you like it.

I do not agree with much of what has happened in my country the last few decades but I would NEVER make the mistake of thinking that people living 50 years ago was something I would want to retreat too.

02-09-2014, 04:06 PM

Sorry, I guess you missed my point(s). No, I don't want to go back 50 years ago technology wise, but that wasn't the point nor was it what I said. The point was that society is far more degraded in its morality and ethics than 50 years ago. Government is more obtrusive and anti-constitutional than it was 50 years ago. All of my points stand and I don't feel they are inaccurate or dishonest. Obviously your opinion differs. I also disagree w/ your assessment of my comments, you read a lot into them that just isn't there. So be it.

Longitude Zero
02-09-2014, 04:15 PM

Sorry, I guess you missed my point(s). No, I don't want to go back 50 years ago technology wise, but that wasn't the point nor was it what I said. The point was that society is far more degraded in its morality and ethics than 50 years ago. Government is more obtrusive and anti-constitutional than it was 50 years ago. All of my points stand and I don't feel they are inaccurate or dishonest. Obviously your opinion differs. I also disagree w/ your assessment of my comments, you read a lot into them that just isn't there. So be it.

I agree that society as a whole has degraded. It is no long the Andy Taylor of Mayberry RFD world. I wish we could go back to the simpler slower times but take todays technology with us. But that would probably defeat the purpose. We agree to disagree otherwise. Still civil I hope?

02-09-2014, 04:49 PM
I agree that society as a whole has degraded. It is no long the Andy Taylor of Mayberry RFD world. I wish we could go back to the simpler slower times but take todays technology with us. But that would probably defeat the purpose. We agree to disagree otherwise. Still civil I hope?

Absolutely, always civil. Yea, I know its not gonna be Mayberry ever again, but that predates me anyway...well, Mayberry does, but not Mayberry RFD :-)

No, I only think that we have an _obligation_ to NOT place complete trust in the government or its minions...even if WE are the minions sometimes. I know a lot of folks here are LEOs and gov't employees, or retired versions of the same. But the politicians and the bureaucracy have create a monster and real people work for those monsters. The result can be (not always) detached employees that think its 'us vs them' and that goes both ways with citizens thinking its 'them vs us'. Sad, but the reality.

The problem is that in many cases, that is the truth. It could one day be YOU vs THE SYSTEM. And the other people are gonna be part of THE SYSTEM and in many cases will act for the benefit of THE SYSTEM and not you. You can't honestly (or can you) dismiss the general position of the video in the OP, at least not entirely? There is some truth in that video. The truth in there stems from the modern lawyer, the modern government bureaucracy, the modern 'system' that has (as you somewhat agreed) degraded from what it once was. In an effort to tidy things up and meet the needs of the masses and the media to have things cut and dried and find somewhere to place blame, we'll twist your words however we can to get you convicted.

I'll take modern technology coupled with the morality and ethics of yester-year in a heartbeat. We can have both if people would just leave each other the **** alone and be good neighbors. Good luck w/ that though. Too many government entities and people want my money, my guns, want to tell he how much fuel I can burn and how many donuts I can eat and what they are made of. Screw 'em!

Wow, sorry, that last paragraph is way off topic but somehow I managed to segway into it.

Longitude Zero
02-09-2014, 05:21 PM
I'll take modern technology coupled with the morality and ethics of yester-year in a heartbeat.

Me too.

02-10-2014, 09:17 AM
The first thing that I'm going to do if I ever get arrested is to pour gasoline on my computer and burn it. If the cops ever read my comments on Kahr Talk they'd say that muggsy is crazier than a bed bug and lock me up for good. Being a known associate of Jocko wouldn't help my case a bit. My old man always said that it's better to keep yer mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open yer mouth and remove all doubt. My only comment to the police will be that I'll be happy to make a full statement after speaking to my lawyer.

Longitude Zero
02-10-2014, 01:20 PM
Won't work. The Internet never forgets.

02-10-2014, 01:33 PM
I'm doomed.

02-10-2014, 01:43 PM
Yep. A Google search of "muggsy & guns" gets you to a kahrtalk post of yours and clicking on "muggsy" gives you a choice of "find all posts by muggsy".

That's all a lawyer needs... for any of us, especially if you've ever advocated more than "stopping the threat" or using any superkiller bullets.:eek:
