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02-13-2014, 06:46 AM
New Jersey Concealed Carry Law Under Fire From 19 Other States
Kevin Glass | Feb 12, 2014
Kevin Glass
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The state of New Jersey has some of the most restrictive gun regulations in the country. Their concealed carry law is under fire from their own citizens, who have sued to relax the state's restrictions. Now, the National Rifle Association has joined a lawsuit, and there are 19 other states that wish to support the lawsuit as well:
Wyoming is leading a coalition of 19 states asking the U.S. Supreme Court to let them submit a brief supporting a New Jersey man's challenge to that state's concealed weapons law.

The Wyoming Attorney General's Office, acting as lawyer for Wyoming and the other states, on Wednesday asked the Supreme Court to grant a hearing to John M. Drake and others who are challenging a recent appeals court ruling.

"This decision out of New Jersey impacts the right to keep and bear arms outside of the home," Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead said Wednesday. "So, I felt it was necessary to have the attorney general support a petition to the Supreme Court to hear this case.

"If the current decision stands, states providing greater protections than New Jersey under the Second Amendment may be pre-empted by future federal action," said Mead, a Republican.

New Jersey's concealed carry law says that gun owners must prove a "justifiable need" for a concealed-carry permit. The lawsuit alleges that this "justifiable need" provisions is too restrictive and violates lawful gun owners' 2nd Amendment rights.

Chris Cox, head of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, told the Star-Ledger:

“New Jersey law unconstitutionally forces lawful gun owners to prove ‘justifiable need’ in order to carry a handgun for self-defense, showing specific threats, or prior attacks. This is absurd," Cox said. "Our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms is not limited to the home."



02-14-2014, 07:28 AM
Justifiable need? That is seriously one of the most ignorant things I have heard. You could argue the same about police, fire departments, insurance, fire extinguishers, schools, and the list goes on and on. Pretty sad (and scary) when you live in a country where you have to begin justifying your most basic rights. The same rights our founders declared when they started to frame the government.

I think people and "elected" officials often times forget why the bill of rights includes the right to bear arms. It's designed to protect us from our own government and should be a warning to us all when the government wants to restrict that peticular one.

Times have changed and guns have evolved just like everything else. I get sick and tired of the government overstepping its boundary. I for one I am glad I live in a state with like minded people that elect representatives who uphold the constitution. Even the "other party" that gets elected here are very moderate when it comes to guns. God bless Texas.

02-14-2014, 09:44 AM
Komifornia just lost under the same "Justifiable need"Law