View Full Version : Carry question
03-06-2014, 05:03 PM
So I've started to pocket carry my CM9 with a round chambered. When I return home I unload the gun. I understand that there are some issues with repeatedly chambering the same round. Can you guys elaborate on that and tell me how you deal with it (assuming you unload the gun at the end of the day). How many times are you willing to chamber the same round?
03-06-2014, 05:04 PM
I don't. its either loaded and ready to go or it isn't.
why are you taking the round out of the chamber?
03-06-2014, 05:09 PM
I don't. its either loaded and ready to go or it isn't.
why are you taking the round out of the chamber?
It's loaded and ready to go when I leave the house. I unload it and lock it in a gun case when I return home. It's not my home defense pistol.
03-06-2014, 05:15 PM
Personally I'd lock it up loaded. Loading and unloading are prime times for mistakes and goofs. That being said I make it a practice not to lock up loaded guns, kind of a double check and balance. I know in my safe everything is unloaded BUT I of course still check to make sure.
As far as reloading the round I just check it visually with a round you know is the way it left the factory. Some guns have a tendency to push that bullet down into the case more than others, some ammo is more susceptible to that as well. Some you can load a bunch of times with no issue. You just have to look as see if the cartridge is longer or more commonly shorter.
I also rotate sometimes. Take a round that you've cycled a bunch of times and put it in the mag first and start over with fresh.
As I started off with I don't load and unload carry guns hardly ever. Do whatever you do and do it consistently and you'll have no problems.
03-06-2014, 05:35 PM
Thanks. So keep the carry gun loaded. I'm good with that.
I've made it a habit to store unloaded guns with the magazine out and the slide locked open so I always assume everything that has a mag and a closed slide is loaded.
03-06-2014, 06:10 PM
bein just my wife and I live her now, My PMJ9 is always loaded and sitting in the living room on the book shelf in the desantis. I have put it there every nite for over 5years, so it is automatic for me every morning to pick up the gun and pocket itas my wallet sits next to the gun also. both never eavehome without me. My K9 is loaded in my vanity next to my bed...I am careful though, if anyone comes into my home the PMJ9 is put back out of site but still loaded.
any unloded gun is slide locked open and magazine out, wheel gun, the cylinder is open..
03-06-2014, 06:11 PM
See there, it's working already. Your giving yourself a cue and a reminder.
I do a press check once in awhile just to make sure a round is in place rather than unload. Many officers here do that every morning or at start of shift. Just pull the slide back just enough to see a case in the chamber and they are good to go.
03-06-2014, 06:19 PM
What you're talking about is referred to as bullet setback. Just do an internet search and you'll find out everything you need to know. What is fact or fiction you'll have to figure out.
03-06-2014, 06:57 PM
Mine stay loaded and locked in the safe when not being carried.
03-06-2014, 07:04 PM
See there, it's working already. Your giving yourself a cue and a reminder.
I do a press check once in awhile just to make sure a round is in place rather than unload. Many officers here do that every morning or at start of shift. Just pull the slide back just enough to see a case in the chamber and they are good to go.
a smart man colonel. I learn alot from u. Mostly I learn of things from u THA TI NEVER WANT TO DO. Just sayin:crazy:
03-06-2014, 07:42 PM
Leave it loaded............................................ ....
03-06-2014, 08:30 PM
Thanks guys. I'm going to keep it loaded.
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03-06-2014, 08:58 PM
yes on staying loaded all the time. When I put it to bed I dont take it out of the holster. 2 reasons. One is I know if it is inside the holster it is loaded and second is for a safety reason as it keeps trigger covered.
03-06-2014, 09:19 PM
My daily carry becomes my back-up to my HD gun. So it goes in the nightstand right with the other....loaded. Everything in the safe is unloaded, mags out, but actions closed. And I agree with Bawanna. Having a routine is safer. As long as that routine still assumes every gun is loaded. Be safe.
03-07-2014, 12:09 AM
I keep mine loaded unless they need cleaning and I don't get to them right away. Most of mine are pre-positioned for home defense about the house, though I usually have my P380 on all of the time at home.
If I have to unload one to check something or take a picture for guys here sometimes, I vary the bullets from the magazine and chamber. I don't want to keep chambering the same bullet and causing setback.
One thing I do with loaded guns is keep them in a holster so the trigger is covered. I never touch the trigger unless I'm ready to shoot something... but there's always that Murphy fellow trying to cause grief. I have plenty of holsters and the Uncle Mike types... the soft ones... are really good for that... plus you can drag the pistol out with one hand and leave the holster behind. I have two or three holsters for most pistols and all but my P380 will fit in one of my Crossbreed Minitucks... 9mm, .40, and .45.
My wife knows my guns are loaded and I've stressed that they're loaded to guests. We don't have children around... or any idiots... well, not much company at all.
I ask my wife every once in a while if it bothers her when I leave pistols lying about temporarily, as on the bar, or the freezer, or the dining table, but she says no.
03-07-2014, 05:30 AM
I actually struggled a bit with this issue a while back. Where I work I can't carry, so I leave my weapon in a little gun vault locked up in whatever vehicle I'm driving. I had gotten into the habit of unloading the firearm every time I put it in the vault but I noticed that the rounds that I was ejecting were getting a little chewed up around the rim. I also checked a few for setback and it was noticeable - especially with the 380. Now I leave the gun loaded all the time and I have since fired off any of the potentially setback rounds on my last few range trips.
Also, as has been mentioned in this thread, the loading and unloading, over and over, is just increasing the chances for trouble.
03-07-2014, 05:45 AM
I leave my cw9 loaded in my crossbreed holster. I always set my clothes out the night before like a good boy, gun is with my clothes. I never unload my carry gun. Currently it is just the wife and I so leaving loaded firearms around isn't a problem. Once the little one comes around I'll lock them up loaded.
03-07-2014, 05:46 AM
So I've started to pocket carry my CM9 with a round chambered. When I return home I unload the gun. I understand that there are some issues with repeatedly chambering the same round. Can you guys elaborate on that and tell me how you deal with it (assuming you unload the gun at the end of the day). How many times are you willing to chamber the same round?
Why do you unload the gun when you come home? You didn't mention if you keep a separate loaded gun in your home for home defense. If not, I'm puzzled by why you are prepared to defend yourself with a loaded pistol when you're outside your home, but not when you're inside your home. After all, 100 percent of home invasions happen at home.
03-07-2014, 06:09 AM
In pistols the only danger from bullet set back is a failure to feed. There has never been a documented case of a gun having a catastrophic failure due to bullet set back. Virtually every catastrophic failure of a handgun has been due to a bore obstruction or powder overcharge. Like Jocko, it's just me and Mrs. Muggsy at home and my carry gun remains loaded at all times, but not because I'm afraid of bullet set back. If you have bullets that are noticeably set back use them for practice at the range and refresh your magazine. In the words of Alfred E. Newman, "What, me worry?"
03-07-2014, 07:05 AM
sharpenit - yes, I have a different firearm for home defense so that when I leave the house with my carry gun I haven't left my wife defenseless.
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03-07-2014, 07:28 AM
I used to unload too, because I have a 4 yo, wife who seemed a bit anxious, and did not have a safe. After chambering a round for a week, I would put that round into a range box and get a fresh one. It was a PITA. Now I always keep CM9, PM45 and M&P9c in a bedside safe. They are all loaded, because they are the guns that I carry and the M&P9c has a 17rd mag in it for home defense. All other guns are in a safe in my closet with mags out and slides closed. The mags are loaded, but nothing is in those chambers. I agree that routine is key, and I may change to keeping the slides open on the less used guns. Get a small safe and keep your carry gun in it loaded if you are worried about someone handling it. I also have a CM9 in my office upstairs in a safe, because I work from home.
04-06-2014, 06:18 AM
I agree with the folks that say to pick a method and stick to it. Training and adequate response are centered around routine. After 20 years of serving the nation, I can tell you that is a hard fact.
Personally, because none of my guns have an external safety (CM9 and Glock 30SF being my go-to pieces), I always keep them in Condition 3 in the house (no round chambered) unless they are in some kind of holster. This prevents a negligent discharge. Do what these other guys are saying and just look at your top round for wear or malformation.
I've put a couple hundred rounds through my CM9 and it's a helluva nice little pistol. Enjoy!
Carry guns stay loaded and on my person until bed time..
They are stored(loaded)close by and ready when I wake.
For cleaning/ejected rounds I put a dot on the head stamp with a sharpie.
When I have 4 dots.. those rounds go to the bottom of the mag.
When I have a mag full of 4 dots....shoot and replace.
04-06-2014, 08:24 AM
The biggest danger from bullet set back in an auto loader is a failure to feed. Other than that it isn't a problem. Any bullet that is noticeably set back in the case should be used as range fodder. I'm not an advocate of storing loaded firearms. Only my carry gun stays loaded all of the time. I don't consider a gun in an overnight stay in a night stand to be a stored gun. Bullet set back causing a catastrophic failure of a handgun is a myth.
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