View Full Version : Forgive me all: went to buy a CW9, but...

05-28-2010, 11:02 AM
I ended up with a Hi Power. I sold one of my revolvers with the intention of picking up a CW9 as a companion piece for my CW45, but I just could not resist the charms of this dark European beauty (besides, there's just something to that name: "Hi Power":)).
Here's a photo (it's an early MKIII):

05-28-2010, 11:06 AM
I'd not seek forgiveness for that transgression. That looks beautiful and in really great condition too, like perfect! I think just about anyone of us would have made the same choice. The CW 9 will always be around and there will be another day, you got the 45 to fill that slot.
I think you made a great decision myself.

05-28-2010, 11:07 AM
You had to have upped the budget just a bit for that HI Power too huh? They don't give those away in recent times.

05-28-2010, 11:28 AM
Great gun! Enjoy it (heck, if the reset was stronger on those I never would have bought 3 of my 1911's) :D

05-28-2010, 11:28 AM
Great decision, you won't be sorry. I have 2 and they are fine pistols. The CW9 is a very good pistol, but let's face it, it ain't a Hi-Power. Check the net for some simple mods you can do to it that will make it even better than it is, if they haven't been done already.

05-28-2010, 12:01 PM
I ended up with a Hi Power. I sold one of my revolvers with the intention of picking up a CW9 as a companion piece for my CW45, but I just could not resist the charms of this dark European beauty (besides, there's just something to that name: "Hi Power":)).
Here's a photo (it's an early MKIII):

I have 2 Hi-Powers [my old service carry which is 44 yrs old and beat up and one I bought is the 80's which is pristine] and a CW9. I never thought of them as being interchangeable. Yours looks like my new one. It's hard the see that pistol and not think of old John Moses - it's so classically "Browning".

Although it's still functional, the old one has been packed away and unfired for over 25 years. I just cleaned and boxed up the new one last night, and I'm giving it to my son tomorrow. He just got out of the hospital after a car accident, and has been wanting that Hi-Power for years, so I'm making it his going home present.

05-28-2010, 12:06 PM
I have 2 Hi-Powers [my old service carry which is 44 yrs old and beat up and one I bought is the 80's which is pristine] and a CW9. I never thought of them as being interchangeable. Yours looks like my new one. It's hard the see that pistol and not think of old John Moses - it's so classically "Browning".

Although it's still functional, the old one has been packed away and unfired for over 25 years. I just cleaned and boxed up the new one last night, and I'm giving it to my son tomorrow. He just got out of the hospital after a car accident, and has been wanting that Hi-Power for years, so I'm making it his going home present.

I sure hope that boy knows how lucky he is to have you for a dad! Your a good man O'Dell. You better break the old one out of the box to fondle and care for, I'm sure its oozing with history and sentimental value and deserves to be let out of the box. Hope your boys 100 % A OK with no lasting issues to deal with.

05-28-2010, 12:17 PM
WHEW!! For a minute there I was thinking he came home with a Hi POINT!

05-28-2010, 02:01 PM
I sure hope that boy knows how lucky he is to have you for a dad! Your a good man O'Dell. You better break the old one out of the box to fondle and care for, I'm sure its oozing with history and sentimental value and deserves to be let out of the box. Hope your boys 100 % A OK with no lasting issues to deal with.

Thanks, Bawanna. I'm not sure I'm worthy. You're probably right about the old Browning, though. I suppose I could refinish it and bring it up to date, but I would hate to lose the sixties patina of that old gun. It was also the first handgun I ever bought. I got it because the Navy wanted to issue me a S&W 38, and I didn't want to carry a six shot revolver to war.

05-28-2010, 02:11 PM
Thanks, Bawanna. I'm not sure I'm worthy. You're probably right about the old Browning, though. I suppose I could refinish it and bring it up to date, but I would hate to lose the sixties patina of that old gun. It was also the first handgun I ever bought. I got it because the Navy wanted to issue me a S&W 38, and I didn't want to carry a six shot revolver to war.

With that history I don't think I'd change it a bit. Keep her running smooth and cherish the sentimental value. For your kids sake, I'd write that history down, where you got it, when, where you went with it, history not written down is lost. I forget if your one of the picture taking challenged ones around here but I'd love to see a picture of the old one. Guns with a little character seem to excite me far more than shiney and new sometimes. Although the one that started this thread is just a sweetheart. Kind of like pickup trucks I guess, new ones dont excite me much but I seen a original 57 chevy yesterday on the way home that just blew my dress up around my ears. Even talked to the owner, has original hub caps and the old foot starter button. I gotta figure out hand controls for a stick shift, and a foot starter button. Wise choice on the High Power over the 6 shooter too.

05-28-2010, 02:52 PM
Set of 4 Consecutive # Browning HI-Powers, NIB : Semi-auto at GunBroker.com (http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=171068826)

This is what happens cause I hang out with you guys. You plant all these silly little ideas in the part of my brain that makes me want stuff. So I look at places that I shouldn't be looking at and find stuff like this. I'm beginning to think my wife is right, I have enough toys. BUT does a man ever really have enough toys. Whats the magic number for congratulations you have enough toys. 10?, 25? 150? I shall ponder this.
For the record this ain't gonna happen, unless I can figure out how to live in them. For 5 grand my wife would face a jury and probably win on a justified homicide defense.

05-28-2010, 03:36 PM
With that history I don't think I'd change it a bit. Keep her running smooth and cherish the sentimental value. For your kids sake, I'd write that history down, where you got it, when, where you went with it, history not written down is lost. I forget if your one of the picture taking challenged ones around here but I'd love to see a picture of the old one. Guns with a little character seem to excite me far more than shiney and new sometimes. Although the one that started this thread is just a sweetheart. Kind of like pickup trucks I guess, new ones dont excite me much but I seen a original 57 chevy yesterday on the way home that just blew my dress up around my ears. Even talked to the owner, has original hub caps and the old foot starter button. I gotta figure out hand controls for a stick shift, and a foot starter button. Wise choice on the High Power over the 6 shooter too.

Yep, I'm the photo challenged one - no camera. If you saw what I looked like, you would understand my aversion to them.

I tried the old car thing a couple of times, but it never worked out. My first new car was a TR-4 that I bought in England and brought home on the boat where I was serving. About 25 years ago I spotted an old Triumph just like it in a garage in my subdivision. It ran, sorta, but had no brakes, but did have a LOT of rust. I fixed the brakes, got the old tractor engine running pretty well, bought a few body parts, and Stopped. I sold the whole mess 3 years later.

The other time I found a really clean and original 1959 Bonneville 2 Dr HT, and had to have it. I put down a deposit and went home to measure the garage. The darned thing wouldn't fit in an eighties built garage. That wouldn't happen today, because when I built this house 5 years ago, I extended the double garage in the plans eight ft. in each direction, so I could get both cars, the motorcycle, and mower out w/o moving anything else. Wonder where that Pontiac is now? I'd better go before I offend the "scenting" police

05-28-2010, 10:32 PM
Thank you all for your commentshttp://thehighroad.org/images/smilies/smile.gif
I've put a couple hundred rounds through it with nary an issue. Great ergonomics, it's a comfortable gun to shoot and it points very well. I'm really happy with it.

You had to have upped the budget just a bit for that HI Power too huh? They don't give those away in recent times.You are correct sir. I actually put it on layaway for a day. I told my wife about and she ponied up the extra dinero calling it an early birthday present. I just love that girl!

I'd like to echo Bawanna's sentiments in regards to your son's complete and lasting recovery: best wishes.


05-28-2010, 11:01 PM
Thanks, Greg and you too Bawanna, from me and my son.


05-29-2010, 08:50 AM
You did right to come home with a Browning. In my eyes and lots of others, anything he designed was perfection. Lots of stories from some former tunnel rats that I know, echo the sentiment that if you had a Browning design, you were going home.