View Full Version : Slide Lock Spring screw loosened at 1,600 rounds

03-03-2014, 12:35 AM
While cleaning both my CW40s after shooting this week, I noticed that on both pistols the infamous screw holding the spring at the slide lock pin had loosened enough to allow the springs to be easily rotated. Both pistols had zero problems shooting about 170 rounds total, so a loose spring apparently isn't necessarily a show stopper. Plus the slides stayed open normally with an empty magazine.

So I got a micro screw driver set for $6 at Lowe's. The screw is a #6 torx. I have to say that it is real difficult to tell how much to tighten that d@^^ little screw into resin without stripping it.

What is the thinking on using a bit of LockTite?

03-03-2014, 09:38 AM
What is the thinking on using a bit of LockTite?

I wouldn't.


"Not Recommended For ;

Use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials

Use on plastic parts, particularly thermoplastic materials where stress cracking of the plastic could result"

03-03-2014, 11:00 AM
While cleaning both my CW40s after shooting this week, I noticed that on both pistols the infamous screw holding the spring at the slide lock pin had loosened enough to allow the springs to be easily rotated. Both pistols had zero problems shooting about 170 rounds total, so a loose spring apparently isn't necessarily a show stopper. Plus the slides stayed open normally with an empty magazine.

So I got a micro screw driver set for $6 at Lowe's. The screw is a #6 torx. I have to say that it is real difficult to tell how much to tighten that d@^^ little screw into resin without stripping it.

What is the thinking on using a bit of LockTite?

no l;ocktite. If u feel a real must to seal it, try finner nail polish, I would say if u just snug it, then ur good to go. More than likely it could have been loose when u got it. Snug is good, u can't tighten it, so don't try. It is not a problem area until people start to mess with it. If it ain't broke, IMO don't fix it.:behindsofa:

03-04-2014, 06:31 AM
Listen to him. Jocko knows everything there is to know about having a screw loose. Just sayin'. As to the "finner" nail polish, a pastel pink seems accent the black plastic grip nicely, though I prefer the clear. :)

03-04-2014, 09:04 AM
"Dusty Rose" works for me.

+1 Don't over-tighten and do not Loctite. That screw is meant to be adjusted not tightened.

03-04-2014, 10:05 AM
Listen to him. Jocko knows everything there is to know about having a screw loose. Just sayin'. As to the "finner" nail polish, a pastel pink seems accent the black plastic grip nicely, though I prefer the clear. :)

I resemble that remark muggs, I will get back toyou on that:(:mad:

03-04-2014, 10:14 AM
Thank you all for your cogent and "clear" responses. I'll just check the springs and screws at each cleaning.

But the larger issue is that both pistols had the same problem develop at 1,600 rounds. So recommend others with polymer frames keep an eye on that screw over time.

03-04-2014, 01:14 PM
1600 rounds is alot of shooting, so I would say indeed check that little screw area periodicaly. Just never try to over tighten it. I put a tad of grease right over that screw head area to, whethe rit helps or not I can't tellyou for I have in over 32K rounds replaced that little springhy once and thatwas my error in bending the fokk out of it by not paying attention.

03-04-2014, 04:20 PM
But the larger issue is that both pistols had the same problem develop at 1,600 rounds. So recommend others with polymer frames keep an eye on that screw over time.

That's good advice. :)

03-04-2014, 05:15 PM
what shooters need to know is that that little springhy needs to be able to work. if u try to tighten it to much it will stop the spring from working right. That little ingenious spring actully does two distinct things.

#1. if u look there is a groovr around that tiake twon pin right by te slide lever itself. That left sife of the little springhy must snap into that groove or the slide lock lever will just fall out. that is what keeps the p9n in place.

#2, the end tip of that little springhy is what glides over the top of the slide stop lever and on the inside of the frame that lever has a slight vgroove in it (very hard tos ee but it is there). that little spring tip must ride in that groove. that spring tip is what is always awanting to push the slide stop lever downward away from the notch i the slide itself. If u have that little springhy under that little grooved ub, it will every time lock the slide open for now it is pushing it up. Tighten that springhy to much and the spring tip will not function correctly and the follower is what pushes up that slide stop lever and the mgazine follower might not not have enough sprng power to move the slide stop lever upward to lock the slide open o the last round. I always put a tad of grease on that little nub on the slide lock lever. It helps it ride under that little springhy tip.


03-04-2014, 06:21 PM
I love multi-tasking. A two fer fer the springy thingy.