View Full Version : info search PM9 trigger

03-02-2014, 02:57 PM
Hello All
seems my PM9 black ss slide was made sometime in 2010.
my question I have not been able to answer is
the trigger is in no way as short of pull or reset as my K9 made in 2012 and I want to know if the PM9 has a older style trigger and if so can it be upgraded? $$$
its not that I can use It well but I would like to have the same trigger on both my kahr handguns.

03-02-2014, 03:03 PM
wellur wrong it is the same stroke 3/8". There is no OLDER style trigger. as far as reset that should be the same but you have two different size guns. There should be zero difference betwseen the two. that being said I have two PMJ9 ad one is definitely smoother than the utter, but it is what it is. They are the same my freind (I hope)

Only thing u can do is trade it off if u not happy..jUST SAYIN

03-02-2014, 03:52 PM
well I kept telling myself they are the same from the research I have done online they should be the same. plus hearing from you jocko as im sure you are up to snuff on the Kahr subject.
but I wish you could try them out.
I considered swapping the P9 for another but it does cost me money going through the process to run a bunch of ammo through my carry gun to make sure I am comfortable it will work properly.
I will probably just keep it as I can shoot it well.
I had quite a few 9mm handguns and my favorite all around is the K9.
I do like to keep the G19 close by when at home.

03-02-2014, 03:56 PM
I love my K9 to and it is used with the nypd trigger in it. Really makes no difference either, as I shoot it better than my two PMJ9, but it is my vanity drawer gun, where as my PMJ9 is my 24/7 gun in my pocket all the time

Hellu can take two of the same model guns and they will feel different,, It is what it is, sme guns come out of the box smootehr so there fore on thinks it is different which in essense it is just smoother. I do think your will smooth also but a PM9 and a K9 although the ame internaly, they do feel totlly different as u well know.

U metioned now a P9 are u talking about the PM9 or now anutter kahr odel..

03-02-2014, 04:01 PM
heh colonel DID U READ HARDNOCKS1.

He thinks I am up to snuff, PleaSE DON'T ban him for blasphemy either. This forum needs more members who realy appreciate the qualities of ol jocko.

It snot all about sheep, u know. Just sayin

03-02-2014, 04:05 PM
PM9 is what I am talking about.
just a typo.

03-02-2014, 04:19 PM
no excuse for bad typos. on this forum, none that I can think of. Just sayin