View Full Version : Cerakote question

03-04-2014, 04:43 PM
I'm not really a fan of the two tone look of the CM9, actually it's the only thing I don't like about the gun.

I searched the forum regarding Cerakote treatments on the slide and it seems like a lot of people have done that.

My question is related to the sights on the gun. I'm assuming whoever Cerakotes the gun (I'm not going to do it myself...I want it done right!) would need to remove the front and rear sights first.

Front sight is no biggy as far as replacing, but how does it work out with the rear sight? Everything I've read here indicates that the rear sight dovetail is very tight. When the sight gets pressed back in after the Cerakote goes on will it chip the Cerakote where the sight slides in or is the Cerakote really tough enough to avoid that?

I figured if I do the Cerakote that I might as well splurge and get tritium replacement sights at the same time.


03-04-2014, 04:49 PM
it can be a real ***** to do, for sure let a competent smitty do it and kthere are darn good finishers that are on line that know their stuff. The back site can be a real ***** but with a pusher it is no issue, again a good refinishing company knows how to do this stuff. I had my PMJ9 cerekoted about 5 yars ago and it shows zero wear and rides in my pocket 24/7. I did not to it either.

APW cogan is one of the best around and will do u right to. Ur front sight will have to be broken off but u just buy a new one from kahr and u can put t in urself.

sheepdog69, that signature line gives ol jocko a giant *****. just wanted u to know that..I can be dangerous:amflag:

03-05-2014, 06:45 PM
The sights will have to be removed and the slide bead blasted. The rear sight is a bear to remove and you can't do it with a bargain basement pusher. Best if left to a competent gunsmith. Whomever cerakotes your gun should be equipped to do it. They should also be equipped to install your new sights.

03-05-2014, 07:18 PM
Thanks guys. I found a certified Cerakote installer a couple towns away who do a lot of firearms. I'll reach out to them and make sure they can do a Kahr.

03-05-2014, 07:19 PM
sheepdog69, that signature line gives ol jocko a giant *****. just wanted u to know that..I can be dangerous:amflag:

:confused: I'm confused, but that's not really too hard to do....my signature line or yours? I don't have a sig line yet, I don't have enough posts!