View Full Version : Penny for Your Thoughts re PPK's

02-11-2014, 04:52 PM
I mentioned in another thread that I went shooting with a friend a couple of weeks ago. While at the range I got to try out his S&W made Walther PPK ... and I have to say I really liked that little gun ... probably because it's so very much like my Makarov ... for obvious reasons.

Anyway, I was curious if any of you all were familiar with this particular make & model and curious what you thought of it.

Also, just on the off-chance that one of you out their might have one that's just been taking up room in your safe, what might you want for it if you had a mind to want to make room for something else?

P.S. I decided to use this thread to create my post # 1,000.


Longitude Zero
02-11-2014, 08:11 PM
I have not seen or fired the S&W version. The Walthers I have fired are excellent shooters.

02-11-2014, 08:22 PM
I've got one in .22, but not the S&W version. Mine is heavy for a .22 and the double action trigger pull is horribly heavy. But it looks good and is fun for plinking.

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02-11-2014, 09:56 PM
Congrats on the 1,000 posts. I have never fired the Walther but own a Bersa that I believe is pretty much a lower budget knock-off of the PPK, about $300 brand new (in black). It is one of the sweetest shooting guns I own and you almost never hear a bad word about them. Took the Bersa to the range last month with a Colt 1911, Colt Pony Pocket lite, Beretta Cougar and H&K .40. All are excellent for their own reasons but the Bersa took no lip from any of them and took her place in line as a fine shooter in her own right. Sweet trigger. I especially like the DA/SA configuration. My favorite for a carry gun. So, if I am correct that the Bersa is a knock-off of the Walther, the Walther must be a heck of a gun. (But I'd still take the new Bersa brand new at $300:)

02-12-2014, 02:06 AM
Congrats on the 1,000 posts. I have never fired the Walther but own a Bersa that I believe is pretty much a lower budget knock-off of the PPK, about $300 brand new (in black). It is one of the sweetest shooting guns I own and you almost never hear a bad word about them. Took the Bersa to the range last month with a Colt 1911, Colt Pony Pocket lite, Beretta Cougar and H&K .40. All are excellent for their own reasons but the Bersa took no lip from any of them and took her place in line as a fine shooter in her own right. Sweet trigger. I especially like the DA/SA configuration. My favorite for a carry gun. So, if I am correct that the Bersa is a knock-off of the Walther, the Walther must be a heck of a gun. (But I'd still take the new Bersa brand new at $300:)

Except for the carry gun part, ditto on the Bersa .22. A fun, well built, inexpensive practice pistol.

02-12-2014, 09:11 AM
Bersas don't get the love they deserve.

02-12-2014, 09:42 AM
I have a 1988 Interarms Walther PPK in .380, which is one of the pistols in my collection that has yet to be fired (other than factory).

A beautiful well balanced pistol. The fit and finish on these PPK's is remarkable.

http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz67/jeffdavis_photos/image1.jpeg (http://s814.photobucket.com/user/jeffdavis_photos/media/image1.jpeg.html)

02-12-2014, 10:08 AM
American's are truly generous. RevRay was willing to give a penny for your thoughts and everyone gave him their two cents worth. What a country! :amflag:

02-12-2014, 10:49 AM
I have a 1988 Interarms Walther PPK in .380, which is one of the pistols in my collection that has yet to be fired (other than factory).

A beautiful well balanced pistol. The fit and finish on these PPK's is remarkable.

http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz67/jeffdavis_photos/image1.jpeg (http://s814.photobucket.com/user/jeffdavis_photos/media/image1.jpeg.html)

So, Feedramp, was your post above in response to my question ...

Also, just on the off-chance that one of you out their might have one that's just been taking up room in your safe, what might you want for it if you had a mind to want to make room for something else?

02-12-2014, 08:42 PM
RevRay, I have fired several over the years, all were very high quality. The only one I would consider owning is the new S&W one because of the slight beavertail. I have very big paws and the older ones bite the snot out of my hand. A definite Gold Standard among small pistols.

02-12-2014, 10:04 PM
Congrats on the 1,000 posts. I have never fired the Walther but own a Bersa that I believe is pretty much a lower budget knock-off of the PPK, about $300 brand new (in black). It is one of the sweetest shooting guns I own and you almost never hear a bad word about them. Took the Bersa to the range last month with a Colt 1911, Colt Pony Pocket lite, Beretta Cougar and H&K .40. All are excellent for their own reasons but the Bersa took no lip from any of them and took her place in line as a fine shooter in her own right. Sweet trigger. I especially like the DA/SA configuration. My favorite for a carry gun. So, if I am correct that the Bersa is a knock-off of the Walther, the Walther must be a heck of a gun. (But I'd still take the new Bersa brand new at $300:)

Bersa .380 was the first gun I purchased when I first got into guns a few years back. I remember walking into Academy not knowing what to expect and a little nervous with it being my first purchase. $220 and 15 minutes later i walk out with it. Headed to the range a few days later and absolutely loved it! Traded it for a car part a few years later and regretted it ever since. It popped my gun cherry and I would love to bring back those days of losing my gun virginity.

02-13-2014, 04:55 AM
So, Feedramp, was your post above in response to my question ...

Not my intentions, but anything is possible. I was just letting it be known to RevRay that there are some other PPK fans here at the forum.

The original PPK's (non S&W) were really quite a marvelous pistol.

You know how it is .... once you begin a journey down the road pistol collecting .. there is always that "just one more syndrome".

Sometmes you sell some of your prized possesions, just to help fund yet another .. :cool:

02-13-2014, 06:55 AM
BTW ,Rev. Academy Sports is closing these out in the $350 range.

Here's mine. It is a fine looking weapon indeed. [ATTACH]9894

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02-13-2014, 07:33 AM
Boy, it looks as though we have a nice PPK thread here.

A couple of "up close and personal shots" of the Interarms model ...

http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz67/jeffdavis_photos/image-1.jpeg (http://s814.photobucket.com/user/jeffdavis_photos/media/image-1.jpeg.html)

http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz67/jeffdavis_photos/image2.jpeg (http://s814.photobucket.com/user/jeffdavis_photos/media/image2.jpeg.html)http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz67/jeffdavis_photos/image3.jpeg (http://s814.photobucket.com/user/jeffdavis_photos/media/image3.jpeg.html)

Anyway ... back to the present, as I'm picking up my CM9 tomorrow ... :w00t:

02-13-2014, 07:41 AM
I know i am one of the few but I has a 1960's German PPKs in 380. Plastic grips, and a faux Alligator box. I think I paid $125. I was never impressed with that gun and sold it years later for $600.

02-13-2014, 11:37 AM
Nice looking......just never liked the trigger.

02-13-2014, 01:20 PM
rev, I have some good thoughts for ur thread but a dakmn PENNEY. No way. gotta have a higher offer, as u know ol jockos iformation could be worth millions..Just sayin

02-13-2014, 01:23 PM
rev, I have some good thoughts for ur thread but a dakmn PENNEY. No way. gotta have a higher offer, as u know ol jockos iformation could be worth millions..Just sayin

jocko, for you I'll double the offer and take your two-cents worth.

02-13-2014, 01:27 PM
Actually, the thread has touched upon a side subject that I had begun to wonder about ... that being if there is any significant difference between the Interams version and the S&W one. I've been doing my usual daily scanning of Armslist and Gunbrokers and I haven't been able to see any obvious difference in the pictures that get posted. I may be wrong on this but it does seem that the S&W version commands a slightly higher price, but like I say ... I may be wrong on that point. Does anybody have any experience with both? Being as I lived for 18 years in Maine the S&W model made in Houton, Maine, would have a little bit of sentimental value to me ... though I doubt I would pay very much for the extra sentiment.

02-13-2014, 01:39 PM
Go to the Walther forum. Surprisingly these guys like the Interarms version over the Smith for several reasons.

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02-13-2014, 02:53 PM
If it's good enough for James Bond how can you go wrong?

02-13-2014, 06:11 PM
Go to the Walther forum. Surprisingly these guys like the Interarms version over the Smith for several reasons.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Quality was of a higher standard, before the S&W era ... :ohmy:

Just ask any Walther PPK guru.

Like anything else, we all have our preferences. I prefer good stock.

02-13-2014, 08:57 PM
Legendary. PPKs were the go to, quality, DA pocket pistols back in the day. Not so much today. Kinda like 55 and 57 Chevys

02-14-2014, 03:31 PM
That is correct.

Like the 57 Chevy, the original PPK was one of the finest designs ever produced, and although many have attempted to, it can never be duplicated .. :cool:

02-14-2014, 03:50 PM
One of the prized portions of my collection are the Walthers. Whether Walther, Interarms or S&W, these are great guns. Always a joy to carry, fondle or shoot. One of my "grail" gun was the TPH in .25acp.

Gratuitous pics.

http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i186/ripley16/Pistols/Walther/NdswaltherPP002.jpg (http://s72.photobucket.com/user/ripley16/media/Pistols/Walther/NdswaltherPP002.jpg.html)

http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i186/ripley16/Pistols/Walther/tph25019.jpg (http://s72.photobucket.com/user/ripley16/media/Pistols/Walther/tph25019.jpg.html)

My latest is a very nice Walther PP in .22lr.
http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i186/ripley16/Pistols/Walther/WaltherPP22_zpsc8e5eb8b.jpg (http://s72.photobucket.com/user/ripley16/media/Pistols/Walther/WaltherPP22_zpsc8e5eb8b.jpg.html)

another .22.
http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i186/ripley16/Pistols/Walther/WaltherPPKS22lr.jpg (http://s72.photobucket.com/user/ripley16/media/Pistols/Walther/WaltherPPKS22lr.jpg.html)

02-14-2014, 04:05 PM
That is an awesome looking collection ripley16, especially the beautiful TPH in .25acp.

You just moved up a notch in my book ... :D

02-14-2014, 04:55 PM
Beautiful guns and beautiful pics ... how come my pics never ever come out looking like that? This is the best I could do ...


02-14-2014, 05:07 PM
icde gun case Rev. Just sayin

02-14-2014, 05:12 PM
That is correct.

Like the 57 Chevy, the original PPK was one of the finest designs ever produced, and although many have attempted to, it can never be duplicated .. :cool:

and to have a 57 chevy with factory fuel injection, all black or all red :Amflag2:

I would sell all my photos of Monica that I have in my files for one of those chevy's. Did u guys know that she is gonna be a guest on the new Paula Dean cooking show. Her speciality is come-quats. No kiddin, that twhat I read on the "Weekly porn" Magazine:Amflag2:

02-14-2014, 05:46 PM
Monica's doin' more porn? Got a web address fer dat?

02-14-2014, 06:13 PM
buy ur own damn magazine. Just sayin

02-14-2014, 08:45 PM
No worries....I found it. Thanks fer the heads up.

02-16-2014, 12:31 AM
In the 1990s I had a Walther PPKS .380 that was made in Germany. Cannot get more real deal than that! I loved it for the most part. The only issue I had with it was a personal one. The small trigger guard was really a bit too small for my fat trigger finger. This made shooting the PPKS a bit uncomfortable. Otherwise the PPKS was terrific. It was built like a tank and probably would have survived being driven over by a tank too. Very well engineered. I had wanted one ever since I was a kid in the 1960s and saw James Bond with one in a movie. Bond's was a 7.65mm though, or as we yanks call it, a .32 ACP.

02-17-2014, 04:00 AM
I have a ppk 380 made by smith and wesson. Despite all the bad press i actually find it pretty fun to shoot and very reliable. 500 rounds and no issues.

Would i like a german ppk better? Probably... But if i had one of those it would most likely sit in my safe along with my pp 380 because they arent easy to find anymore.

If you see a reasonably priced s&w ppk and you already know what its like to shoot one, i see nothing wrong with snagging one.

02-17-2014, 08:28 AM
S&W took a real nosedive when the Brits bought them out back in 1987 and they've never been quite the same since. They are better now that the company is back in American hands, but not quite what they were in the good old days. Come to think of it the entire country started to slide in the mid sixties.

02-17-2014, 11:16 AM
Congrats Rev on hitting 1000 posts....I've owned both an Interarms and a S&W Walther and they were both beautiful, well made, timeless designed pistols...Both had about a 90 lb trigger and both were heavy as a Buick...I traded both because of the trigger....The PPK/PPKs design is the one that started the modern era DA/SA pocket pistol market but even as beautiful and nostalgic as they are and even if James Bond carried one they still are outdated, and shoot a sub caliber even in .380 but man are they purdy...

Now if somebody would bring out a PPK pistol in 9mm we would be talking....The new Remington R51 is a start but to me it's on the ugly side but it is interesting but then again when you can get a PM9 Kahr that shoots a real self defense caliber, is much smaller and lighter weight with the sweetest trigger available it doesn't make much sense to try and CCW carry a PPK....

Get either a S&W or an Interarms PPKs, play with it, shoot it some then trade it on something useful later on when you realize it's an antique...It's the reason there are so many nice used ones out there...