View Full Version : DUI Controlled Substance and Concealed Carry Georgia
03-09-2014, 04:10 PM
So after I get out of rehab will I be restricted from a concealed carry permit? Also is it likely the judge will view the police report on my arrest when he or she is deciding whether or not to allow my permit?
Longitude Zero
03-09-2014, 04:17 PM
You really need to contact a local attorney. If you have any felony convictions, even if they had a deferred sentence then yes that will bar you in almost every state. Also drug charges are generally a bar even those that are misdemeanors.
Judges have the power and responsibility to consider all factors.
03-09-2014, 07:52 PM
Crap... That really sucks. I don't think DUI-drugs is considered a drug charge though. Yeah I am definitely going to need a lawyer because the idiot police officer found drainO, a piece of tubing, and some other junk in my giant trash can of a car and wrote that I had a meth lab... What an idiot! I can barely boil water... The prosecutor read the whole police report to the judge and he turned red/purple and stammered he was so mad. I even had spilled coffee creamer in my center console and they were all huddled around trying to test it for meth... I was so mad I almost flipped out on them but I didn't want to be beaten with a night stick by all 15 of them...
Anyway I was guilty because I had smoked pot a little earlier but I plead guilty before the drug test came back and did not state that I used any drug while in the court room. That being so I think a lawyer might be able to work some magic since the police report is slap ass full of speculation and they didn't gather any proof outside of me pleading guilty to the arbitrary charge of DUI-drugs.
Anyway thanks for the response man.
03-09-2014, 08:34 PM
What LZ said, lawyer up. You might want to grow up before you start to carry also.
FYI there are many LEO's here, just something to keep in mind.
03-09-2014, 08:41 PM
Alcohol is so very much more dangerous than marijuana... I'm sure many here drink alcohol on a regular basis. Maybe you should think about that before you tell me to grow up jack.
I didn't call all police officers idiots. I do however stand by my statement that these officers, all 15 or so of them, were drunk with power and acted like idiots. They broke everything in my car except my hummingbird guitar only because I screamed at them to be careful with it. Cops in my area don't respect the rights of citizens. If one were to exercise their right to carry a weapon exposed on a Sunday morning walk they would undoubtably be arrested. These guys wanted me to be a meth cook and did everything they possibly could to make it reality. It goes hand in hand with the direction this country is heading in.
03-09-2014, 08:43 PM
He's just trying to wind us up, right?
03-09-2014, 09:03 PM
He's just trying to wind us up, right?
Wind you up? What exactly wound you up in my posts??
03-09-2014, 10:36 PM
On the Form you fill out to purchase a gun, it asks is you use Marijuana, or other drugs, and will keep you from being allowed to purchase one if you answer truthfully, and if they catch you lying on one, you are in big trouble.
I think the prohibition on marijuana is kind of stupid too. It does seem to cause less problems than alcohol. If you watch COPS, it's usually the drunks causing the problems. While the pot smokers are inside minding their own business. Some states allow medical use, a couple allow recreational use, so I don't see it as any big thing. I know a couple of people that used it during chemotherapy to help with the side effects and it didn't seem to hurt them or fry their brain or anything.
I would like to see the law changed to allow farmers to grow hemp, but that is too closely related to marijuana, so it's illegal. That is kind of a shame, because hemp has so many uses.
I think you'll find little sympathy for your plight here. Most of the members are conservative law abiding people that don't take drugs recreationally. And we certainly don't condone driving while impaired, no matter what you are on.
Pot is a divisive issue, where some folks think it's a gateway drug, that leads to stronger poisons and think of it as the devil's weed, while others don't give a hoot.
I'm one that doesn't really care, it's your body, abuse it as you wish. I've read about people using it to successfully fight cancer (taking a capsule of an oil made out of the plant, not smoking it), and it does seem to have some medicinal value for some issues.
I'm very interested in alternative cures for cancer, that's how I discovered the cases of people using the oil for a cure. Since there is so much money in cancer the big pharmaceutical companies will never produce a cure for it, they are more into looking for ways to prolong your life so that they can continue to sell you their outrageously expensive Chemo drugs. They are not going to kill a goose that is laying golden eggs for them. In fact I've found some instances where they have swept promising drugs under the carpet, rather than produce them. Sorry to get off topic.
Showing a little respect and common courtesy for the long time members, instead of telling them to "think about that....... Jack" won't hurt either.
Just a suggestion if you want to get along with people.
Your initial post did come across as a bit juvenile, that may have been why he said "you might want to grow up", not because of smoking pot. I don't know, maybe he equates smoking pot with being young and foolish. You'd have to ask him.
Alcohol is so very much more dangerous than marijuana... .
Spoken like a true stoner. Thanks for the ten bucks! I had money on that being said!!!
03-10-2014, 07:13 AM
True. If you manage to get thru this well enough to get a ccp again some day it would to be time to decide if your done with anything drinking and drug related. Done. I was enough of a screw up when young . Missed out on any arrest and found out there is a point in life you simply grow have up and learn to stop all the crap in your life that well restrict what you can do and how you can live your life.
03-10-2014, 07:23 AM
Wind you up? What exactly wound you up in my posts??
Wow man....that is awesome :yo:
03-10-2014, 09:10 AM
Okay... I just went through hell on earth because some LEO's had a boring day. I WASNT impaired and now have a terrible blemish on my permanent record that will follow me to the grave.
Whether you think getting high is juvenile or not is beside the point. I simply asked if DUI-drugs will keep me from obtaining my right to conceal. Sure, maybe I should've kept my ranting to myself but like I said, I just went through hell.
I am a conservative Christian by the way and I am 26 mind you! Drugs have been a sorrowful part of my life since I was very young but I am not violent. I haven't ever even been in a fight. NOT ONE FIGHT EVER! Who here, passing judgement on me, can say that? I realize the danger associated with impairment and carrying a firearm. I wonder who will fire inappropriately first, the guy who is almost asleep he has smoked so much marijuana or the guy who had a couple drinks with dinner.
I find the attitude here to be very off putting and I am sure you feel the same of me. However I would not pass judgment on you for the darkness in your lives and consider you to be "juvenile" on account of it when many are, MORE "mature" than I am, but STILL dealing with darkness that makes smoking marijuana seem like attending a church service. Life is a lesson in humility.
Anyway what a train wreck of a thread here...
03-10-2014, 09:18 AM
Spoken like a true stoner. Thanks for the ten bucks! I had money on that being said!!!
I am actually not a "stoner" but my father did just die a horrible death from cirrhosis of the liver caused by drinking alcohol... If it must be said, I am a binge drug user. I stay clean for long periods of time but every couple years I succumb to my desire to get high for a few days. Once satisfied I continue living a normal wholesome life.
Longitude Zero
03-10-2014, 09:27 AM
Even if marijuana is decriminalized or flat out legalized in a state I know for almost 100% certainty the marijuana/drug question will NEVER be removed from the 4473. I have no sympathy with a DUI regardless of what impaired the driver. I have lost way too many friends to drunk drivers.
03-10-2014, 09:31 AM
Leave the firearms at home.............................................. ............
03-10-2014, 09:54 AM
It's something I nag my wife about all of the time, a clean car. I have a friend who lived in Vegas. He always gave me crap about having a super clean car. I always told him that there was a reason for it. He said what, ocd? I said, maybe someday you'll get it. Well, he gets pulled over one day, and they find one marijuana seed in his carpet. In Vegas, ANY part of the plant, and it's a felony. He found out one reason why I like a clean car.
03-10-2014, 10:24 AM
I don't see a happy ending for this thread and I'm just not into any discussion of the pros and cons of marijuana, drugs in general or misuse of alcohol neither.
Just because my state legalized the sh!t doesn't make it right.
I think both sides had a say here so lets send this one for a ride into the sunset.
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