View Full Version : learning from History? Connecticut gun owners are under the Gun

02-27-2014, 04:01 AM
Our All Is At Stake

February 27, 2014 by Bob Livingston
3 0 0 9

In the early morning hours of April 19, 1775, English Gen. Thomas Gage’s troops moved toward Concord, Mass., in an effort to capture guns, gunpowder and lead stored there.
When they reached Lexington, Mass., those troops were met by about 60 to 70 Minutemen mustered in response to reports the British troops were advancing. The Minutemen were told to stand fast, not firing but not cowering in the face of what was considered the mightiest army of the day.
After making their point, the Minutemen were dispersing and British Maj. John Pitcairn was telling his soldiers to hold their fire when a shot rang out. When the firing ceased, eight Minutemen were dead and nine more were wounded. The British then moved on toward Concord.
In Concord, British troops were met by some 250 Minutemen mustered in response to the shooting at Lexington. Meanwhile, Lexington’s Minutemen were regrouping and moving in behind the British.
Caught between the two forces, seasoned British troopers broke and ran. They were harassed by sniper fire all the way to Charlestown. At the end of the day, 73 British soldiers were dead and 174 were wounded. American losses totaled 49 dead and 39 wounded.
Dr. Joseph Warren, who became an immediate hero for the way he ignored the firing around him and rushed around the battlefield to treat the wounded despite musket balls flying all around him, made a call for volunteers.
Our all is at stake. Death and devastation are the instant consequences of delay. Every moment is infinitely precious. An hour lost may deluge your country in blood and entail perpetual slavery upon the few of your posterity who may survive the carnage.
Thousands of men responded.
About 140 or so miles southwest of Concord, Connecticut authorities are now plotting about how to deal with that State’s gun owners who have ignored an unConstitutional State law requiring them to register their black guns and extended magazines under penalty of felony.
On Tuesday, a copy of a letter surfaced that was ostensibly from the State’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The first batch of 100 of the letters is reportedly being sent to noncompliant gun owners, reminding them they missed the Jan. 1 deadline to register their weapons and magazines and giving them one more chance to comply with the law.
The letter gives them the choice of: 1) Rendering the weapon and magazine permanently inoperable, 2) Sell to a licensed gun dealer, 3) Remove the weapon and magazine from the State, or 4) Make arrangements to surrender the weapon and magazine to the State.
Estimates from multiple sources put the number of noncompliant gun owners at about 350,000. If comments on some pro-gun websites are to be believed, thousands more Americans are supporting Connecticut gun owners in their stance and are prepared to go to the State to support them. In other words, Connecticut gun owners are taking a stand much like the one taken Lexington Minutemen.
Connecticut authorities are apparently using the Federal background check database to identify gun owners who have not responded. Gun owners and gun rights supporters have long claimed that background checks and registration are the first steps to confiscation. Evidence that is so is now seen in Connecticut, as well as in New York and California, where guns are being confiscated.
It appears that at some point in the near future, Connecticut law enforcement officers will be ordered out to confiscate weapons. But those LEOs have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution and they are going to have to make a choice. Will they defend the Constitution and ignore unlawful orders at risk of their jobs? Or will they enforce unConstitutional orders handed down by statist politicians and risk starting a bloody confrontation like the one in first Lexington and then Concord?
And if the confrontation does get bloody, will gun owners from other States respond recognizing that, “Every moment is infinitely precious. An hour lost may deluge your country in blood and entail perpetual slavery upon the few of your posterity who may survive the carnage.”



02-27-2014, 01:09 PM
Allow me to be the first to volunteer my services. Have gun, will travel.

02-27-2014, 02:04 PM
I imagine that if SHTF, then all major roads into CT will have TSA or DHS checkpoints to determine if you are intending to help the Patriots in CT. So I wouldn't bring any thing listed as an "Assault Weapon" or on the banned list. I have my trusty old Ishapore SMLE made in 308. by the Indian Government. Bolt action with a 10 or 12 round mag. Or my P17 "Enfield" in 30-06, with which most of our troops were equipped with during WWI, with the model M1903 Springfield being in short supply. I'm not sure if the SKS is on the list, If not they would be a good choice.
Trying to get through New York might be an adventure in it's self. I bet the SKS is banned there, so maybe that wouldn't be a good choice. I don't think you can travel by land and get to CT without going through NY.

02-27-2014, 05:21 PM
If I lived in Connecticut, first thing I'd be doing is buying a drill press and an 80% lower and honing my gun building skills (of which I currently have none). But I'd freakin' learn real fast. Second on the list would be an 80% 1911 lower. After I had those, my 'illegal according to the Connecticut government' serialized weapons would go missing somewhere in another state, very near, possibly on the property of an out-of-state buddy.

I'm not exactly sure how this letter that's going out to 'owners' that was reported on the news today is even being generated. How on God's Green Earth can they send letters about something they are not theoretically supposed to know about given that their NEW registration process is where this is all stemming from?

Screw 'em. I would not comply.

02-27-2014, 07:26 PM
Connecticut authorities are apparently using the Federal background check database to identify gun owners who have not responded. [QUOTE]

See the section on NICS information privacy: the simple admission that they (Connecticut) have owner data available is in violation of the Brady Act that established the background check system. All background request/approval/denial information is required to be destroyed THE VERY NEXT DAY!


Stand your ground patriots.

02-27-2014, 08:18 PM
Yea, I got that part of his post. But, I didn't think specific gun info went into NCIS? I know it's not suppose to. Only on the doc on file at the FFL. So is every gun owner in the state gonna get this letter when/if it goes out?

02-27-2014, 08:46 PM
I'm not exactly sure how this letter that's going out to 'owners' that was reported on the news today is even being generated. How on God's Green Earth can they send letters about something they are not theoretically supposed to know about given that their NEW registration process is where this is all stemming from?

Screw 'em. I would not comply.

The letters are being sent to gun owners who attempted to comply with the law, but whose applications were mailed after the deadline. The applications are being returned to those owners, along with this letter indicating the legal options they have to comply with the law.

02-27-2014, 09:23 PM
The letters are being sent to gun owners who attempted to comply with the law, but whose applications were mailed after the deadline. The applications are being returned to those owners, along with this letter indicating the legal options they have to comply with the law.

OK, so that's just the hundred then...but the article goes on to mention CT authorities using the background check data for what is suggested to be potentially further letters sent out later. So...that's where my question is directed. Bogus info in the article or accurate?

02-27-2014, 09:37 PM
Bogus info in the article or accurate?

I don't know.

Tracking down the gun owners would be an arduous task. Serial numbers are indeed printed on Form 4473, but that does not go to NICS and those forms are scattered at FFLs all over the state and beyond. By federal law, it is legal to buy a long gun in another state, so there is no telling where the ARs which reside in CT were purchased. It would take a comprehensive national search of Form 4473 records of every FFL in the country to identify the guns sold to Connecticut residents. A monumental task, but not impossible. The cost of such a search would be astronomical and probably beyond the resources the state of CT is willing to commit to the enforcement of this law. What I expect, instead, is an example will be made of anyone found in non-compliance with the law in hopes that if the penalty is severe enough, others will be encouraged to comply. It would suck to be the test case.

Similar records do not exist for the sale of high capacity magazines, so I have no idea how owners could be tracked down.

02-27-2014, 11:23 PM
I don't know.

Tracking down the gun owners would be an arduous task. Serial numbers are indeed printed on Form 4473, but that does not go to NICS and those forms are scattered at FFLs all over the state and beyond.

Thx. That was my understanding as well and the gist of my comment. Will definitely will be something to watch..."as the state (of CT) turns".

02-28-2014, 07:37 AM
Connecticut is perfectly positioned to be a national guinea pig for the gun control movement. We're small enough in size to not require vast resources to cover the state. We're surrounded by other liberal states that would be more than willing to help us control the flow of weapons in or out of the state. And just as one individual can become an example to help others decide to stay in line ... so one state can become an example to help other states to decide to stay in line. I mean absolutely no offense to any LEO's who might read this, but I am not expecting the LE community to save our skins by refusing to follow unlawful orders. They come out of the Connecticut culture which is heavily left-leaning and believes strongly that government knows best. I am not looking forward to seeing how this is going to eventually play out.

02-28-2014, 07:48 AM
Nicely written, Ray.

I'm not expecting Connecticut to launch an aggressive campaign to locate the owners of "assault weapons and high-capacity magazines". However, I do expect they will make an example of anyone who comes into the lives of law enforcement for other reasons and it is discovered they are in violation of this law.

As stated in my post above, locating the owners would be arduous and expensive. I don't think that will be Connecticut's first approach. Don't be the first one caught in non-compliance.

02-28-2014, 08:04 AM
If you are the first one caught in non-compliance, you have the opportunity to turn things the other way. I'll just leave it at that.

The Massachusetts colonists were in the same boat.

02-28-2014, 09:26 AM
The time to Shut Up or Put UP.....is fast approaching. Part of me is looking forward to that day and the other part is the actual act in America of HAVING to stand up for our rights because OF OUR Government.

02-28-2014, 07:10 PM
For those that live in CT, NY other repressive states, there are kits that let you drill a few holes and "create" your own AR lower, which has no serial number, since it's just a hunk of metal, until you do the finish work. You can then use this with standard AR parts to build your own AR15, with no serial number, and not registered to anyone. http://www.cncguns.com/tooling.html has kits to produce 1911, Beretta 92FS, and SIG 238 Frames, and also AK47 and 10/22 Kits, and a few other items.
I don't know how long this will be allowed to continue, so it might be wise to act quickly if you want one. Mags have to be acquired separately, Or maybe printed with a 3D printer.
http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_2_570/235973_AR_15_80__Billet_Lower_Receivers__Jig_Kit__ Drill_Bit_Set.html
is another place that offers the lower kit. Plus the jigs to use to drill the holes and things.
You can Google AR Lower Kits, Build your own AR, or terms like that and find several companies that offer these. Supposedly all you have to do is drill some holes, and add the rest of the hardware and you have a fully functional AR, unregistered and with no serial number.
They say BATFE allows you to build your own rifle, as long as it's for personal use, and it can't legally be sold or otherwise leave your possession.

03-08-2014, 07:45 PM
How would anyone know if your sold a gun with no serial number except for the purchaser?

03-09-2014, 10:58 PM
I have no idea Muggsy, but that is what the law says. Just another law that doesn't make sense when you examine it.