View Full Version : Piers Moron FIRED

02-24-2014, 07:35 AM
Yankee Marshall sums up my feelings pretty accurately: "We aren't kept men in this country. We are free men."


02-24-2014, 07:54 AM
Wait, if low ratings and unlikability get you fired, why is 0bummer still president?

02-24-2014, 08:10 AM
The Yankee Marshal is a self proclaimed liberal gun owner. Could it be that he's actually a closet compassionate conservative. One can only hope. He does like Kahr pistols.

02-24-2014, 08:34 AM
Oh my gosh... Piers Moron Fired!!! Why???
I'm surprised CNN had the brains to figure out why it's viewers might get pissed by having a foreigner come into OUR house and tell US how we should be living! Just imagine, he doesn't think WE like him........DAH.

02-24-2014, 08:54 AM
Remember, CNN is Ted Turner's baby. He's married to Hanoi Jane. They all think like Piers does.

Longitude Zero
02-24-2014, 09:38 AM
Now if that limey plick will only go back across the pond.

02-24-2014, 10:26 AM
He may be one those many that curse all about America BUT will not leave.

02-24-2014, 10:41 AM
Who? CNN - that craptrap still on the air?

02-24-2014, 01:15 PM
Happy, happy, happy!

VN Vet
02-24-2014, 01:44 PM
Some Tar, some Feathers and a splintered Rail is all we Americans need now to send that evil stupid man on his way. How dare him come to Our Country and treat us the way that he did. All you CNN folks should be ashamed of yourselves.

02-24-2014, 01:56 PM
Now if that limey plick will only go back across the pond.

No only a few miles off shore with an anchor around his neck would be better!

Longitude Zero
02-24-2014, 02:21 PM
No only a few miles off shore with an anchor around his neck would be better!

Yeah that would work well.

02-24-2014, 05:59 PM
The Yankee Marshal is a self proclaimed liberal gun owner. Could it be that he's actually a closet compassionate conservative. One can only hope. He does like Kahr pistols.

Glad Piers is gone. And the Yankee Marshall is a bit weird. Maybe he's just confused.

I don't think you can be a true liberal and a gun owner/pro self defense. The whole idea about being a true liberal is you'll give what you have to someone else if they want it. Now you have the rich "liberals" that want you to give what you have to someone else but they want to keep theirs and control you and tell you what to think. They preach liberalism but really want to be dictators.

I really didn't mean to go off on that rant. Piers is gone, wahoo. :amflag:

02-24-2014, 06:10 PM
Yeah -- I know YM calls himself a liberal but he is obviously not. Maybe he has another..."give me your money so I can fund a bunch of entitlement crap"...channel somewhere but I've never found it. Meanwhile, he posts some logical stuff on his gun channel. IMHO.

Yahoo Piers is gone!!:amflag:

02-26-2014, 11:38 AM
So I am not sure how you guys feel about him.........you don't like him much? ;}

02-26-2014, 11:54 AM
Who? Piercethemoron? Nope. Don't care for him at all.

To JohnR's point though: CNN is still CNN. Ted will be on the hunt for another flaming liberal gun grabber whom he hopes will have better ratings this time.

It is funny, however, how money trumps the liberals' principles. Quit making him money and Ted will drop you like a hot potato. Just sayin'.

02-26-2014, 06:59 PM
I think Ted should get drunk and go on TV again and act a fool. He's good at that. He says things that he always has to apologize for. Didn't he say that vets needed to just go ahead and kill their self too or something like that in the last year or so?

02-26-2014, 07:56 PM
Oh dear Lord! Please don't let Ted kill the vets! Who will fix my dogs when they are sick?

02-26-2014, 08:29 PM
Could never really stand a Brit telling what was right or wrong with my country. My family fought in the Revolution so we could have our freedom.

02-26-2014, 09:30 PM
being a liberal and owning a gun is like Hitler attending a synagogue.

liberals fall over themselves supporting liberal politicians who overwhelmingly are anti second amendment.