View Full Version : Memorial Day

05-29-2010, 02:57 PM
I'd like to remember in particular:
Pat Ward
Ralph Mears
James Owens
John Harlan Sweet
And also those on both sides lost at LZ Oasis 5/9/69

List some of your lost friends.

05-29-2010, 03:21 PM
Roger That.
I share your sentiments xaircav.

YouTube - Memorial Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tdAX04YI3I)
Semper Fi,


05-29-2010, 04:47 PM
As do I, though I know a lot of the old guard that has passed. GB, did you do time in my beloved Corps?

05-29-2010, 05:19 PM
GB, did you do time in my beloved Corps?
Yes, a little over 30 yrs. active duty; I've been on the Regular Retired List (MGySgt.) for close to 10 yrs.

05-29-2010, 06:28 PM
Yes, a little over 30 yrs. active duty; I've been on the Regular Retired List (MGySgt.) for close to 10 yrs.

May we now refer to you as "Gunny". I withdraw that question, as a non military man even though I tried to enlist in all services except the Coast Guard that title should be bestowed by fellow military MEN. In my enlightend years following high school I attempted to join the Navy on the buddy system, wouldn't take me due to color blindness, hearing loss and probably poor attitude. During the hearing test we were put in a closed tank about a dozen guys, and apparently this other dirt bag looking dude was playing games. Big tough examiner didn't like it much and apparently mistook me for him, (truth be told I was scared to death of the whole process)and physically drug me out and commenced pummeling me which of course didn't set well with me so I pummeled back. I think it was a draw but of course I ended up in the commanders office in my skivvies. He told me of course I didn't qualify and if I had I would have went straight to the brig for court martial. I told him I'm not even in yet and you'd court martial me. He said that's how it was but I wasn't in and no charges pending. As it was he was a nice guy, thanked me for knocking the examiner off his pedastal a bit and sent me on my way. Told me to try the army. I went to the Marines which is where I wanted to go in the first place since my dad was a Marine, anyhow long story short nobody took me. I still harass the recruiters at the fair here every year, tell em I'm ready to go, found out they got sidewalks and paved streets over in the sand box and I'm ready to be there. They still just laugh at me. Anyhow, wish I could have been in there with ya, I really do. Thanks for your time serving our country.

05-29-2010, 07:26 PM
Thanks, guys, for your service for us and our country. Thanks to all who served and are still serving in OUR Armed Forces.
I started a new thread about the origin of taps... after I got through blubbering. I didn't want to detract from this thread.

05-30-2010, 09:43 AM
I put up my AMERICAN Flag this morning... and I'm wearing Red, White, and Blue... or close enough to it.
Thanks again for your service to our country. WE've managed to keep it free for a long time now, and it seems our toughest fight is ahead of us. I hope we continue to prevail and have freedom as our forefathers intended. Our country is in peril like never before... from within. Too many don't know what freedom really is or how precious it is. Too many would sell it in a heartbeat for some promise of "security". Many have done so already.

Our new leadership is now infiltrated with people who envision another Amerika taking its rightful place with the rest of the resentful and envious nations in the world who want to take what we have and reduce us to the lowest among them.
We are too rich and too arrogant, they say, ignoring the good we've done in the world for over 233 years as champions of freedom and seeking to better the lives of people all over the world, usually with not thanks, but envy and hatred as our reward for our compassionate generosity.
These new "leaders" think themselves elite and that they know best what we need, but first they must take from us what we have and seize or destroy the existing society and economic system so they can rebuild it into the great Socialist/Marxist paradise that no one else has been able to achieve so far... in history. We have even had a few of those here who disdained the constitutional limitations on their RULE -- presidents Wilson and FDR... despicable, would-be despots with their own ideas of how this country should be ruled... aided by their "offices of propaganda", "nudging" public opinion -- even the NAZ! chief propagandist Goebbels used their tactics and kept their books on his desk. Wilson didn't get to finish his goals and we were lucky that FDR died before he could complete his plans. These elites always know that THEY have the answers and can best rule over us as subjects after they have disarmed us and seized all that we have, making us dependent on their enlightened "leadership".

I hope that we can prevent this from happening, but already nearly half of the people in this country are dependent on the government for everything... And THEY CAN VOTE for more of the same!

Complacency or splitting our votes between squabbling factions will be our doom as the ruling party, lead by the radical Progressive Party, "Democrats" and Republicans alike, will prevail and transform our once great nation into another oppressed socialist country run by an elite(in their own eyes) tyrannical oligarchy.

I certainly hope not, but a lot of people need to get their collective heads out of those dark places and start trying to help make a difference instead of becoming sheeple dependent on the "generosity" of those who've seized or destroyed everything our predecessors fought and died for... our freedom and prosperity.

I don't mean to put a pall on the memory of those who fought and gave their lives that we would have the freedoms we have today, but I do not want those sacrifices to be in vain. We must remember our past... the real history, not the one painted by revisionists, and prevent our country from being tumbled into the snake pit of third-world countries squabbling over dwindling resources after our "shining beacon" of freedom is extinguished... to the collective doom of all.
May our magnificent flag AND the fitting National Anthem always prevail. Our National Anthem might be a bit tough to sing properly, but it is full of pride and inspiration, showing our determination to defend our freedom and that we're PROUD of our history and the positive difference we have made in the world. WE owe no apologies for our actions, though we have placed in our highest offices those who disdain our history and apologize even to our greatest enemies and bow before their tyrants.

Remember those who sacrificed their lives and worldly goods that we might have this freedom and do what you can to see that this heritage is not lost to the apologists who want to reduce our country's great stature and its citizens to subjects... subject to the whims of those "elitists" who would RULE over us.


05-30-2010, 11:37 AM
I just had a brainstorm but it's as usual probably too late to implement this year but maybe we can talk it up earlier next year for Memorial day. I was thinking of reinacting "The shot heard round the world". Set up a specific minute to be predetermined and every member and friend we can get lined up be someplace where you can fire a shot at that specific time. Kind of our own kahrtalk Memorial Day salute! I suspect for some members this might be difficult especially on Memorial Day proper since I imagine many ranges are closed. Also many families travel with family for the long weekend so perhaps a time prior to Memorial day would work out better.
Just tossing the idea out, kick it around, have your people get back to my people and we'll see if it'll work.
For you folk in the capital area try to refrain from aiming towards the white house, tempting as it may be. For you foks down south, if a drug courier, bonus points will be awarded.

05-30-2010, 11:59 AM
Wynn, that is exactly why my Brother (we are not of blood) and I went to fight as Marines. We know that this country needs help as well. Bawanna, that rank would be Master Gunnery Sergeant, or Master Guns for short. In fact I can't even call GB Devil Dog, as he out ranks me (Corporal). Thanks Wynn, GB(Master Guns), and all else who have, had and will serve.

05-30-2010, 12:15 PM
Wynn, that is exactly why my Brother (we are not of blood) and I went to fight as Marines. We know that this country needs help as well. Bawanna, that rank would be Master Gunnery Sergeant, or Master Guns for short. In fact I can't even call GB Devil Dog, as he out ranks me (Corporal). Thanks Wynn, GB(Master Guns), and all else who have, had and will serve.

Isn't the slank in house military name for Master Gunnery Sergeant "gunny". Carlos Hathcock was a Master Gunnery Sgt and he's nearly always referred to as Gunny or Gunny Hathcock?
Thanks to all of you just the same. Your efforts are again no unnoticed nor taken lightly or unappreciated.

05-30-2010, 12:23 PM
No. There is Gunnery Sergeant which is referred to as Gunny (E-7), and Master Gunnery Sergeant (E-9) which is referred to Master Guns. Gunny Hathcock is called respective to his rank of Gunnery Sergeant, which he held toward the end of his Vietnam time. He went on to form sniper schools for both the FBI, several police agencies, and of course the Marine Corps' Scout Sniper School. He retired as a Gunnery Sergeant, again a different rank. Carlos Hathcock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Hathcock) The cool thing about being a Master Gunnery Sergeant, is that you keep your MOS and do not become a staff type like a First Sergeant, or Sergeant Major. In the Corps, when it is time to surpass Gunnery Sergeant (E-7), then you can get another MOS, and fill a staff billet, or you can keep your MOS, and become a Master Sergeant, then to Master Gunnery Sergeant. I'll fill you in on more of that later if you like.

05-30-2010, 12:26 PM
I have the greatest respect for the Marines. They are our Corps of Special Forces and every chance I got, I helped them out. As a newly promoted, 21-year-old Staff Sergeant, my second TDY I was at Danang AB the day before The Tet Offensive... the first one January '68, as Project NCO for our detachment there... in other words, a glorified gofer and driver of our flight crew bus. Our ops center and the Marine encampment were on the other side of the runway(West) and every time I saw Marines, I stopped and gave them a ride. The USO, snackbar "Slop Chute" outdoor drinking area with a jukebox and picnic tables was right next to our tent city on the SE side of the base. Those guys were there for R&R! I enjoyed those action-packed days so much, that after my 35 days, I sent my married replacement back home to Okinawa and stayed for another "tour".
The Marines had an ice plant at their encampment and we did a little trade with them... great guys, all. Some of my fondest memories are from the TDYs to Danang and Cam Ranh AB.