View Full Version : Cheap .45ACP range ammo heads-up:

05-30-2010, 08:14 PM
I received an e-mail from Natchez 10 minutes ago letting me know they have .45ACP Blazer back in stock for $17.99. :cheer2:
I know a lot of people don't like aluminum Blazer but I've shot 5 or 6 cases of it, both 9mm and .45ACP, down thru the years and I haven't had a bit of trouble with it.
It's much cleaner than UMC......
Great stuff for people, like me, who are too lazy to pick up brass. :biggrin1:

DT Guy
05-30-2010, 08:33 PM
The Wally World around here (Illinoize) has Federal .45 for $16, FWIW.


05-30-2010, 08:48 PM
I always check the Wally Worlds around here, but they rarely have .45. *sigh*

05-30-2010, 09:45 PM
Same here AF. I'll check Natchez in a bit.

05-31-2010, 01:00 AM
.45 defense ammo here:
All 45 acp Ammunition (http://www.prestostore.com/cgi-bin/store.pl?ref=hotpig27&ct=65202&recview=1)
Bonded Remington Golden Sabers and Win. Ranger Talons 230-gr and 230-gr +P.

05-31-2010, 09:50 AM
Ammo Direct reloaded brass, 230 gr FMJ box of 50 - $18.73 (http://www.ammodirect.com/default.aspx?tabid=19)

Note that the brass cases are worth at least $2.50 per box, since companies like Atlanta Arms offer $.05 apiece for clean, sorted brass in trade. Surely, some reloaders would pay that much and more locally. So, there can be some advantage in collecting brass, even if not a reloader. You need a sorter and a tumbler. Aluminum cases though have no value I know of.

05-31-2010, 03:39 PM
The Wally World around here (Illinoize) has Federal .45 for $16, FWIW.Larry

If the Wally Worlds around here had it for that price I'd be all over it.
The local ones don't even know what 9mm or .45ACP ammo is. :rolleyes:

05-31-2010, 05:22 PM
I've always had very good luck with the aluminum blazer myself. My first 200 break in rounds thru my PM45 were aluminum blazer, since I didn't want to try reloads until I knew factory was running. Even as a reloader I'll occasionally get it when I'm behind on the press and the deal is right. I've even had to order it recently for department range use 10,000 rounds (thats a lot of very pretty brass I don't get to see) for lack of being able to get anything with a brass case which hurts me too, since alot of that once fired dept brass finds it's way thru my reloading press prior to being traded in for new ammo and stuff.
If the deal is there you gotta go for it. I've not checked our local Wally Worlds yet but I intend to hearing all the talk around here.

05-31-2010, 06:27 PM
Wally Worlds are getting much better around here (Miami) for ammo, lots of 9mm (my cartridge of choice) lots of 40's, some 38's and recently some 45's. The only one I never see is 380's not that I need them but one of m friends is always looking for them, one more reason not to own a 380 I guess.

06-03-2010, 10:33 PM
The Brown truck driver struggled up to my door this afternoon with about 43 lbs. of 45ACP ball.
I'm ready to :59: now. :D

06-03-2010, 10:36 PM
The Brown truck driver struggled up to my door this afternoon with about 43 lbs. of 45ACP ball.
I'm ready to :59: now. :D

Good for you snuffy, let r buck. Save a box till the Brown truck rolls by next time so your never dry.

06-03-2010, 10:44 PM
I've another full case of Blazer that hasn't been opened yet. I try to never run dry. ;)
I'm not really a hoarder, I just figured when I did run out it wasn't gonna be $17.99 a box.

06-04-2010, 02:23 AM
Since I tried that Atlanta Arms remanufactured .45 ACP 230-gr TCJ and it shot well, I'm going to be using that a lot. It's $17 a box at the range. I'll just hold on to my new factory ammo. I think the 9mm was $13 and the .380, if they had any, was $20 a box.
Wally World had Winchester White Box 124-gr 9mm NATO FMJ for $12.47, which is probably like +P. I may get a box of that just to try. I use 124-gr +P for SD ammo -- the Double Tap GDs and Speer GDs Short Barrel to follow that.

06-22-2010, 04:46 PM
Untitled Document (http://www.expressguns.com/expressguns/email_blasts/158INEMB/email_blast_158INEMB.asp)

I just got this in an email flyer. Free shipping, open to the public. Wish I had some cash, I'd get 10 or 12 cases, maybe 15 or 20.

06-22-2010, 05:58 PM
Not the greatest prices ~ $23 a box for the .45 which you can get for about $17+tax at Wally World when you buy the WW100 box of 100 for $33--$34... when they have it of course. I saw UMC .45 for $18.97 a box there this afternoon... too high for me.

06-24-2010, 09:11 PM
for my new P45. 100 of them went down the pipe without a hiccup! Accurate and showed the velocity to be 900+ fps. I'm gonna use them for carry rounds for now.

$32.97 for the box of 100. I've got about 600 rounds now and will pick them up at that price when ever I see them.

06-24-2010, 09:46 PM
Yeah, I sell them for $9.99 a box (when I'm out of stock).

06-26-2010, 08:45 AM
Yeah, I sell them for $9.99 a box (when I'm out of stock).
Yeah, that was the price the last year you had any.:o I don't shop for price much anymore. I have a short list of sellers who have what they say they have and don't waste my time and mental energy wading through pages of stuff they haven't had forever and might never have again. Show what's in stock damm!t.

I am also pretty much through with the WalMart cat and mouse game. I prefer to find a competitive price and order 20 boxes at a time, delivered to my door or negotiated at the local gunshop. Last time, I got $2/box off for buying 20 and without shipping beat most mail order deals at the time, assuming anyone even had any at favorable prices. I figure anything under $20/box is a go. At least you found some and in enough quantity to settle the question.

06-26-2010, 02:44 PM
Wally World or Cabalas for me...

06-27-2010, 06:27 AM
Wally World or Cabalas for me...
When was the last time Cabela's had .45 ACP at a price you liked? This is only about .45.

06-27-2010, 10:02 PM
I just looked at my ammo orders from them and the only stuff I got was while they had the $20 of an order of $100 or more back around January. I did 4 of those deals on stuff that was on sale as well. Deals like that can make their prices competitive, but usually they are too high for me. I watch for deals like that... or free shipping on $150 or more... I've seen that, too.