View Full Version : New PM9 - issues, mechanicals, FTEs, FTFs???

03-28-2014, 11:10 PM
I have a fine handgun as my one and only CCW weapon (HK P2000 9mm) but I wanted a smaller weapon for summer carry, hiking, etc. So after some research and hand holding different handguns I chose the KAHR PM9 Black Diamond with night sights. I must say it is a cool looking gun!

I reside in Californy so I had to wait 10 days to have time to "cool off" before the gun is released to me. So while the gun was "in jail". I kept reading more stuff and watching YouTube vids about my new PM9.

Before I got the gun I didn't really notice much negative stuff about the PM9 but as I spent more time reading I saw all kinds of things about guys having problems with the gun. I read about FTE and FTF, about slide problems, follower problems and on and on. I started to get a bit freaked out. Then I found the stickies on prepping and lubing.

I picked up my gun finally and I followed them (stickies) to a "t" including racking the slide 500 times (yikes that hurt:eek:). But I was determined to make sure I did everything possible before I began breaking it in. Paranoid? Maybe:confused:

It was time to head to the range. Would I experience some kind of mechanical? Would the gun have an issue that required me to send it back to Kahr? Yeah I was kind of anxious, even a bit worried.

Well here's what happened: my first 6 round mag was full of 124gr NATO rounds and the first round I fired ... Was FLAWLESS as we're the next 5 YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!:amflag: As were the next 130 rounds I shot. Not one problem at all. The PM9 performed perfectly. I am certain that I am not going to experience any problems with the PM9 going forward either.

It is an awesome gun and I am stoked to have it.

Was it because of all the prepping I did, running NATO rounds during break in, or was it because "I SHOT IT LIKE I STOLE IT":D I don't know but this gun is gunna be with me a long time.

I still need to run more rounds through to complete the breaking in. But shot not only NATO FMJ, but 115gr FMJ and a few 115gr JHP already all flawlessly.

Shooting such a small gun was different at first. I couldn't hit the target like I wanted at first but I noticed by the end if the session I was already starting to get comfortable and shooting better (of course my goal was to break in my gun not be a marksman. I can work on that later).

Recoil is suprisingly small on a gun this size. All in all a great gun.

Happy shooting!

03-29-2014, 12:18 AM
Very glad to hear it and nice post, you managed to build some suspense there. ;-)

My PM9 has been flawless and all I could ever ask for, hope the same for yours.

03-29-2014, 02:58 AM
Was it because of all the prepping I did, running NATO rounds during break in, or was it because "I SHOT IT LIKE I STOLE IT":D !

Yes! :)

03-29-2014, 05:20 AM
Good to hear.

03-29-2014, 05:31 AM
With all of that worrying, I thought your gun might suffer from performance anxiety. Glad to hear that you found the cure in the PM9. IMNTBHO, you made the right choice. Shooting it like you stole it after a proper prep is the only way to go.

03-29-2014, 10:18 AM
Welcome aboard, anchor man. I enjoyed reading your review.

03-29-2014, 11:51 AM
Great report. Welcome!

04-12-2014, 02:39 PM
Great review, I too thought it was going to go south based on how you built the suspense. As far as why it didn't fail, in my opinion has little to do with the prepping and more to do with your technique (I.e. How you hold it and such). I shot about 200 flawless rounds from my PM40 straight from the gun store to the range, with no prepping except checking to make sure there wasn't anything in the barrel. The only time I ever had issues was when I ordered an extra mag from eBay. I started having FTFs. I contacted kahr and sent it back and they sent me a brand new one with no issues since. Enjoy your PM9. I just picked up a K9 and the MK9 is probably going to be my next purchase.

Sent from Southern California using an iPad

04-12-2014, 05:25 PM
the PM9 seems to be the best (most reliable out of the box) of the Kahr poly guns....

04-24-2014, 04:56 PM
Very glad to hear it and nice post, you managed to build some suspense there. ;-)

My PM9 has been flawless and all I could ever ask for, hope the same for yours.

Thanks, WMac19! I thought it'd be fun to write my range report with the sense of mystery to it to "spice" things up.

And yes even after the other day's range trip where I put another box of ammo through it, the PM9 was flawless.;)

Yes! :)

YES!!!:o b4uqzme that says it all!!!

Good to hear.

Hey Pointblank,

I'm Still convinced - awesome gun:D

With all of that worrying, I thought your gun might suffer from performance anxiety. Glad to hear that you found the cure in the PM9. IMNTBHO, you made the right choice. Shooting it like you stole it after a proper prep is the only way to go.

My dear Muggsy,

You are correct!!! Plus it's more fun to "SHOOT IT LIKE I STOLE IT" (by the way, is there any other way to shoot? "Just sayin'").

Welcome aboard, anchor man. I enjoyed reading your review.

Thanks RRP much appreciated!

Great report. Welcome!

it was fun writing it but to be honest I'd rather be shooting' - the PM9 if you know what I mean:eek:

Great review, I too thought it was going to go south based on how you built the suspense. As far as why it didn't fail, in my opinion has little to do with the prepping and more to do with your technique (I.e. How you hold it and such). I shot about 200 flawless rounds from my PM40 straight from the gun store to the range, with no prepping except checking to make sure there wasn't anything in the barrel. The only time I ever had issues was when I ordered an extra mag from eBay. I started having FTFs. I contacted kahr and sent it back and they sent me a brand new one with no issues since. Enjoy your PM9. I just picked up a K9 and the MK9 is probably going to be my next purchase.

Sent from Southern California using an iPad

Hi ya Rm7pr

I kind felt a little ornery when I wrote the report and I also wanted to get people to wonder "what the heck?" when they saw the title. Glad your PM40 experience was awesome too!

the PM9 seems to be the best (most reliable out of the box) of the Kahr poly guns....

I say I have to agree with your statement as that's been my experience with every gun I've owned too (wait I've only owned two so far. Does my agreement count?:)

04-24-2014, 06:09 PM
Now don't try to shoot to many at a time and that little kahr may run thousands of rounds trouble free just a 100 or so at a time. Great write up . Starting with those heavier hotter rounds is a great way to start off and softens them up a little for all the other 115gr plinker ammo.

04-24-2014, 06:30 PM
Well done. I'm an emotional wreck, don't know weather to get my crying towel or shout my joy from the roof tops. I plumb tuckered out but happy once I reached the dramatic conclusion.

04-25-2014, 07:06 PM
i too took the time to clean, lube, and rack the slide 500 times. i also kept the slide locked backed for two days. not one problem. the pm 9 i have can hit a playing card consistently at 25 yards. perfect carry gun.

so what do you think? pm 9 with 8 rounds of 9mm or pm 45 with six rounds of 45?

04-25-2014, 08:20 PM
Well written, Enjoy your new toy, Stay safe.

04-25-2014, 08:56 PM
i too took the time to clean, lube, and rack the slide 500 times. i also kept the slide locked backed for two days. not one problem. the pm 9 i have can hit a playing card consistently at 25 yards. perfect carry gun.

so what do you think? pm 9 with 8 rounds of 9mm or pm 45 with six rounds of 45?

04-25-2014, 09:56 PM
I say I have to agree with your statement as that's been my experience with every gun I've owned too (wait I've only owned two so far. Does my agreement count?:)

Yes. :). But just barely. :rolleyes:

04-26-2014, 03:19 PM

04-26-2014, 08:10 PM
I followed all the break in procedures with my PM9 when I got it almost 2 yrs ago and have about 1500 rounds through it and have had only a few mis-feed issues and it's always been with the 7rd mag, never with the 6 round and I always carry it with the 6rd.

04-27-2014, 11:42 PM
Now don't try to shoot to many at a time and that little kahr may run thousands of rounds trouble free just a 100 or so at a time. Great write up . Starting with those heavier hotter rounds is a great way to start off and softens them up a little for all the other 115gr plinker ammo.


Yes shooting less really is more!!! Fingers kind of get tuckered out after loading so many 6 round mags anyway:eek:

Well done. I'm an emotional wreck, don't know weather to get my crying towel or shout my joy from the roof tops. I plumb tuckered out but happy once I reached the dramatic conclusion.

Bravo Mr. B

I can tell you are a real connoisseur (is that the word? ...hmmmm) of range reports!!!!:D

i too took the time to clean, lube, and rack the slide 500 times. i also kept the slide locked backed for two days. not one problem. the pm 9 i have can hit a playing card consistently at 25 yards. perfect carry gun.

so what do you think? pm 9 with 8 rounds of 9mm or pm 45 with six rounds of 45?


Glad you had a flawless breaking in - Yaaaaa!

It's awesome that you can hit a playing card at 25 yards with your PM but I'm wondering how your PM and arm is holding up after throwing it that far. Maybe you should just shoot the card with the PM instead. :roll:;)

Well written, Enjoy your new toy, Stay safe.

Thanks, lefty sixty

Yes. :). But just barely. :rolleyes:

Hi b4uqzme,

I appreciate the credit!!!:eek:

I followed all the break in procedures with my PM9 when I got it almost 2 yrs ago and have about 1500 rounds through it and have had only a few mis-feed issues and it's always been with the 7rd mag, never with the 6 round and I always carry it with the 6rd.


That sounds like a great gun experience to me (I am nmot going to utilize the 7 rd mag myself cuz I need it to have the smaller foot print).