View Full Version : CW380 Sloppy Trigger

02-18-2014, 10:30 AM
I posted yesterday about my first range trip with the CW380, can be viewed here: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=22750

I noticed a light trigger when I was out on the range, but it really came to light when I cleaned up the gun last night. The trigger is sloppy/very light the first half of the pull, then it hits a definite hard spot and is much heavier but smooth until it breaks. Is this something that will improve as I continue the break in period? I have about 75 rounds left to get to 200.

I am comparing this trigger to my CW9 that has a very smooth constant trigger pull. There is definitely a difference between the two trigger pulls.

02-18-2014, 10:43 AM
The triggers on the CW380 and CW9 should be the same. They should both be long, but smooth.

02-18-2014, 12:35 PM
did the 75 rounds go bang like they should?? If so just keep shooting it, it will smooth out some but it is what it is. No doubt it should tighten u a tad as ur now into the coking ca portion of the trigger system. If the gun is functioning OK, thenb just shoot the fokker like u stole it.

02-18-2014, 09:42 PM
Is 200 the magical number then the thing is "broken in"? I have more than 4,000 through my P380 and it's still tight as heck. It didn't slightly loosen up until about 700 rnds. All this talk about 200 and it's good-to-go.

02-19-2014, 03:14 PM
Two hundred rounds is a rule of thumb. If the gun isn't behaving properly after 200 rounds it generally needs some attention. Some Kahr Pistols are totally reliable right out of the box and need no break-in. The guns don't get any looser the parts just wear in. Old timers used to refer to that a marriage of the parts. That's because they were crude old bastards and had sex on their minds all of the time. :) So ends the lecture. Are you edified?