View Full Version : Congratulations, Turbo Bucket Mouth!

05-29-2010, 08:02 PM
Congratulations Bawanna'. You finally did it!

You trampled right over Jocko's back while he had stopped to tie his shoe lace, or something of that nature. Now maybe he'll come back and visit with us.
Dang, I keep forgetting... you don't trample... just ran him down... ba dump... ba dump.:80::eek:

Well, Turbo', whatcha got to say... something about thanking the little people who greased your wheels as you drove to the top of the heap?

LOL. It wouldn't be as much fun here without you. Keep up the good work.

Your Bud',


What's next? :popcorn:

05-29-2010, 08:35 PM
Ditto. Congratulations. Quite an accomplishment. We've all profited by your posts.

So what's up with Jocko stopping at 1,999? Did he take a fall because of the silly scenting thread or what?

Either way, two great posters. Thanks to all!

05-29-2010, 08:42 PM
Congrats Bawanna, your scent is all over this site....but it smells a little like an old shoe. But then again they're the most comfortable. Keep up the good posts.

05-29-2010, 08:54 PM
I think Jocko is lurking on the sidelines laughing his backside off cause he don't care about these post counts. I think the rivalry created by a bunch around here caused him to bait me. Run right up to 1999 and then kind of in your face Bawanna.
I really never intended to ever come close to catching him and honestly I really didn't pay much attention. Granted I thought for about 4 seconds a couple weeks ago that it would be nice to be the first to 2000, never been first at much of anything so it did sound a bit tempting but only for about 4 seconds. I failed miserably at trying to just lay back and wait for the King (jocko) to gain some distance, as I did similary to Wynn who I must have hit harder with the chair than I thought. I think he was down and out cold for a bit. I don't suspect I'll stay in front for long, and it truely don't matter. I guess working on my PM45 today kind of made me want to talk to you guys.

05-29-2010, 09:03 PM
You know a victory cyber kiss from Ms Zena and Ms MX5fan my Kahrtalk fiance's would sure be nice. I know they are busy and haven't been around for awhile. I surely miss them and all the recent new folks around here are truly missing out because of it.

05-29-2010, 09:10 PM
Hmmm what's it mean when the top 3 posters hold 22% of the total posts on the board? Hey I'm in 54th place!

Reminds me of the 2 man foot race between a Russian and an American. The American won and when the media interviewed the Russian, he said "I came in second place which is pretty good, but the American came in next to last!"

05-29-2010, 09:45 PM
Hmmm what's it mean when the top 3 posters hold 22% of the total posts on the board? Hey I'm in 54th place!

Reminds me of the 2 man foot race between a Russian and an American. The American won and when the media interviewed the Russian, he said "I came in second place which is pretty good, but the American came in next to last!"

Look at the bright side your 6 ahead of the 60 the place guy and we're all glad your here. Don't get much better than that. Math always did give me a headache, hope I did that right!

mr surveyor
05-29-2010, 11:51 PM
funny thing is, well over half of the registered users here have a ZERO post count, and a very high number of those with a post count have less than 4.

05-30-2010, 12:13 AM
funny thing is, well over half of the registered users here have a ZERO post count, and a very high number of those with a post count have less than 4.

Sounds very boring to me. Wish they would all join in and make their presence known. I hate to see things get stagnant around here and stirring the pot seems to be the best way to keep things happening.
I believe you are right though, an awful lot have joined but not said a peep.

05-30-2010, 05:56 AM
Sounds very boring to me. Wish they would all join in and make their presence known. I hate to see things get stagnant around here and stirring the pot seems to be the best way to keep things happening.
I believe you are right though, an awful lot have joined but not said a peep.
I don't think we are in any danger of growing stagnant with the new king at the helm, you have a knack for stirring things up.
Hail the king :cheer2:.
Also, I agree with you. Why join a forum and not make your presence known with contributions, Doesn't seem to make any sense.

05-30-2010, 08:17 AM
I noticed that large number of non-participating members, too... several times when I was looking for the loquacious ones. After sorting high to low, it doesn't take long to get to those, starting from the highest. Not everyone wants to yack, or maybe he/she has a regular life. I'm retired and Bawanna' has a job and wife and other interests... And manages to "stay in touch" here... emphasis on the "stay'. :D
I've been trying to cut back... doing other stuff, not trying to read EVERY post, or help everyone first.
I don't have any close -- proximity or in familiarity -- friends here that I can talk to about guns... or anything else, really... certainly not Wifey. There are a lot of things I should be doing or have done, but those aren't fun, and I've been putting most of those off for years... before becoming a member here and going nuts over guns again.
I feed like I do have friends here... many kindred spirits and it's fun sharing knowledge and experiences. I hope this forum stays friendly and fun, not restricted and boring.
I joined some membership thing at a store of some kind a few weeks ago. When I got though reading all of the do's and don't, I almost said f* it! What's the point?
Everywhere you go these days, every site wants you to establish an ID, password, and email address that "works"... then they might want a survey. It's a PITA trying to keep up with all of those things. Quite often I just back out and go away, but sometimes I want to see the darn picture with a post and you have to join to have privileges THAT HIGH! What a PITA!
I just want to get along and share with my buds and newbies here. Hopefully, we can all have fun and learn something.

I put up my flag today... the AMERICAN Flag, and I've been thinking about all the Americans past and present -- AND many who weren't citizens -- who've served and maybe given EVERYTHING they had to keep this country great and free. It will be a real trial for our country with the present LEADERship's disdain for what has made us the greatest nation and champion of freedom in the whole world and history. They won't be happy until we're miserable and poor and they are in charge of the "World Government"... they the elite who will take care all of our "needs", as they see fit.
Any future they envision doesn't include their subjects being armed and able to defend themselves. I hope that enough Americans will pull their heads out of the sand , or any other dark place they may have their heads, and stop this "transformation" before it overtakes us and it becomes impossible to reverse.
Pardon the getting off topic here, but this is the "General Discussion" area and we still have some form of "free speech" for now. I'm not charging you or having to pay for this, so I guess it's FREE.

05-30-2010, 11:01 AM
I don't think we are in any danger of growing stagnant with the new king at the helm, you a knack for stirring things up.
Hail the king :cheer2:.
Also, I agree with you. Why join a forum and not make your presence known with contributions, Doesn't seem to make any sense.

I think the best at stirring stagnant things up around here is Mr.Dietrich. I think we should check with King Jocko (he's still the King) and appoint Dietrich either Queen, or perhaps better "The Grand Wizard". Not sure where that falls in the food chain of places that have Kings and such but I'm sure it's above the court Jester which if perfectly fine and dandy with yours truely.

05-30-2010, 12:30 PM
All hail Turbo Bucket Mouth. Congrats, though I doubt I hold a candle to the ramblings that come through here. Wynn, I gotta agree with you on this one too, all points.

06-01-2010, 10:37 AM
Boring around here today. Doesn't somebody have something broken, or something to brag about? I'm getting way to much work accomplished with nothing going on here. I better try to think up an inspiring subject to start a new thread. Where's Deitrich when we need him.

06-01-2010, 11:10 AM
I'm just a couple of minutes away from leaving for the range. Van's loaded and I'm getting dressed & armed. Wifey's shopping and she checked for .45 acp ammo for me at a Wally World and I'm going to try another one of those. I'm still looking for those good deals.
I'll post on my P380 mods in a few ~3 hours or so.

06-01-2010, 11:24 AM

Boring around here today. Doesn't somebody have something broken, or something to brag about?



06-01-2010, 11:55 AM
Good stuff there, I still need to get with you about that project.

06-01-2010, 12:53 PM
Quit egging him on, he's half way to 3000 already!