View Full Version : No Response from Kahr

03-04-2014, 03:34 PM
Prior to purchasing a Kahr PM9 I contacted Kahr and left a vm msg for their Tech Support department... After a week and not receiving a return call I sent an email and finally got a response... Based on internet research from PM9 owners I decided to purchase a PM9... Once I received the PM9 I downloaded a Kahr disassembly and reassembly video to clean the PM9 prior to my first trip to the range... In an attempt to reassemble I could not get the slide back on the frame... After several attempt I took 8 pics of the assembly process and emailed the Kahr Tech Support department stating my issue and the steps I took with the pics attached.... That was going on 3 weeks ago and I have never received any return communication from the Kahr Tech Support department... During that time period I took the PM9 to a friend who has considerable amount of gun training and he identified the problem and we reassembled the PM9.... I went to the range and fired my first 100 rounds without a single issue.... I will say that I am completely satisfied with the performance of the PM9 but certainly lack any measure of confidence in getting any response from Kahr to issues with my PM9... I certainly would hate at this point to send my PM9 to Kahr for any factory repairs as I am not confident that the PM9 would ever be returned.... Has anyone else had these types of issues with Kahr or any suggestions on how to get a response from Kahr Tech Support? Thx for the feedback....

The issue I had was upon reassembly of the recoil spring, guide rod got hung up on the recoil spring and prevented it from seating properly at the muzzle end...

Also when the tungsten coating is applied the slide stop pin as well... This additional coating on the pin makes it very difficult to remove because of the added thickness on the pin... The disassembly video shows it is very easy to remove but not the case... I am considering making a couple of twists on the pin itself to remove some of the tungsten coating....

03-04-2014, 04:05 PM
Hello mytymedave and welcome to kahrtalk....Sorry you were having some problems getting to Kahr...This is a relatively new problem and Kahr seems to be going through some growing pains here lately...If you look around here you will see several posts about not getting someone to answer the phone or return emails but I'm sure it's temporary and I know in the past their customer service has been very good....

I have had beter luck calling say from 10am to 2pm during the week...If you need anything ask for Jay or Ian and they will be glad to help you....I'm glad you got your PM9 back together and hopefully you wont ever need to send it back for anything...I have a PM40 I got used and it's been a champ and has never had any kind of problems and I bet yours wont either....

Go to the New Member forum and read all the stickys about proper prep and lube of a Kahr...Lots of good info there and if you do have any questions then ask away....There are two other Kahr forums on the interweb but this is the original and best by far....Lots of real nice people here who are glad to help out other members who may be having problems...We are a fun bunch and are growing fast much like Kahr so stick with us and give Kahr a chance to correct their current CS problems....You can always come here for questions and help and I think between all of us we have seen most of the common issues and can tell you how to fix them yourself....

Jocko will be along in a minute and as soon as we can restock the Official Jocko Decoder Ring we will send you one so you will be able to understand what he is typing until you get the hang of it......Poor Jocko lost both hands in a chocolate milkshake motorcycle accident so they just covered the stumps with milkshake cups so he has a hard time typing but manages to get it pretty close....Again, welcome aboard and have fun here at the asylum...

03-04-2014, 04:08 PM
ur first mistake wasnot finding this forum and u could have saved alot of time. I am sure what ever u jtold kahr tech peopl,e was probably very hard to figure out also . Hands on beats any email. I would leave the slide lock lever pi just the way it is. It is not designed to just fall out either. It is not the finish on the pin that is making it hard, it is what it is. Now if you wanna help it somewhat without fokking it up. just put a dab of grease on that little sprihgnyt on the left side where the pin actually locks into. grease the pin itself. In time after a few dozen take downs, it will get easier kand u will learn better how to do it. that protrusion of the pin on the right sidfe is there for a reasona nd that is to have some kind of woodel dowel or such to push that pin out.

Personally we are here to help but u have come on here with post #1 and u have comped an attitude. not a good start. U got the best kahr made IMO, it is working great,My question would be: how in the hell would kahr know whatu did wrong when u wrote them. evidently ur gun wise friend was able to see it first hand and get ur goin right. Not being a horse-ass here but u reassembled it wrong, not the guns fault . get over it, enjoy the gun, be more careful next time taking it down etc. I would strongly advise reading the kahr tech section and hitting on the propper prep thread, There are some things there u need to know in case sumpin comes up that u can fix.

This forum here can help u with about any question u might have, good people here but if u come here with a chip on ur shoulder there are dozens here willing to knock it off. Welcome aboard and I do mean that. U can hammer my comments all u want, makes no fokking difference to me, if it make su feel better..

03-04-2014, 04:26 PM
I just looked at the calendar, is this pick on new guys day or something. I didn't get the memo on that.

While it was a bit more abrasive than I'd prefer Jocko gave good info. Don't mess with the pin, it will take care of itself with a little time.

I use a screwdriver handle or a toothbrush to get that pin started out. On my K's I have to tap it with a plastic hammer.

Once you get the hang of it you'll do it without thought. Something that is almost a borderline forte for me, doing stuff without thought that is.

03-04-2014, 04:32 PM
as u know the K's are totally different. They will never loosen up, but IMO it is the best slide lock set up I have ever seen. u aih't ever gonna bend a springhy on the K's. that is a fact.

I think some of Muggs is rubbing off on me colonel, we both mean no harm but sometimes u just gotta tell it like it is. We are not talking to kindergarden peole here . The poster knows ol jocko means welkeither or old people in a nursing home. the poster knows ol jocko means well . I left him enought room to bow and kiss the ring to. Just sayin

03-04-2014, 05:03 PM
I just looked at the calendar, is this pick on new guys day or something. I didn't get the memo on that.

While it was a bit more abrasive than I'd prefer Jocko gave good info. Don't mess with the pin, it will take care of itself with a little time.

I use a screwdriver handle or a toothbrush to get that pin started out. On my K's I have to tap it with a plastic hammer.

Once you get the hang of it you'll do it without thought. Something that is almost a borderline forte for me, doing stuff without thought that is.

If you use a tooth brush to remove the slide stop what do you brush your teeth with? You ain't never gonna get Jocko to kiss you that way. The right tool for the right job. Seriously, Mytymedave it does get easier with use. I can remove the slide stop of my CM9 with just a firm push with my index finger. Holidays, bad weather, new product lines has left Kahr a bit thin on help. Some people swear by Kahr service and some swear at it.

03-04-2014, 05:09 PM
geez. Jeckel and Hide, all in one evening, can't beat that with a stick. Just sayin

Ol jocko don't kiss no body from Washington, be it a women even. I hear their women over there have hair under their arms that they actually braid. . They are all BIGFOOTS in Washington. Go to any bar and u will see Twhat I mean. Just syin

03-04-2014, 05:19 PM
I just looked at the calendar, is this pick on new guys day or something. I didn't get the memo on that.


Yeah. My boss gave us the day off and everything. National holiday: Jocko PMS Day. I get an extra day off every month...just stayin'.

Welcome Noob. You'll be fine. Really? You called Kahr BEFORE you bought a pistol? God bless you. :)

03-04-2014, 05:24 PM
Thx for responding to my post and your suggestions... I will take all suggestions into account... I take no offense to Jocko's comments... He know me and that's OK... I am sure that he can put one foot in front of the other just like the rest of us... LOL.. Again, I really like the PM9 and I will visit here often....

03-04-2014, 05:29 PM
BTW... I did visit this site prior to purchasing the PM9 also... This is where I got the link for the disassembly/reassembly video.... Good stuff

03-04-2014, 05:30 PM
Hang around long enough and it all starts to make sense which is kind of a scary thought in and of itself.

03-04-2014, 05:40 PM
I enjoy the attachments....
Due to the substantial increase in ammo cost you can no longer expect a warning shot!
I that one Bawanna...

03-04-2014, 06:11 PM
yeah stop in often. The guys here turn into a kind of dysfunctional family that I miss if I don't check in every day. Often more than once a day.

03-04-2014, 09:28 PM
Thx for responding to my post and your suggestions... I will take all suggestions into account... I take no offense to Jocko's comments... He know me and that's OK... I am sure that he can put one foot in front of the other just like the rest of us... LOL.. Again, I really like the PM9 and I will visit here often....

Jocko can put one foot in front of the other, but he does tend to stumble a lot. I think that it has something to do with adult beverages. :)

03-04-2014, 11:03 PM
Thx... I did not intend a attitude with my post and I was quite detailed when I sent the email to Kahr... I have spent a number of years in Sales and serving my customers and expected some response from them... I understand that is Jocko's way and he was helping me... I do enjoy reading the posts on this site... I realize now I should have posted in the nubee section...

03-05-2014, 05:11 AM
Prior to purchasing a Kahr PM9 I contacted Kahr and left a vm msg for their Tech Support department...
After a week and not receiving a return call I sent an email and finally got a response...

I've Emailed Kahr Technical Support several times.
Believe I've always got a response within 24 hrs.

IMHO - I would stick to Emails and forget voice mail messages on a phone.

03-05-2014, 09:42 AM
Thx for responding to my post and your suggestions... I will take all suggestions into account... I take no offense to Jocko's comments... He know me and that's OK... I am sure that he can put one foot in front of the other just like the rest of us... LOL.. Again, I really like the PM9 and I will visit here often....
He doesn't put his pants on one leg at a time though.......................http://kahrtalk.com/images/icons/icon12.gif