View Full Version : New PM9 - First Range Day

03-18-2014, 05:05 PM
I got my new PM9 a couple days back. I prepped it as per the manual and liberally lubed it. This is going to be my main summer ccw pistol so I didn't want to mess with range ammo. I gathered up all the remnants and odd boxes of JHPs I had. I put well over 300 rounds through it without a single issue. I can't believe the little thing just kept on going. I even shot some one-handed with no problems. These are the rounds I fired:

Speer 125 grain Gold Dot +P
Speer 115 Gold Dot
Remington 115 grain 9BP
Remington 147 Golden Saber
Remington 124 Golden Saber +P
Hornady 147 HST
Hornady 124 HST +P

I was a police officer for 32 years and a soldier before that. I've got over 50 years of experience in shooting sports and duty training. I own dozens of Smith & Wessons, Colts, Glocks, Browning HPs, H&K USPs, Rugers and a Kel-Tec P32 (great little pistol). I have to say I am impressed by the PM9. I am not sure where all the negative chatter comes from, perhaps people with cheap ammo, limp-wristing, or just too lazy to prep properly, but this little baby is 100% reliable and I am carrying it.

03-18-2014, 05:09 PM
Welcome.....................most problems are naturally going to show up here. Also most bologna......;)

03-18-2014, 06:04 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk!

When I was looking for a small CCW pistol in a serious caliber, I did a lot of research and ended up buying a Kahr PM9. I own four of them now, and a couple of others would be nice additions.

If you're thinking that you might ever expand your Kahr lineup, definitely give some thought to the all-metal models. My K9 Elite is the smoothest shooter I have (carrying it right now). Anyway, welcome and thanks for the great range report. I think we have several members from Ohio. Muggsy is in the Cleveland area, I think.

03-18-2014, 06:14 PM
Congratulations. My CM9 has been flawless as well. I do think that some people have legitimate problems with their Kahrs - broken followers, mangled polymer, etc.

03-18-2014, 06:56 PM
I am not sure where all the negative chatter comes from, perhaps people with cheap ammo, limp-wristing, or just too lazy to prep properly, but this little baby is 100% reliable and I am carrying it.

It didn't take very long for you to figure it out, Sir. Many (not all) of the problems posted here are self-induced.

03-18-2014, 11:45 PM
Purchased a PM9 December 2013 650 rounds thru her, 1 FTF, not gonna blame that on the firearm. This baby is flawless! So happy with purchase I went and acquired a brand new MK40 last month. 80 rounds thru it, NO probs thus far. I've been out of the country for 2 weeks with 2 more to go. I'm missing the Kahr's ALMOST as much as the wife and kid, almost I said! New to hand guns in general, been a life long rifle guy. Did a ton of research before deciding on a handgun, I'm extremely pleased with my two. Go KAHR all the way!

03-18-2014, 11:47 PM
Purchased a PM9 December 2013 650 rounds thru her, 1 FTF, not gonna blame that on the firearm. This baby is flawless! So happy with purchase I went and acquired a brand new MK40 last month. 80 rounds thru it, NO probs thus far. I've been out of the country for 2 weeks with 2 more to go. I'm missing the Kahr's ALMOST as much as the wife and kid, almost I said! New to hand guns in general, been a life long rifle guy. Did a ton of research before deciding on a handgun, I'm extremely pleased with my two. Go KAHR all the way!

There's something about the outside of a horse that's good for the inside of a man! Sir Winston Churchill

03-18-2014, 11:49 PM
Oops Newbie move.

03-19-2014, 01:16 AM
One day at the range I got a chance to fire a CM9... after firing close to 200rds out of my CW45. Sweet and easy to shoot.