View Full Version : Person to Person firearm transaction

02-27-2014, 02:49 PM
Hope the general discussion forum is the right place for this topic?

It's been along time since I've made a person to person gun sale/transaction!
First of all I live in Florida. And yes I do own a Kahr CM9 and would never sell it. It's been one of the best hand guns I have ever owned.

But I promised my sister my little Ruger LCP .380. And years ago I'm pretty sure all I had to do is create a bill of sale, make, model, serial#, my address, her address, price? Or can I list it as gift? Any examples of person to person gun transfer Bill of Sales here? I've been a member here for a long time, but don't post much. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

02-27-2014, 02:57 PM
I believe that you can gift it, as long as the receiver is over 18, and not a felon. Google gifting a firearm in Florida.............................

02-27-2014, 03:00 PM
In Florida, person to Person transfer is like selling your lawnmower, or any other garage sale item. What you do for record keeping is purely voluntary and no reporting is required. As an individual seller, the proof of verification of a buyer fitness to own a weapon is on the buyer.

That being said, it is always wise to have record of any transfer in your files just in case that weapon ever falls into wrong hands and intents.

02-27-2014, 03:23 PM
I goggled as berettabone suggested! Seems as long as we are both Florida residents, and of legal age, she's not a felon, or has any mental illness, it's perfectly legal in Florida for me to give/gift her the .380! I will however create a document as stated before on date, make, model, serial#, caliber, and our addresses listed and state it was a gift.

Longitude Zero
02-27-2014, 05:08 PM
I goggled as berettabone suggested! Seems as long as we are both Florida residents, and of legal age, she's not a felon, or has any mental illness, it's perfectly legal in Florida for me to give/gift her the .380! I will however create a document as stated before on date, make, model, serial#, caliber, and our addresses listed and state it was a gift.

That would be the best course of action.

02-27-2014, 05:54 PM
I gave a relative a gun as a gift with no paperwork involved. In Ohio a private sale is a private sale and no paperwork is necessary. Your laws in Florida may differ. The only thing that I'm required to do is check to see if the person that I'm selling to is a resident of the state. If they ask for a bill of sale I'm happy to oblige.