View Full Version : New CW380 Prroblem

03-02-2014, 10:53 AM
I'm a new member who would like some advice re my new CW380. I own a Ruger LCP that had a lot of FTF's in the first couple hundred rounds. Being uncomfortable to use it for EDC, I started looking for a "more reliable" gun. The trigger pull, sights and reputation of the CW380 sold me on it even though the slide is very difficult/stiff to rack back. The salesman said this was typical with this gun.
I took it home disassembled, cleaned and lubed it the same way I do all pistols. Went to the range and fired 50 rounds of FMJ, round nose ammo. The ammo was made in Serbia, but hey, they had a lot of practice with ammo in the past few years. The fist round went into battery by using the slide release per the owners manual. However the second and sometimes the third round failed to feed; they stuck at the bottom of the ramp. Not at the bottom edge, about 1/16 to 1/8 inch up the ramp. The ramp looked smooth and polished. The remaining bullets fed and fired OK. This happened with every clip. So much for reliability.
I know the manual says 200 rounds for break-in, but many of the posts in this forum say " No problems out of the box". I hoped for a few (a lot) less problems.
I came home joined and searched this Forum and developed the following plan. I'd appreciate any comments on my plan.
1. Re-polish the feed ramp even though it looks free of defects.
2. Oil per the lube chart I found in Kahrtalk.
3. Buy some US manufactured ammo (when I can find it) and return to the range.
I'll post a report on my next visit to the range.
Sorry for the long post.

Tom (toakey45069)

03-02-2014, 11:04 AM
I think your plan is a good one.

Buy some high quality ammo.
Keep shooting and complete your break-in. These things tend to work themselves out.
Take notes of any failures to help determine any problem that persists after the break-in

The break in isn't a bible. It's just a corporate CYA (IMO) and a way to limit the number of firearms that come back to the factory for things that will naturally work themselves out. I've heard many complain about it but it's really just sound advice. I practice with every firearm I own before it becomes a self defense weapon. But don't be shy about talking to Kahr if problems persist. They will take care of you and I've heard reports that customer service is getting back on track.

Welcome. You chose a fine weapon.

03-02-2014, 11:54 AM
You know what the problem is, but you have not identified it yet. Think about what you have posted. The first round loads, the 2nd and 3rd don't. All the others run smooth.

The problem: New mag springs are stiff and strong. When you load the mag to the max capacity of bullets, it puts so much upward pressure pushing the top bullet up against the bottom of the slide that the top bullet is pulled out of the mag premature when you load the first bullet by using the slide release. Now the mispositioned bullet (the second one in the original load of the mag) is out of battery. It will not load without jamming, and in your case the next one will do the same thing too.

The Fix: Load all your magazines 2 bullets short and you can fire the gun without any jambs until the mag is empty. After the springs and the gun get broken in you can add 1 of the bullets back without jambs and when those run without jams you can go back to full capacity mag loads without jambs.

03-02-2014, 06:01 PM
It sounds like the magazine follower is sticking. Mine was when I got it.

Take apart the magazine. With the follower attached to the spring slowly push it up into the mag. I'll bet at some point the follower will catch on something. If it does use fine sandpaper to remove the burr and lightly sand the sides of the follower. Assemble magazine and give it a try.
If it doesn't catch I don't know what it is.

03-02-2014, 06:25 PM
listen up. smokersteve is partialy rght. this is sumpin u need to check out. go to the kahr tech section, hit on the propper prepping thread, here it tells u exactly howto checkto see if the follower is grabbing on the mag release button. It is easy to check out and easier to fix yourself. at rounds 2/3 this is where the follower is in that magazine tube slot where the mag rlease button locks into. soetimes that follower will grab onto that release button just long enough to put the gun out of of cycle. That follower should move up and down in the magazine tube when installed in the gun with no resistance what so ever. At lease eliminate this as a possable, and then proceed to retest..

03-03-2014, 05:34 PM
Thanks to you guys for responding.

I went back to the range this afternoon and the gun performed better, but still had FTFs. One per mag and not every mag. Probably about 5 FTF per 50 rounds. The bullets were sticking partway up the ramp, a little higher than before.

I want to get another mag to see if the it has the same problem. I visited two dealers before going to the range but neither had mags. I'm going to the gun show in Cincinnati this weekend and should find one there. Also ammo.

Here's what I did before going to the range today:
- I cleaned and oiled the gun per the Kahrtalk lube chart.

- I found a slight bulge at the bottom of the chamber feed ramp that I flattened with a Dremel tool, then re-polished the ramp with emery cloth.

- I tried Smokersteve's suggestion to check the free movement of the magazine follower. It did bind as it neared the top of the mag. But after cleaning the inside of the mag casing the follower moved freely (probably dirt or grit).

-I did not look into Jocko's suggestion yet. I will do it before returning to the range.

03-03-2014, 06:00 PM
might not help a darn thing but being u polished the ramp with emeroyt cloth, how about plising under the feed lips of your magazine. It won't hurt a darn thing. Smooth is good..

03-04-2014, 03:28 PM
Yeah I had some stove piping going on with a few rounds...

03-04-2014, 08:43 PM
I have the same problem, but much more severe. Almost every round fails to chamber. Happens with 2 different mags, 3 kinds of ammo, 2 shooters. Returned to Kahr.

03-04-2014, 09:30 PM
jlr2267 - Please keep me posted in case I need to send mine back. I assume you wasted the 200 break-in rounds?

03-04-2014, 10:29 PM
jlr2267 - Please keep me posted in case I need to send mine back. I assume you wasted the 200 break-in rounds?

It was closer to 300 before I gave up. I'll let you know what happens.

03-06-2014, 07:04 AM
Good Luck; Hope Kahr fixes y'all up. :cool:

03-10-2014, 05:08 PM
After the last trip to the range, I cleaned and oiled the gun. I also smoothed the magazine feed lips per Jocko. I purchased a spare magazine, and two boxes of ammo. Remington UMC 95 grain FMJ RN and Brass Kings manufactured 100 gr, FMJ RN (equivalent, according to seller, to Winchester White Box.).

The gun performed much better at the range today but still not reliable enough for personal protection. The Brass Kings had zero defects for 30 rounds. The Remington ammo had 3 FTFs and one stove pipe for 36 rounds.

I loaded both magazines and fired them in sequence. Failures cannot be attributed to one mag or the other.

I don't have the required 200 breaking rounds through the gun yet (only 166), but things are looking better, especially for the 100 gr. Bullets. I plan on firing another 100 rounds or so, when I can afford, before I cry uncle.

Thanks again for your help.


03-10-2014, 05:33 PM
That is good news. At least you are seeing improvement. Hopefully, after your 200 rounds it will be a reliable gun.

I am stashing as many brands of 380 as I can in hopes of finding 2 or 3 that function reliably when I get my pistol back from Kahr. I have run 9 types so far (including steel case) thru my LCP w/out a single failure.

03-10-2014, 05:38 PM
After the last trip to the range, I cleaned and oiled the gun. I also smoothed the magazine feed lips per Jocko. I purchased a spare magazine, and two boxes of ammo. Remington UMC 95 grain FMJ RN and Brass Kings manufactured 100 gr, FMJ RN (equivalent, according to seller, to Winchester White Box.).

The gun performed much better at the range today but still not reliable enough for personal protection. The Brass Kings had zero defects for 30 rounds. The Remington ammo had 3 FTFs and one stove pipe for 36 rounds.

I loaded both magazines and fired them in sequence. Failures cannot be attributed to one mag or the other.

I don't have the required 200 breaking rounds through the gun yet (only 166), but things are looking better, especially for the 100 gr. Bullets. I plan on firing another 100 rounds or so, when I can afford, before I cry uncle.

Thanks again for your help.


bastards, arent they?? I do think if it reliable with one brand over anutter that in time this will allcoreect itself to. Find the rounds that work best andthat are reliable and IMO just stick with it. In ur case u need to find a good defense round. I love the corbon powerball round. It feeds in my P380 perfectly, test out at least one box before saying good to go. Just sayin