View Full Version : Does Yeager sum it up for you?

03-06-2014, 10:14 AM
Are you at this level?


BTW he had 86,000 contact him saying their bag is packed, mags filled and their gun is clean--- where do they report now.

03-06-2014, 10:20 AM
That's over a year old. Are people's bags still packed? Has he been arrested for making threats?

03-06-2014, 10:57 AM
old yes but he is OK. Got is CCW reinstated and is moving forward. The guy has/had passion though.

Longitude Zero
03-06-2014, 12:12 PM
Some things he posts I agree with. Some he is just plain piss ignorant on. He needs to be more selective in what he posts for increased credibility.

03-06-2014, 12:41 PM
Some things he posts I agree with. Some he is just plain piss ignorant on. He needs to be more selective in what he posts for increased credibility.

yep but he is entertaining....do you think that one could learn sump'n from his classes? He seems to have some skills in the vids I saw.

03-06-2014, 01:19 PM
You mean like this:


I like the guy ok as well as Uncle Ted but I'm a pro 2nd amendment gun guy...I think both guys say the truth but sometimes get way over the top and give the anti's more fuel to do their thing against us....

Ya think that camera guy had on a pair of Depends?

03-06-2014, 01:49 PM
You mean like this:


I like the guy ok as well as Uncle Ted but I'm a pro 2nd amendment gun guy...I think both guys say the truth but sometimes get way over the top and give the anti's more fuel to do their thing against us....

Ya think that camera guy had on a pair of Depends?
Are you kidding me? Jeezuus. On you tube, did you see anyone calling him out on that? Interesting to see how he responded.

03-06-2014, 02:04 PM
Oh my God, that's James Yeager's range? That video made the rounds not long ago, everyone on every gun forum I saw unanimously said it was abhorrent.

I've never even heard of the guy till this thread, to be honest. I really don't want to hear of him ever again.

03-06-2014, 02:18 PM
I'll second that.

I looked at the vid and saw a link to his vid entitled Why the 1911 sucks part 1 and 2. I don't hear and don't even have speakers so I didn't torture myself listening.

He's dead to me. Obviously clueless.

03-06-2014, 02:31 PM
Here is his latest video about the situation in CT from March 3rd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT0VTHBds08

I'm not a fan of him or anything, but he seems to have quite a few followers.

03-06-2014, 02:36 PM
Charlie Manson had followers too.:D

03-06-2014, 03:18 PM
So did Herr Schikelgruber.

03-06-2014, 04:25 PM
This is what some think:

03-06-2014, 04:26 PM
As well as David Koresh, and any number of false prophets, and a lot of the Heavy Metal bands with a Satanic twist. Even Obummer has his die hard fans. Heck even MSNBC still has 2 or 3 people watching it.

03-06-2014, 05:36 PM
Yeager is definitely over the top on many issues, but to be honest, I'd rather he be on my side than some pansy ass gun owner that felt we would be better off in the end to just comply with the law.

The government is often extreme, and it does no good to respond to them the opposite way.

03-06-2014, 08:49 PM
Just like anything. Filter out the good stuff (if any) and throw away the rest.

Longitude Zero
03-06-2014, 09:23 PM
yep but he is entertaining....do you think that one could learn sump'n from his classes? He seems to have some skills in the vids I saw.

Yes but consider the source. I have neighbors that as far as shooting skills would show him up as an asshat.

03-06-2014, 11:09 PM
Yes but consider the source. I have neighbors that as far as shooting skills would show him up as an asshat.
I was gonna retort but then it looks like I am a fan. I am indifferent. I like some of his stuff though. Probably a bit more than 50% of it--not all. I think his class would be entertaining fo sho.

03-07-2014, 06:19 AM
Yeager is a loud mouth. If you are going to do it, just do it. Don't talk about it, or make idle threats on You Tube. Yeager's a loose cannon.

Longitude Zero
03-07-2014, 08:00 AM
Yeager is a loud mouth. If you are going to do it, just do it. Don't talk about it, or make idle threats on You Tube. Yeager's a loose cannon.


03-07-2014, 12:43 PM
Here is his latest video about the situation in CT from March 3rd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT0VTHBds08

I'm not a fan of him or anything, but he seems to have quite a few followers.

JY seems to have a screw loose. Anyone who goes on YouTube and says, "I'd be happy to fire the first shot..." should have a psychiatric evaluation.

Longitude Zero
03-07-2014, 01:26 PM
JY seems to have a screw loose. Anyone who goes on YouTube and says, "I'd be happy to fire the first shot..." should have a psychiatric evaluation.

For sure.