View Full Version : New Kahr PM45 Range Report

02-28-2014, 04:41 PM
So I finally got to go to the range today after work to shoot my new (and first) Kahr PM45 ... Not gonna lie, I approached the range with a little worry that it would jam, and have a plethora of FTF and FTE .. Seeing a lot of reports on this model put a little anxiety in this gun. Funny what the internet can do, huh?

Anyways, that aside, I am happy to say I shot 105 flawless rounds through this little sucker! Not a single jam or anything, so my anxieties were put to rest. I'm still in the "200 round" break in period, but 105 rounds in and I'm already confident in this thing! I shot 50 rounds of Winchester white box FMJ 230gr, then loaded a mag with my carry ammo - Remington Ultimate Defense 230ge JHP (I had read that Golden Sabers fed really good in this gun, and Academy was sold out so I got their twins instead). Even shooting my carry ammo in a 50-rd dirty gun still shot amazingly. After that one mag, I shot another 50 round box of the Winchester FMJ.

I had some pretty decent groupings, nothing to be super proud of. The first target is at about 7 yards, second target at 15 yards. I was able to get the accuracy down after a mag or two at each distance. I took my time with each shot, to try and pinpoint exactly where I needed to aim to hit center target.

I have Hogue finger groove rubber grips on my PM45, so that helped a lot with recoil. It was snappy, for sure, but honestly not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I am very, very happy with the performance of this little guy, and even though I'm still in break in period, I feel I can carry confidently now. Looks like I got one of the "good ones" without any issues I've read about. A very promising first time Kahr experience! :)

http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af141/JonMark85/56D9C8CC-660E-4B0D-BB18-99078BE19E2A_zpsxuzrz6yk.jpg (http://s1002.photobucket.com/user/JonMark85/media/56D9C8CC-660E-4B0D-BB18-99078BE19E2A_zpsxuzrz6yk.jpg.html)

http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af141/JonMark85/4F1BDBB9-0EFE-492C-8B65-C188C054690D_zps3vrovz7f.jpg (http://s1002.photobucket.com/user/JonMark85/media/4F1BDBB9-0EFE-492C-8B65-C188C054690D_zps3vrovz7f.jpg.html)

http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af141/JonMark85/3FE8AD8E-EF4C-4AEA-A50C-1AC3C946284F_zpstjoylfjz.jpg (http://s1002.photobucket.com/user/JonMark85/media/3FE8AD8E-EF4C-4AEA-A50C-1AC3C946284F_zpstjoylfjz.jpg.html)

02-28-2014, 04:50 PM
I love dirty gun pictures. Far as accuracy is concerned I don't think you have anything to worry about.

I'm had zero trouble with my PM45 neither. One would think they would be a handful to shoot but not unpleasant at all.

Good report.


02-28-2014, 08:11 PM
Congratulations. It's good to get past the anxiety period between Kahr purchase and first Kahr range outing.

02-28-2014, 09:18 PM

The new PM45 I got had a few hiccups on the WWB at first - notoriously low powered. I had some other ammo that it did quite well on. I found that it has a preference on reloads, thats ok for practice.

The used PM45 and the used PM9 that I got.... well they're like teenagers, and digest everything in sight!