View Full Version : Something amiss with my CW9 or just too used to a different SA?

03-01-2014, 08:22 AM
I've probably shot over 1000 flawless rounds thru my CW9 over the past year+ and have had no issues chambering rounds during "non-range activities". I've been working out-of-state and have a Glock 17 that I've been shooting for the past few months. I'm back in town and hadn't used the CW9 since a range trip on January 2nd. When I went to chamber a round yesterday before walking down my property, the round appeared to hang up just below the ramp with the slide stuck open. Mags with both JHP and FMJ did the same thing. I though I had reassembled the gun incorrectly after that last January range trip but dis/reassemblies didn't help. Finally, I began racking more vigorously and all seemed fine using 2 mags of JHP's and 2 mags of FMJ's. I believe my method of racking when I was having this issue was weak since the G17 doesn't require such aggressive racking and I had probably unconsciously become used to the G17.

With the CW9, I notice that there is almost a resistive force as the round chambers but I also recall that had always been the case so I'm under the impression that I just wasn't properly racking the gun.


03-01-2014, 08:42 AM
Using the slide release? Eliminates the "wasn't properly racking the gun" variable.

sas PM9
03-01-2014, 10:31 AM
I've probably shot over 1000 flawless rounds thru my CW9 over the past year+ and have had no issues chambering rounds during "non-range activities". I've been working out-of-state and have a Glock 17 that I've been shooting for the past few months. I'm back in town and hadn't used the CW9 since a range trip on January 2nd. When I went to chamber a round yesterday before walking down my property, the round appeared to hang up just below the ramp with the slide stuck open. Mags with both JHP and FMJ did the same thing. I though I had reassembled the gun incorrectly after that last January range trip but dis/reassemblies didn't help. Finally, I began racking more vigorously and all seemed fine using 2 mags of JHP's and 2 mags of FMJ's. I believe my method of racking when I was having this issue was weak since the G17 doesn't require such aggressive racking and I had probably unconsciously become used to the G17.

With the CW9, I notice that there is almost a resistive force as the round chambers but I also recall that had always been the case so I'm under the impression that I just wasn't properly racking the gun.



In addition to the previously mentioned "use the slide release lever to drop the slide", you might invest in a replacement set of recoil springs to beef up the cambering power.

ps. also, is the feed ramp buffed to a shine, and good lube at all the proper points?



03-01-2014, 03:19 PM
I follow the lube chart every time I return from the range after a good cleaning (MPRO 7 or CLP, whichever is handy and TW25b grease). Other than scrubbing the ramp clean, I have not buffed it but this was the first time I've had any issue with chambering a round, regardless of the method of racking.

The recoil springs shouldn't be weak this early but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have another to try in the event I continue to have issues. I never encountered a weak rack (not including my ex-wife) like this with this gun. I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the feedback.

03-04-2014, 06:42 AM
You could be experiencing a problem with the slide stop coming into contact with the nose of the bullet. With the slide removed and the slide stop installed insert a loaded mag and check for clearance between the slide stop and the nose of the bullet. Removing a little metal from the slide stop where it contacts the projectile could fix the problem.

MW surveyor
03-04-2014, 10:57 AM
Try the slide release method first as that's what Kahr recommends. If the rounds chamber then you are not releasing the slide manually "crisply" enough.

03-04-2014, 01:09 PM
Using the slide release? Eliminates the "wasn't properly racking the gun" variable.

if using the sldie release lever loads properly and not working properly by hand racking then it is shooter error. Practice does not make perfect but perfect practice does. Just sayin

03-04-2014, 01:38 PM
if using the sldie release lever loads properly and not working properly by hand racking then it is shooter error. Practice does not make perfect but perfect practice does. Just sayin

Hmmmmmm, looks like someone has been practicing his typing skills. Just sayin'. :)

03-04-2014, 01:43 PM
MY ILLEGAL PASQUALIE has been doing some typing for me when he is not cleaning up sheep sh!t in the back pasture. To much snow out thre so he is bored and trying to learn to be a real american citizen.

I brouught him over from Italy about 6 months ago, stuffed in a carry one but he never complained. He sleeps in my motorcycle trailor and I told him if he works out OK I wll pout a heater in it for him next year. This year has been ruff on him. He used to take the dried sheep sh
!t and burn it for heat but with this snow, it never really dried out and it was so hard tofind in 12" of snow, . I thought he talked kinda fast this winter to but it was merely his teeth chattering so much. Just sayin

I am teaching him a few words. He has two words down pat. FOKK OVOMIT.

03-04-2014, 02:08 PM
What does the manual recommend? Use the slide lock to release maybe? Always works on my CW40. What's a glock???

03-04-2014, 08:28 PM
Yes, the slide lock release chambers fine. And I hadn't had a lick of this issue before the few weeks that I worked with the new Glock on a daily basis. I agree that it's most likely operator error since the Glock is so easy to rack compared to my CW9. It's scary that I became that... conditioned... in such a short time.

When I was back home last weekend from this out-of-town assignment, I racked the living chit out of the CW9 enough that my wife was helping pick up FMJ's and JHP's off the carpet in our workshop. As long as I was conscious of what I was doing there wasn't a problem.

03-05-2014, 01:55 AM
~I racked the living chit out of the CW9 enough that my wife was helping pick up FMJ's and JHP's off the carpet in our workshop. As long as I was conscious of what I was doing there wasn't a problem.

This is a troubling statement. Cycling live rounds through a gun while in the house, is not good practice. That's what dummy rounds and snap caps are for. Save the live ammo for the range, please. Stay safe.

03-05-2014, 08:50 AM
Sounds to me like you know your problem is just being a bit out of practice getting a full pull and clean release of the slide. If nothing has changed it did not break just sitting around. ?? Stop think'n about it so hard and just shoot it. Buy snap caps too.

03-05-2014, 01:26 PM
There's a reason why Kahr states in every owner's manual to use the slide release when chambering a round -- because the tiny bit of space and the fine tolerances in Kahrs aren't designed for slingshotg the slide manually on a first round when the slide is locked back. My bet is the OP got used to the forgiving Glock slide and internals during his time away from his Kahr and is slightly following the Kahr slide when slingshotting it. Even the slightest hesitation in releasing the slide will stick a round on the feed ramp exactly like he's describing. I have had both Kahrs and Glocks. The difference in tolerances between the two is huge and I can see how going back to the tightly built Kahr could cause that, even if slingshotting the Kahr worked before. New habits outweigh old habits every time.

03-05-2014, 08:25 PM
... Cycling live rounds through a gun while in the house, is not good practice...

I needed to cycle the rounds in order to have faith in it. And it wasn't in the house, it was in my workshop detached from the main house, pointed out towards 6 1/2 wooded acres (my property) and with great deliberation.

... My bet is the OP got used to the forgiving Glock slide and internals during his time away from his Kahr and is slightly following the Kahr slide when slingshotting it. Even the slightest hesitation in releasing the slide will stick a round on the feed ramp exactly like he's describing. I have had both Kahrs and Glocks. The difference in tolerances between the two is huge and I can see how going back to the tightly built Kahr could cause that, even if slingshotting the Kahr worked before. New habits outweigh old habits every time.

This ^, which I believe I implied at some point previously. Thank you gents. I just needed some validation. :o

03-05-2014, 08:29 PM
Go shoot the heck out of that CW.

03-06-2014, 03:20 AM
I needed to cycle the rounds in order to have faith in it. And it wasn't in the house, it was in my workshop detached from the main house, pointed out towards 6 1/2 wooded acres (my property) and with great deliberation.

Dismiss the advice if you wish. Before you do, I suggest you become more informed about the risks of bullet setback resulting from repeated chamberings, and, especially, ejector detonation.