View Full Version : I am the living man

03-11-2014, 01:14 PM


03-11-2014, 03:52 PM
Kind of on the same topic, Natural God given rights and things;
John Quade an actor who often played the villain in Clint Eastwood movies, (The Comanchero leader in Josie Wales, and the head biker in Every Which Way But Loose). Explains the Common Law and how to live under it. He proves to be a pretty intelligent man, that happened to have a face that was perfect for portraying villains.
These videos have John explaining the Common Law, and how to be a free man. He has no drivers license, no tag on his vehicle. To do this, you have to be ready to do without any form of government assistance, including Social Security. So most of us wouldn't have the means to do this, but it is interesting.
I couldn't get by without my Social Security. Whereas he has the means to do without such things. Not sure if he pays income taxes or not.
The videos are broken into 10 minute segments, so it's easy to watch a clip then take a break and resume where you left off.


03-11-2014, 07:09 PM
Thanks for that. I am looking forward to having a snack and checking them out.

03-11-2014, 09:41 PM
Thanks knkali...although it's kinda sad to see them put cuffs on him. When will we return to a state of logic, compassion and reason?