View Full Version : 3rd times a charm P380!

03-21-2014, 06:40 PM
Here we go, I bought a new P380 a couple months back that was a complete nightmare from day one. A friend wanted to buy it from me and in the intrest of full disclosure I sold it to him, but not before he knew everything that was wrong with it. He still wanted it so off it went. I tried another one, a black slide with night sight. It came to me with a huge gouge on the frame. Kahr offered to replace it but the shop took it back and gave me another one. I'll be honest, I was very apprehensive and was seriously considering just selling it and buying a Sig P238 for my 380 days. Well, I decided to keep it because I really love this gun, I just wanted one that worked. I took it to the range today and shot 200 flawless rounds of mixed ammo. To include a couple of very hot loads, this little beast chewed them up and spit them out. The only issue I had was with Ficachi ammo, I had 3 boxes and the P380 would not feed them. They are a little flat on the nose so I guess that was the problem. Given how expensive 380 ammo is I'm kind of pissed of about wasting the money but I'll know better for next time. I hope it keeps going smoothly because the first one ran great for the first 100 rounds then it was all down hill. But I have a good feeling about this one. I am a very happy owner as of now. I can wait to run 200 more rounds though it so I can carry it. Before firing a single round I cleaned, lubed and racked the slide about a 1000 times. It was good to go!! This is my 5th Kahr and I'm very happy with this gun so far.

03-21-2014, 07:04 PM
Sounds like you landed a good one. My P380 is one of my favorite guns. I affectionately call it "the little bastard" or my "constant companion". Where I go it goes without fail.

03-21-2014, 09:10 PM
I hope to one day have the same relationship with mine. Although it's gonna have to show me alot more in order to replace my LCP as my BUG! I do love being able to shoot my perfected round out of it though. In 380 it the liberty 50 grain +P, low recoil and packs a huge punch !!

03-22-2014, 01:49 PM
Mine has been flowless with any ammo

03-28-2014, 07:18 PM
My P380 is a single shot. One round/malfunction, one round/malfunction. $570.. for a gun i have to pay $40.00 to send back to Kahr! I call my it my Kahr J380, J for "junk."