View Full Version : Single stack 9mm with DAO trigger and easy slide?
02-26-2014, 06:40 AM
I'm really enjoying my CW9 and CM9 but have come to the conclusion that my wife will not be able to slingshot or even manually lock the slide back if she needed to.
Is there another 9mm I should look at with a DAO trigger similar to Kahr but with a slide that's easy to rack? Would prefer something the size of the CW9 rather than the CM9.
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02-26-2014, 06:50 AM
David, after a few hundred rounds to loosen things up your wife should be able to handle the CW9 if she employs the proper method of racking the slide. See the video link below. There is no gun that comes close to having the trigger of a Kahr pistol except for a well tuned S&W revolver.
02-26-2014, 06:55 AM
Thanks. I have 300 rounds through the CW9 and I can slingshot easily. Unfortunately, my wife has some arthritis and had hand surgery last year so it's still too difficult for her.
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02-26-2014, 07:02 AM
I will watch the whole video later. Is that a T9?
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02-26-2014, 08:18 AM
Look up the Remington R51.....will be available soon.
02-26-2014, 08:20 AM
The loosest slide I have ever felt was on a used Sig P250.........................
02-26-2014, 08:38 AM
Heres something I don't think any one ever talks about. These pistol are rated for +P ammo yet many don't use it. If you owned a 1911 and wanted to shoot +P ammo you would bump the recoil spring up a few pounds. RIGHT. Maybe a cw9 with a 2lb lighter spring to a Wolff 18lb recoil spring from a 20lber and that may be enough for her to rake it comfortably. Then use standard pressure HP ammo for carry. Worth a try. The larger TP or CT is easier to rack than a cw but maybe to large to deal with
02-26-2014, 08:52 AM
Failing all else you may have to drop to a .380. I have found that most of the non-blowback guns have light enough springs to allow slide retraction by individuals with hand strength issues. I have known a couple individuals who could not even do that, and ended up with something .22 caliber. You could also consider a revolver if you get to that point.
02-26-2014, 09:19 AM
I don't use +p ammo so maybe an 18# recoil spring would do it. I might try that.
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02-26-2014, 11:21 AM
I'm really enjoying my CW9 and CM9 but have come to the conclusion that my wife will not be able to slingshot or even manually lock the slide back if she needed to.
Is there another 9mm I should look at with a DAO trigger similar to Kahr but with a slide that's easy to rack? Would prefer something the size of the CW9 rather than the CM9.
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she aint gonna mastrer a kahr. Buy her a wheelgun and lether her enjopy t, She will relly be saferwith a wheel gun as she can load and unloadit easily and alsoknow it is loaded or unloaded. It willnver jamon her either. If she can't rack a kahr then she can't clear a jam either. Not the first person to not be able to oerate a kahr. They are tight, the springs are strong, and just not alot of gun to grab on to either. And most women are not gun savvy like we are eiter.
Ihave always been an advocate of a wheel gun for most all women, due to the operatinal easeness and peaceof mind to. If a womanis afraid to have a loaded gun around the hous,e then she will never cuddle3 up to a semi. But she can easily load and unload a wheel gun. She probably won't shoot it any better or worse than a semi also. It sthe bang thing that is gonna scare the sh!tout of a bad guy, NO man wantsw to engage a women with a gunPERIOD.
Buy her a wheelgun and if u fear the 38 special is to much power then downsiaze to a 32..:Amflag2:
02-26-2014, 11:37 AM
Remington R51. Supposed to have the easiest racking slide of any 9mm.
02-26-2014, 11:46 AM
I wouldn't buy her anything DavidR, take her shopping and let her make the choice.
As long as it's a quality weapon, she is more likely to want to practice with it, than if you just go and pick out something for her. I've read several open letters to Husbands from wives that received a firearm as a gift, and the point was mostly that they were big girls now, and they wanted to be able to choose their own weapon. I agree 100%. I even let my daughter that knows little about guns pick the type of gun she wanted, a semi or revolver, and she thought a revolver would be best, since she's probably not going to practice with it much. Just wants something for around her apartment. She ruled out shotguns for being too bulky. So I'm looking around for a good deal on a 38 spl, with a 3-4" barrel.
02-26-2014, 12:02 PM
I wouldn't buy her anything DavidR, take her shopping and let her make the choice.
Big +1. Going further, take her shooting to a range with rental pistols.
I own (happily but needlessly) two CW40s because my wife and I agreed before buying them that we wanted at least a 40S&W for self defense. But to Jocko's point, she cannot rack it and the sharp recoil is not pleasant to her. She shot a friends S&W Shield 9, could rack it well, and liked the lower recoil. So now she has and likes a Shield 9 and I have a second CW40 that is mostly stashed in the house for home protection.
Now, this forum could debate the rackability of a Shield 9 vs. a CW40 and how much felt recoil difference there is between the two, but none of that matters to either my wife or yours. Take that to the bank.:cool:
02-26-2014, 12:02 PM
Hi DavidR, Anytime a new shooter wants a firearm they need to hold it first and see if they can operate if safely.....I always advise a new shooter especially a female to go with a j frame Smith .38 revolver which is heavy enough to tame standard .38 rounds but still light enough for her to carry in a purse and still has enough ummph to take on a bad guy...Most are not going to want to shoot it much but if they have to they will feel confident enough in their ability to fire it due to it's simple operation....
Let her shoot the .38 from a very close 8-10 feet away target and let them build up confidence they will be able to hit something if they need to....Worst thing to do is give them a gift pistol thats too big or with too much recoil that makes it impossible for her to hit a target with...That one will end up in a drawer for sure...
02-26-2014, 12:28 PM
Lots of good advice that I appreciate. Will be thinking about the 38s. I have a snub-nosed 38 but something a little bigger than that might be better.
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02-26-2014, 12:54 PM
Lots of good advice that I appreciate. Will be thinking about the 38s. I have a snub-nosed 38 but something a little bigger than that might be better.
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DavidR. I have the same issue at home so I appreciate the post. Mrs b4uqzme is becoming more recoil tolerant with practice but is still having trouble racking slides. And no, muggsy, it's not just technique. I suspect we will end up with a medium frame revolver but now I gotta shove her in the gun store so she can try some out. I've bought her some plinker gifts in the past but this one needs to be her choice.
Good luck. Keep us posted.
02-26-2014, 01:33 PM
she aint gonna mastrer a kahr. Buy her a wheelgun and lether her enjopy t, She will relly be saferwith a wheel gun as she can load and unloadit easily and alsoknow it is loaded or unloaded. It willnver jamon her either. If she can't rack a kahr then she can't clear a jam either. Not the first person to not be able to oerate a kahr. They are tight, the springs are strong, and just not alot of gun to grab on to either. And most women are not gun savvy like we are eiter.
Ihave always been an advocate of a wheel gun for most all women, due to the operatinal easeness and peaceof mind to. If a womanis afraid to have a loaded gun around the hous,e then she will never cuddle3 up to a semi. But she can easily load and unload a wheel gun. She probably won't shoot it any better or worse than a semi also. It sthe bang thing that is gonna scare the sh!tout of a bad guy, NO man wantsw to engage a women with a gunPERIOD.
Buy her a wheelgun and if u fear the 38 special is to much power then downsiaze to a 32..:Amflag2:
Jocko, you don't know what you're talking about. I got engaged to a woman with a gun and we've been married for 42 years. In fact it was her Colt Python that first attracted me to her. True it was a wheel gun, but I had her shooting a 1911 in no time. So, don't say that no man wants to engage a woman with a gun. I did and lived happily ever after most of the time. :)
02-26-2014, 01:41 PM
Ever after ain't over yet.......
02-26-2014, 01:42 PM
I will watch the whole video later. Is that a T9?
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I believe it's a K-9. My kid sister who had carpel tunnel surgery can rack the slide on a CW9 and she's just a skinny little kid from Cleveland, Ohio. I taught her to push with her strong hand and to grip the slide with her left. The CW9 doesn't have the double captive recoil spring like the PM9 and is easier to rack. you also have the added benefit of a full grip and one extra round.
02-26-2014, 02:56 PM
Out of all the firearms available, this is my wife's favorite. The most challenging thing, is the moon clips. Otherwise, point and shoot. Says the balance is great, and fits like a glove. 9mm...........I tend to agree with the posters who say, get her a revolver. Only a certain amount of women, will ever be comfortable with a semi auto. Too many moving parts for them.
02-26-2014, 04:08 PM
In fact it was her Colt Python that first attracted me to her. :)
It's usually the other way around isn't it? Just sayin'. :cool:
02-26-2014, 04:22 PM
I have to agree with Jocko. My wife is a 6 ft tall 32 year old woman. She is definitely not weak. She can rack the slide on my cm9, but it's not easy for her. She loves shooting my taurus 66 4" . With .38 specials she is accurate and the recoil is not unpleasant for her. I'll add that my m&p has a smooth, easy slide with great serrations.
02-26-2014, 04:52 PM
My K9's slide is the hardest to rack of all my collection.
02-26-2014, 05:29 PM
Be careful with revolvers, some of the triggers are tough! Let her try the gun first.
Also you could take some 38 snap caps to the GS so she can dry fire the revolver.
I'm not a big woman, but once I put about 350 rounds (that was in 2012) through the pm 9
I've never had a problem again. I load it, rack it, clean it, (including disassembling and re-
assembling) and shoot the hell out of it.
The easiest racking gun I've encountered is a boberg shorty. It's a little smaller than the pm 9 and has about the same kick, so she may not like it but now they have one that is one size larger.
She might want to try that one.
I agree with the others;
You can supply her with the information but let her pick out her own gun.
My daughter went through the same problems after receiving her CCP. Revolvers SP101 S&W 642 also KahrCM9 Shield Nano Walther PP . None felt right to her hand, and/ or possible, but difficult, to rack slide. Tried a Walther PK380 =perfect for her.
02-26-2014, 08:15 PM
Be careful with revolvers, some of the triggers are tough! Let her try the gun first.
Good advice but most can be tuned easily. My smith got my Sp101 down to about 7lbs in DA.
02-28-2014, 09:42 AM
Another gun semiautomatic (with an easy slide) you might consider is a Sig 239.
It's heavy for it's size which means the recoil isn't bad, it comes in DA/SA or DAK (Double action only) and it is a single stack so it will probably fit her hand.
I wish you were in Michigan so she could try a few of my guns.
02-28-2014, 11:41 AM
My K9's slide is the hardest to rack of all my collection.
My MK40 Elite is hardest of my 14 handguns as well.
Strangely, my FS HK USP Tactical 45 may well be the easiest to rack.
I think it's suppressor tuned RSA may be even lighter than a standard USP.
It's so light I think most any woman and even some children, could work it.
Seems like my friends Walther PPS had an easy slide to rack.
That might be one to check out.
02-28-2014, 01:07 PM
Ya oughta try a Browning HiPower in 40SW sometime. Sheesh. Talk about a hard rack.
02-28-2014, 02:57 PM
Out of all the firearms available, this is my wife's favorite. The most challenging thing, is the moon clips. Otherwise, point and shoot. Says the balance is great, and fits like a glove. 9mm...........I tend to agree with the posters who say, get her a revolver. Only a certain amount of women, will ever be comfortable with a semi auto. Too many moving parts for them.
Boy does that bring back some memories. I loved the Speed Six I had, .38 with 2.5" barrel. Amazingly accurate too. Wouldn't mind finding another someday.
02-28-2014, 03:19 PM
Boy does that bring back some memories. I loved the Speed Six I had, .38 with 2.5" barrel. Amazingly accurate too. Wouldn't mind finding another someday.
I see them often, they are out there...........................:D
02-28-2014, 08:13 PM
It's usually the other way around isn't it? Just sayin'. :cool:
Not in my case. It was my cute butt that attracted her. :)
02-28-2014, 09:00 PM
Ya oughta try a Browning HiPower in 40SW sometime. Sheesh. Talk about a hard rack.
Gotta love a hard, firm rack!
02-28-2014, 10:28 PM
Gotta love a hard, firm rack!
perkiest gun I own. ;)
03-01-2014, 12:28 PM
Did you say PERKY.....:D
03-30-2014, 05:12 PM
Thanks 09; this just became me favorite topic!!!!! BTW, another vote for the Remington R51.
Yep, things are lookin' up.
03-30-2014, 06:39 PM
Why pin your wife to a 9mm. Besides wheel guns Consider other calibers in semi auto. Even 22. KelTec makes as 22 mag pistol with a huge mag.
FN has the 5.7 Shoots the short 223 round, and there is always the commie T33, powered by the 7.62x25.
Long slide makes for easier racking.
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