View Full Version : Picked up my M&P9 today!!!

02-15-2014, 03:46 PM
So as most of you know I have been trying to decide between mp, g17 and g19. Obviously I chose the M&P9! Bought it wednesday and of course got delayed because I had a owi on my record.

Anyway love it! Can't wait to start the modifications. Already ordered a owb holster for it. Bought a extra mag, my gun store had them in stock. I have a shooting range at work so I'll be hitting the steel Monday!

Local gun shop sold my brother and I both one at 479.99. Thought it was a damn good deal.

I'll report back later in the week after a few hundred rounds.

Best part, pics!


02-15-2014, 03:49 PM
Good choice! Although I don't currently have an M&P, I have owned a compact 40 and 45. Both were fine pistols, and I never had a problem with either.

02-15-2014, 06:10 PM
Best part, pics!


Indeed, the best part: three fine American-made firearms. Kahr, S&W, and Ruger. Love it!

02-17-2014, 11:54 AM
Congrats on the M&P there Healer....I really like my M&P .40 and with the small backstrap it feels like it was molded to fit my hand...Mine has been 100% with any ammo tried and is accurate even with me shooting it, my son can tear out the bulls eye out at 21 yards so I know the gun is capable of it even if my old eyes aren't...Only complaint was the trigger was stiff and gritty when new but after 500 rounds it really started to feel like a different gun...

When it was new I went on the S&W forum and mentioned the not so good trigger and asked what they thought of an Apex fix and I thought they were going to ban me on the spot but when they said to keep shooting it and it would smooth out with use they were right....She's now my go to SHTF bed side pistol...I Hope you enjoy yours!!!

02-17-2014, 09:12 PM
I've always though M&Ps were really attractive looking guns.

Do you carry the LCR often compared to the Kahr? I want to add one but I can't justify it because it wouldn't replace my cm9 necessarily as a pocket or small pistol.

02-18-2014, 12:43 AM
Nice pistol and I'm sure you'll like it. My M&P 40 Pro 5" barrel is a tack driver. And the changeable back straps are great.

02-18-2014, 07:38 AM
What's an owi?

02-18-2014, 07:41 AM
What's an owi?

Operating while intoxicated.

02-18-2014, 07:42 AM
I've always though M&Ps were really attractive looking guns.

Do you carry the LCR often compared to the Kahr? I want to add one but I can't justify it because it wouldn't replace my cm9 necessarily as a pocket or small pistol.

Honestly don't carry the LCR at all. Usually in the wife's night stand.

02-18-2014, 08:12 AM
I have a M&P9c with several extended mags that have the X-Grip. It is a very versatile gun. I have had full size M&Ps in both 9mm and 45 and have never had a problem with any of them. I tend to only keep guns that I can carry, but would love to have a full sized M&P9 with RMR on it. Just another gun that I don't need, BUT I NEED IT! Great addition to the collection.

02-18-2014, 02:45 PM
Honestly don't carry the LCR at all. Usually in the wife's night stand.

Blah. That's probably what would happen to me. I just can't quite justify it enough to push really hard, unless she felt comfortable using it over her p238.

02-18-2014, 03:53 PM
enjoy your new MP 9!

02-18-2014, 04:15 PM
Nice set of firearms you got there.

Wouldn't mind one of those M&Ps myself in .45.

02-18-2014, 05:05 PM
Operating while intoxicated.

Operating what? :D

I used to be quite the operator in my day. A couple of Tanqueray&tonics....:cool:

I've shot the .45 and found it real easy to shoot accurately. I think you chose well for a doublestack 9. Enjoy. :D

02-18-2014, 09:48 PM
Blah. That's probably what would happen to me. I just can't quite justify it enough to push really hard, unless she felt comfortable using it over her p238.

I know but the LCRs are just to damn cool. Love shooting it. I try to carry it, want to but seem to always grab the kahr.

Operating what? :D

I used to be quite the operator in my day. A couple of Tanqueray&tonics....:cool:

I've shot the .45 and found it real easy to shoot accurately. I think you chose well for a doublestack 9. Enjoy. :D

17+1 9mm seems sufficient!

Did a little shooting yesterday. Random ammo and +p. Roughly 60 rounds while it was raining.. Love it!

02-19-2014, 07:37 AM
Does the LCR feel a lot bigger than the kahr? Sorry to side track the discussion away from the m&p but if I start asking about that I'll need to start thinking about replacing my XDm.

02-19-2014, 07:44 AM
You passed on a G19 ... :eek:

Just kidding, but the M&P's are a very wise choice. I had the M&P 9c, which was a very accurate and reliable pistol. I used it thorough 3 levels of pistol training courses without an issue.

After 3 years, I came over to the darkside, and picked up a Glock 19 and 23.

I am a big fan of the compact size pistols ... :cool:

02-19-2014, 01:56 PM
The M&P's are pretty sweet, I almost bought one before I decided on the Ruger SR9. The only thing I don't really care for on them is the extended beaver tail.The compacts don't have it, and apparently don't need it, and look better without it, but other wise, they are very nice guns.

02-19-2014, 03:57 PM
Does the LCR feel a lot bigger than the kahr? Sorry to side track the discussion away from the m&p but if I start asking about that I'll need to start thinking about replacing my XDm.

Doesn't feel bigger at all. Just fat cylinder. Size wise though about the same.

This might help.


And loaded.


The M&P's are pretty sweet, I almost bought one before I decided on the Ruger SR9. The only thing I don't really care for on them is the extended beaver tail.The compacts don't have it, and apparently don't need it, and look better without it, but other wise, they are very nice guns.

See I love the big beaver tail. Part of the reason I chose it over the Glock. Looks and functionality. I grip very high on handguns and it helps tame muzzle flip.

02-19-2014, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the pics, my wife is shooting me down, hard. But I'll keep trying.

02-19-2014, 07:54 PM
Saw listing on armslist today for a G30s. Said wife was pissed he bought it last week. Poor soul!

02-19-2014, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the pics, my wife is shooting me down, hard. But I'll keep trying.

No problem. Know the feeling.

02-19-2014, 08:07 PM
Thanks for the pics, my wife is shooting me down, hard. But I'll keep trying.

Ahhh...one of the joys of being single. The only permission I need to buy another gun...is my bank accounts balance! That does say no more than I'd like however.;)

I've always had a goal to have 20+ guns at one time. I'm two short of that goal, and had I not ever sold anything before in the past, I'd be well past that now.:mad:

02-19-2014, 10:02 PM
Ahhh...one of the joys of being single. The only permission I need to buy another gun...is my bank accounts balance! That does say no more than I'd like however.;)

I've always had a goal to have 20+ guns at one time. I'm two short of that goal, and had I not ever sold anything before in the past, I'd be well past that now.:mad:

I just have the four in my signature ... Honest. :o