View Full Version : Have a few issues with my mk9 any opinions??

03-08-2014, 01:04 PM
Hello all new forum member here!

Started noticing an issue with my mk9 serial begins with gaxxxx. I noticed the trigger started getting really stiff on reset the last 1/8th inch or so of travel. Gun still shoots and operates properly. But anyways I stripped the gun down and noticed the frame had a fresh gouge in it right below and behind the trigger bar. Checked the trigger bar lower surface and did not feel any sharp burs on it. And when the trigger does reset to the point in which you can pull trigger agian it can be pushed foreward anothe 1/4 inch before it come fully foreward. And when racking the slide after trigger resets the slide feels like it's in a bind for the first inch of travel.

The gun is kept very clean, well oiled in all points recommended. And still will fire and lock back on last round. Issue is preset with or with out magazine, dosent matter if dry firing or live fire.

I'm stumped all springs are in place striker channel is clean.

Any suggestions or has anyone else come across a similar issue?? Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Will post pics and a link to a vid this evening

And plan on contacting kahr cs Monday but wanted to hear some opinions.

Thanks all !

Edited do to spelling


03-08-2014, 01:48 PM
I'm not familiar with the older mk9 but the newer ones GC# have a curly spring that helps keep the trigger bar (as well as tightly fastened grip panel) from slipping out of the cam assembly. Take the right grip off and see how everything looks. You can pull the trigger while putting slight pressure on the part of the trigger bar that goes into the cam assembly. If it is hanging out there is resistance. It must be in all the way.

03-09-2014, 07:45 AM
I'm not familiar with the older mk9 but the newer ones GC# have a curly spring that helps keep the trigger bar (as well as tightly fastened grip panel) from slipping out of the cam assembly. Take the right grip off and see how everything looks. You can pull the trigger while putting slight pressure on the part of the trigger bar that goes into the cam assembly. If it is hanging out there is resistance. It must be in all the way.

Thanks kerby i double checked placement of all springs and everything seems to be I place(compared to my cm9 that is). I'm thinking a spring overhaul is needed (trigger spring, trigger bar spring ect) thanks again kerby!


03-09-2014, 08:19 AM
All my Kahrs are extremely stiff in the first bit of slide travel when charging a round. But metal shouldn't gouge, I'd contact Kahr about it.

03-16-2014, 04:50 PM
We'll update time. I figured with the gun being on the older side of the model line I would replace the springs in the gun. And after parts arrived and I installed new recoil spring and guide rod and trigger bar spring and trigger spring problem solved. Dry fired several times everything felt great and normal. And took it out and ran 50 rounds with frequent inspections between magazines and everything looks and functions as it should. Thanks all for the advice and opinions.


03-16-2014, 05:56 PM
How did you get the trigger pivot pin out & back in to install the trigger return spring?