View Full Version : I'm back and more lost than ever... AIWB/Jeeps/Springer/45vs9mm

02-16-2014, 09:45 PM
As most people, I have been shooting less due to the cost of ammo. My gun addiction waned a little, and I did something really costly. I bought a Jeep Wrangler. So after spending on the Jeep, ammo started to look inexpensive. My addiction to firearms came back uglier and stronger.

I was perfectly happy with my carry decisions of the past and then I recently found myself drugged again. I'm like a dang heroin addict. I need help.

I have decided that I want to carry AIWB. It just seems like I can carry a lot more weight and much more comfy. I've also lost an inch around my waist doing CrossFit which helps. Never fat, but no more bike tire. So after carrying my Kahrs and M&P9c AIWB, I got a little anxious about shooting off my junk or hitting my artery. When your trying to decide which is better...you have issues.

I decided that I may want a grip safety, so I bought a XDs 45. I usually carry 9mm, but do have a PM45. After shooting a few hundred rounds without problems, I am just not accurate with the gun, but have gotten better. I was considering adding the XDm 3.8 45. The XDs 9 seems heavy. 45 acp is expensive!

Why can't I/we just be happy with what already works? P380, CM9 or PM45 in kydex works for me, and I can actually put the round on target.
Can anyone add their thoughts on carrying Kahrs AIWB? I use a Foxx Trapp kydex.
Do you ever stop worrying about bleeding out or wanting to?
Which is better 9mm or 45 acp? HAHAHAHA...JUST KIDDING!
Anyone have any Jeep parts for sale?

I missed y'all. :001_tt2:

02-17-2014, 07:39 AM
When was the last time that you read a factual story about someone shooting their junk off due to appendix carry? I've carried AIWB for years and the family jewels have been well guarded. If you carry in the four o'clock position do you worry about shooting your ass off? A curious mind wants to know.

02-17-2014, 07:57 AM
Even if my fear is irrational, I do like to think that my wife would miss one muscle more than the other.

02-17-2014, 08:16 AM
I have to admit that you are one considerate fellow always thinking of your wife like that. :)

02-17-2014, 08:17 AM
I like to think that too!

02-17-2014, 08:26 AM
If you must carry right there, get something with a thumb safety if you want to reduce your anxiety level.

Otherwise, carry what you shoot best and find the most comfortable way to pack it.

BTW, how does shooting the PM45 compare to the XDs? Recoil-wise, especially.

02-17-2014, 08:41 AM
BTW, how does shooting the PM45 compare to the XDs? Recoil-wise, especially.

I think they are pretty comparable, but the edge goes to the Kahr to me. The XDs is heavier, but has a higher bore axis (I think). It is only slightly more snappy to me. The Kahr feels more at home in my hand, but is likely due to having shot Kahrs a lot. That could be why I have more control. The XDs grip texture is nice and it is a great looking gun...if that matters. For some reason, I worry about hitting the mag release on the Springer more when drawing, because I do tend to touch it more. The Kahr is harsh on the outside tip of my pinky from trying to get a full grip. I have a blood blister on the bottom of my trigger finger from the XDs. There is a lot more space inside the trigger guard of the Kahr.

02-17-2014, 08:58 AM
Curse you, for selling me on another Kahr. I'm waiting for the CM45 now. Yup, I sold my CW45 because I just didn't bond with it, but now I'm looking for the smallest, lightest .45 I can find (that I can stand to shoot), so I'll have "one of each." One duty size, one sub-compact, in .45 and 9mm.

02-17-2014, 09:18 AM
Curse you, for selling me on another Kahr.

I guess you probably know this, but it is a Kahr forum!

I am proud to have the smallest/lightest 380, 9 and 45 made and they are all extremely reliable. The 380 needed a little adjusting. There is something to be said about pushing the envelope of engineering. I like being a part of that.

02-17-2014, 06:34 PM
Back to the question at hand ... the only time I worry about carrying AIWB is when I go to reholster ... but once it's in the holster I never worry about shooting anything important. When I'm using my Kydex holster I don't even worry about reholstering. And for me, AIWB is absolutely the most comfortable ... without question.

02-17-2014, 07:17 PM
I'm thinking about having my appendix removed.....then I'll be OK. Seriously, I appendix carry my MK9 with no worries.

02-17-2014, 07:57 PM
Rev - I cannot agree more that it is the most comfy. Maybe not when driving, but otherwise. I guess I don’t see any reason to reholster at all. Since I have a single-clip kydex, I can just take off the holster, holster gun, and put gun and holster back. What specific holsters do you use for AIWB? Are you carrying Kahrs AIWB? As long as a shirt is not caught in the trigger guard inside the holster, it should be completely safe.

02-17-2014, 09:10 PM
I have a cm9 and an XDm .45 3.8compact. I carry both AIWB primarily. I wouldn't want to holster a gun anywhere in my pants if I was worried about it going off when I did so, front, side, or back. AIWB works well for a larger gun for me at the moment and the cm9 sort of disappears everywhere.

I know what you mean though, I got the gun itch and can't quite decide WHY I need a LCR. My wife doesn't seem to be warm to the idea so I'm glad that I'm not dead set on getting it yet :P

02-18-2014, 09:06 AM
Why all the wittle pistols for front side carry. I'm a old fat boy with disabilities now and need to wear suspenders right now do to surgery to keep my pants up. But I can hide an carry larger TP kahr .
http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l444/hardluk1/th_100_0412_zps35febc3f.jpg (http://s331.photobucket.com/user/hardluk1/media/100_0412_zps35febc3f.jpg.html)

Maybe the m&p c with a side mount safety could do you well . I have a cm9 for my pocket, a CW that rarely gets CC'd anymore and a tp40 that's now my main IWB but at a 2:00 carry. Covers well even when tucked in with a spare tire and still allows comfortable sitting and draw while sitting. I have had to have surgery and now have to wear suspenders to keep my pants up and still works fine. I also have no worry about a kahr going Bang on its own and fancy or quick re-holstering. I look at my handgun when I place it in a holster.

I don't swap around between different handgun designs for carry. Try to pick one and stay with it. I own all different types of triggers and grips angles , pistols and revolvers. I shoot them all but after a couple hours of sweet 2to 3 lb single action or even a lite pull on my old DA revolver CC , I find my kahrs shoot like crap. But give me a few mags threw one of them and all is right again with my kahrs. So they, a , my carry guns are always the last to be shot so I can get my head and trigger finger back around them and nooo mixing of CC handgun brands.

It does not matter what you pick. Like the xd?? Stay with it and don't mix brands for cc.

Saw a new holster that to me offers the best of both leather and kydex with Garret Holsters. They have some very adjustable designs.

03-14-2014, 12:44 PM
Fellas, the only safety on a gun is the one that God put between your ears. Use your head for something besides a hat rack. Every mechanical safety can and at some time will fail. If you have a holster that covers the trigger and you are mindful of what you are doing when you holster and withdraw your gun you have nothing to fear about appendix carry. I've carried that way all of my life. Safe gun handling is no accident.

03-14-2014, 12:55 PM
Were you thumping your chest like Tarzan when you typed that.

03-14-2014, 12:59 PM
Settling into the AIWB carry nicely lately and (almost) forgetting it is there. It is easily the most comfortable place for me. The XDs has remained in the safe and will likely be traded or sold. I had an itch for a Covert, but passed on one. Now I have an itch to have an MK9 again. I gave one to my father-in-law for his birthday a while back and miss it. I picked up another M&P9c to keep upstairs with 17rd mags, and the rest of the carry guns are Kahrs. A Kahr is usually what is sitting nicely in the AIWB position.

03-14-2014, 01:31 PM
Fellas, the only safety on a gun is the one that God put between your ears. Use your head for something besides a hat rack. Every mechanical safety can and at some time will fail. If you have a holster that covers the trigger and you are mindful of what you are doing when you holster and withdraw your gun you have nothing to fear about appendix carry. I've carried that way all of my life. Safe gun handling is no accident.


03-14-2014, 01:59 PM
I have a remora holster, so I take the holster out, insert the pistol, then insert the remora + pistol back into position. I either carry appendix, or below my kidney, or 4:00-5:00. That was the only time I really missed having a safety on these guns, when I re-holstered my CW40, into it's DeSantis Sof-Tuck holster, which is pretty difficult to remove, to holster your gun, and put back into place. Which I wear at the 4:00-5:00 position, so it's hard to see what is going on, I usually, insert my finger into the trigger guard BEHIND the trigger, so if it catches on something it can't pull the trigger. That kind of goes against the safe gun handling laws, but it feels safer to me, then just re-holstering the gun. My finger is on the trigger, but behind it so it can't fire.

03-15-2014, 09:27 AM
When I appendix carry I first drop a ice cube in the holster. I figure a ND would totally miss everything. That program became too obvious when I was wearing light colored pants, so went to just keeping my gun in the freezer overnight. It seems to have the same effect.

03-15-2014, 11:17 AM
Gun in the freezer overnight is a fine idea. Nemo always retreats from icebergs and female politicians.
Maybe you could post a picture of Feinstein or Pelosi on your dressing table, that should have the same effect too.

03-15-2014, 07:06 PM
So...you named it Nemo?

03-15-2014, 07:08 PM
I thought they were all named Nemo. Wasn't that a band. Nemo and the twins? I sense it was a Dietrichism. Probably subconsciously implanted the name in my brain.