View Full Version : CA gun control advocate arrested on trafficking charges

03-27-2014, 07:46 AM
Found on another forum, but how great is this?




03-27-2014, 08:22 AM
Any bets on how long it will take Ovomit's Holder to get him free of any charges. After all he is one of Feinstein's buddies. A fine upstanding radical left wing commie.

03-27-2014, 08:26 AM
Don't do as I do, do as I say.

Pulpit Pistol
03-27-2014, 08:32 AM
Don't do as I do, do as I say.

He's just another liberal hypocrite.

03-27-2014, 08:43 AM
I saw this in the news this morning and came here to post it. Yet another case of a politician thinking they are better than the people they are supposed to be serving, yet serving only themselves.

03-27-2014, 09:54 AM
You guys don't realize how big this is. This jackhole(I am trying to be civil) is responsible for so much anti gun crap in this state that it is unbelievable that it all led to this.
He is responsible for microstamping technology adopted in Kalif that is driving gun manufacturers from selling to us out of this state, and the famous "bullet button" that makes it so we have to use a tool to remove the 10 rnd mags on our semi auto rifles. No longer can we just hit the mag release. This guy was responsible for having Kalifonians pulled over at the state line when coming home from the Nevada gun show just over the state line and arresting them for buying things against Kalif laws that he legislated. Yes, this guy is the embodiment of antigunner in Kalif and seeing this is just WOW.

The system worked! Goodbye you evil man. Now lets hope that the DOJ list of approved handguns will fall , microstamping regs will go away as well as pending legislation on ammo control. This is a big day people. I am going to the range in celebration!

Pulpit Pistol
03-27-2014, 10:12 AM
You guys don't realize how big this is. This jackhole(I am trying to be civil) is responsible for so much anti gun crap in this state that it is unbelievable that it all led to this.
He is responsible for microstamping technology adopted in Kalif that is driving gun manufacturers from selling to us out of this state, and the famous "bullet button" that makes it so we have to use a tool to remove the 10 rnd mags on our semi auto rifles. No longer can we just hit the mag release. This guy was responsible for having Kalifonians pulled over at the state line when coming home from the Nevada gun show just over the state line and arresting them for buying things against Kalif laws that he legislated. Yes, this guy is the embodiment of antigunner in Kalif and seeing this is just WOW.

The system worked! Goodbye you evil man. Now lets hope that the DOJ list of approved handguns will fall , microstamping regs will go away as well as pending legislation on ammo control. This is a big day people. I am going to the range in celebration!

Set up a target with his picture on it.

03-27-2014, 10:12 AM
Letter to Senator Frankenstein: ( I got this from another gun board--I did not pen this)

Dear Senator Feinstein,
As I am sure you are aware now, California State Senator Leland Yee was arrested by the FBI for alleged wire fraud, conspiracy to sell firearms without a license, and conspiracy to import illegal firearms. I am sure you are very concerned and dismayed with these charges since Yee has been an ally of yours in your gun control efforts. I've read the complaint and it is incredible that the deals that Yee apparently was trying to setup in return for campaign contributions include fully automatic M16 rifles, RPG and other shoulder fired rockets, and that through his intermediaries the deal was between the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which of course is a terrorist organization. Personally I am shocked by the zealous nature in which public officials have drafted legislation targeting law-abiding citizens with respect to their 2nd Amendment protections, when in their midst there is one of the most zealous of these public officials conspiring with a terrorist organization on the importation of military grade weaponry.

This latter revelation to me is particularly troubling and I am asking you in your office, and as a member on the borders subcommittee and crime and terrorism subcommittee to investigate these apparent terrorist ties. A question that no one in the media have asked is what deals have already been made?

03-27-2014, 12:04 PM
That reminds me of the pot dealers that vote against legalizing marijuana. About all the pot dealers vote against it, so they don't lose money. Maybe he was trying to protect his business from competition.

Longitude Zero
03-27-2014, 12:49 PM
That reminds me of the pot dealers that vote against legalizing marijuana. About all the pot dealers vote against it, so they don't lose money. Maybe he was trying to protect his business from competition.

In a TV report many favored decriminalizing pot but felt that legalization would destroy their niche economy. Turns out they were right. As to Yee it is just another liberal with the do as I say not as I do attitude.

03-27-2014, 02:21 PM
I keep telling the liberals that socialist aren't benevolent, but rather that they are pure evil. Now maybe some of them will believe me. People like Yee are not misguided, but well meaning individuals. They are evil incarnate.

03-27-2014, 03:05 PM
That reminds me of the pot dealers that vote against legalizing marijuana. About all the pot dealers vote against it, so they don't lose money. Maybe he was trying to protect his business from competition.

I remember when I was a kid living in Knox county, Tennessee, the county was dry. Every year or so there was a referendum to allow alcohol sales, and the preachers and the bootleggers were the main opponents.

Bill K
03-27-2014, 04:29 PM
I wonder what this will do to the careers, if anything, of all the federal employees involved in the investigation and bust? Will there be retribution from the administration or am I just being too cynical?

03-27-2014, 06:48 PM
Like knkali said, this is really good to see. He did cause a lot of damage to California which gives other states (bad) ideas to follow.

It's good to see him get caught and to be shown what true hypocrites liberals and gun control advocates are.

03-27-2014, 07:36 PM
I wonder what this will do to the careers, if anything, of all the federal employees involved in the investigation and bust? Will there be retribution from the administration or am I just being too cynical?

Eric Holder might be a bit ticked off that his supplier of assault weapons got caught Red-handed.

Pulpit Pistol
03-27-2014, 08:53 PM
I keep telling the liberals that socialist aren't benevolent, but rather that they are pure evil. Now maybe some of them will believe me. People like Yee are not misguided, but well meaning individuals. They are evil incarnate.


03-28-2014, 08:33 PM
The NRA is already on this dirtbag:


03-29-2014, 05:34 AM
I remember when I was a kid living in Knox county, Tennessee, the county was dry. Every year or so there was a referendum to allow alcohol sales, and the preachers and the bootleggers were the main opponents.

As I said in the past many times, give me one good reason to take a drink or smoke a joint and I'll have one with you. I've yet to have anyone give me one good reason.

03-29-2014, 06:32 AM
Hope this Traitor get's chow mined, up the ***.