View Full Version : Hello from sunny So Cal land of the brave and not so free

02-23-2014, 09:43 PM
Hello All
New to this site and new to Kahr.
Just picked up an MK9 about a month ago and have ran about 100 trouble free rounds through her. I have added wood grips from Kahr and found the supplied screws set to deep and were not flush with the grips.
Tried adding #60 rubber O rings but that made the screws to short.
Had some 1911 grip screws laying around added the rubber O rings(no need to shorten screws) and they fit perfect, no issues with magazine or anything else.
Glad to be here and have already learned a few things.

02-24-2014, 09:08 AM
Welcome aboard!

03-03-2014, 06:03 AM
Mud slides, wild fires, earth quakes and restrictive gun control. And people tell me I'm crazy for living in Cleveland. Welcome aboard Shakatak. Stick around and you might meet Jocko. Then you'll really learn something. Try to avoid him at all costs. The rest of this crew isn't too bad except for Muggsy who's a frearkin' know it all. Enjoy.

03-03-2014, 06:18 AM
You won't learn English from jocko, that's fer sher. But he's mostly harmless. :p

A big steel-loving welcome from Florida. K9 and MK9.

03-03-2014, 06:22 AM
Hey Shakatak, welcome to the forum.
Good people, lots of fun, and if your not careful you'll learn a thing or two.
Heck just about everybody here, no matter what level, ends up bring new information to the forum.
So again welcome

03-03-2014, 08:29 AM
Gotta love em....................

03-05-2014, 07:16 PM
Welcome from Colorful Colorado , friendly place here!

03-06-2014, 09:40 AM
Welcome to the forum. :cool:

Longitude Zero
03-06-2014, 11:15 AM
Welcome. You have my sympathies for living in the Peoples Republik of Kommifornicate. One day when all people west of the San Andreas drown in an earthquake then the state might improve. Until then take care and you have our prayers.