View Full Version : Side Panel Dangerous for Left Handers?

03-21-2014, 09:46 AM
Since I'm left handed a good portion of my lower thumb covers this panel.. AcCording to Kahr this panel will "pop" open in the event of a cartridge malfunction. little danger for a right hander, that panel is clear, but not for a left hander... Thoughts?
From Kahr website:

Q. Why does the panel on the side of the grip of my Kahr polymer pistol sometimes "pop open"?

A. When a firearm is discharged, there is equal pressure on both sides of the ammunition, and the cartridge will seek the path of least resistance, which is forward. However, if the rim of the cartridge is cracked, the primer pinched, or any similar damage, pressure builds up and the path of least resistance is backwards causing the grip mount to pop. It is provided as a safety mechanism to prevent bodily injury.

03-21-2014, 09:58 AM
That's BS. It's there for assembly and access to the parts in that area. I've had a couple of case ruptures and once the right panel popped off on my P9. This was due to defective cases and a repeated problem. I destroyed that remaining ammo after blowing the extractor out on my K9 which has no "blowout" panel.

Because it's polymer and the screw is anchored in polymer, it can be blown off with overpressure events, but the panel wasn't put there as a "safety valve."


03-21-2014, 03:24 PM
I agree with Wyntrout. It's there for access, not pressure relief.

I am not convinced, however, that a lefty would be at greater risk than a right-handed shooter. Any over-pressure event that causes that panel to blow off can be injurious to the shooter--right or left handed.

03-21-2014, 04:07 PM
From MY experience, if there's a "safety valve", it's the extractor. Using the re-manufactured ammo that I had a case rupture with, after two incidences... one each with my PM9(lost extractor) and then my P9(lost extractor and blew out side panel) with the same headstamped brass, I figured that I could shoot the remaining 5 rounds of that particular ammo from my K9... all-steel and no side panel. I blew the extractor out on that one, too. I only found one out of three... the P9, I believe.

With my 9mm Kahrs, the extractors blew out. I don't use or have any re-manufactured ammo, though I use the AAA ammo stuff at the range sometimes. I haven't had any problems with that and the company "makes precision ammo".

If you have any problems firing your pistols, check for the extractor and make sure there's no barrel obstructions before resuming firing. If you notice your extractor's gone, save the extractor pin, screw, and rear pin. Those things will have to be replaced, too, if you let them fall out... or continue shooting with "blowback extraction"... not reliable with the locked barrel action.


03-22-2014, 07:24 AM
Sorry to disagree fellas, but the cover serves both purposes. A left handed shoot has nothing to fear as the panel will push the thumb out of harms way. It may get a little singed and bruised, but no permanent damage should be incurred. You guys worry about the damnedest things. Shoot it like you stole it. If I worried about things like that I'd have a flinch worse than Jocko's. One shot group my ash. :)

03-22-2014, 10:21 AM
Since I'm left handed a good portion of my lower thumb covers this panel.. AcCording to Kahr this panel will "pop" open in the event of a cartridge malfunction. little danger for a right hander, that panel is clear, but not for a left hander... Thoughts?
From Kahr website:

Q. Why does the panel on the side of the grip of my Kahr polymer pistol sometimes "pop open"?

A. When a firearm is discharged, there is equal pressure on both sides of the ammunition, and the cartridge will seek the path of least resistance, which is forward. However, if the rim of the cartridge is cracked, the primer pinched, or any similar damage, pressure builds up and the path of least resistance is backwards causing the grip mount to pop. It is provided as a safety mechanism to prevent bodily injury.

WORRYNG about sumpin tha tis not gonna happen and if it does, u do not need two thumbs.

I'm la lefty and have over 32K round sthrughg my pMJ9 and that panel will not come off unless uf have a major round malfuncion. It is there though to get to the internals of the gun and not built as a safety valve such as the vales on pressure cookers, but it will if need blow out with a major round malfunction and there fore can be a safety issue if that heppens. One thumb is more than enough. Just sayin
Shoot the fokker like u stole it.:Amflag2:

03-22-2014, 10:24 AM
It will disrupt your hitchhiking.............just sayin....................

03-22-2014, 02:47 PM
WORRYNG about sumpin tha tis not gonna happen and if it does, u do not need two thumbs.

I'm la lefty and have over 32K round sthrughg my pMJ9 and that panel will not come off unless uf have a major round malfuncion. It is there though to get to the internals of the gun and not built as a safety valve such as the vales on pressure cookers, but it will if need blow out with a major round malfunction and there fore can be a safety issue if that heppens. One thumb is more than enough. Just sayin
Shoot the fokker like u stole it.:Amflag2:

I think that Jocko could get by with just one finger and I think you know which finger I mean. :)