View Full Version : New CM9- Range Report 2-16-14

02-16-2014, 08:52 PM
Shot 200 rounds through my new CM9 with 0 issues. I shot Remington UMC 115gr ammo. I was with a buddy who brought his kel-tec PF9- every mag he went through had at least 1 FTE - some had multiple. I felt bad for him, but I also felt really good about my CM9 purchase!

I did follow all the kahr prep steps - and as expected a flawless experience.

I wish I could say my aim was flawless :eek: I did get used to it/better towards the end though! Looking forward to the next round.

02-16-2014, 09:37 PM
Congrats, chilltown. I have 6 Kahrs and had an extra P380 for the wife... none was quite perfect, but between me and my buds here and kahr, we got them all reliable and I'm happy with them.

For compact and concealable pistols, they are hard to beat. I just wish they held more bullets, but I always carry a "high" capacity spare, which gives me about what a Glock would hold... G19 or G23, which I have, but they are too large and bulky to CCW... with T-shirt/polo & shorts!


02-16-2014, 10:50 PM
Congrats on a good day at the range. My CM9 has been very reliable since the first 100, no issues at all, feeds everything. That was before I found this forum, so no prep at all other than a clean and lube. My best accuracy has been with carry ammo, very expensive.